

Euclidean Plane #

This file defines the Euclidean Plane as an affine space, which admits an action of the standard inner product real vector space of dimension two.

Important definitions #

Notation #

Implementation Notes #

For simplicity, we use the standard inner product real vector space of dimension two as the underlying SeminormedAddCommGroup of the NormedAddTorsor in the definition of EuclideanPlane.

Thus we define EuclideanPlane P as NormedAddTorsor (ℝ × ℝ) P and present instances involving EuclideanPlane.

Further Works #

The current definition is far from being general enough. Roughly speaking, it suffices to define the Euclidean Plane to be a NormedAddTorsor over any 2 dimensional normed real inner product spaces V with a choice of an orientation on V, rather than over the special ℝ × ℝ. All further generalizations in this file should be done together with Vector.lean.

      Instances For
        theorem EuclidGeom.pt_eq_pt_of_eq_smul_smul {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {O : P} {A : P} {B : P} {v : EuclidGeom.Vec} {tA : } {tB : } (h : tA = tB) (ha : EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt O A = tA v) (hb : EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt O B = tB v) :
        A = B
        def EuclidGeom.VecND.mkPtPt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (A : P) (B : P) (h : B A) :
        Instances For
          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For

            Delaborator for VecND.mkPtPt

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              theorem EuclidGeom.VecND.coe_mkPtPt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (A : P) (B : P) [_h : Fact (B A)] :
              (VEC_nd A B) = EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt A B
              theorem EuclidGeom.VecND.neg_vecND {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (A : P) (B : P) [_h : Fact (B A)] :
              -VEC_nd A B = VEC_nd B A (_ : A B)