Linear maps involving submodules of a module #
In this file we define a number of linear maps involving submodules of a module.
Main declarations #
: Embedding of a submodulep
to the ambient spaceM
as aSubmodule
: The restriction of a semilinear mapf : M → M₂
to a submodulep ⊆ M
as a semilinear mapp → M₂
: The restriction of a linear mapf : M → M₁
to a submodulep ⊆ M
andq ⊆ M₁
contains the codomain).Submodule.inclusion
: the inclusionp ⊆ p'
of submodulesp
as a linear map.
Tags #
submodule, subspace, linear map
The natural R
-linear map from a submodule of an R
-module M
to M
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Instances For
Embedding of a submodule p
to the ambient space M
Instances For
Note the AddSubmonoid
version of this lemma is called AddSubmonoid.coe_finset_sum
The action by a submodule is the action by the underlying module.
Turning p : Submodule R M
into an S
-submodule gives the same module structure
as turning it into a type and adding a module structure.
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Instances For
The restriction of a linear map f : M → M₂
to a submodule p ⊆ M
gives a linear map
p → M₂
Instances For
A linear map f : M₂ → M
whose values lie in a submodule p ⊆ M
can be restricted to a
linear map M₂ → p.
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Instances For
Restrict domain and codomain of a linear map.
- LinearMap.restrict f hf = LinearMap.codRestrict q (LinearMap.domRestrict f p) (_ : ∀ (x : ↥p), (LinearMap.domRestrict f p) x ∈ q)
Instances For
- LinearMap.uniqueOfRight = Function.Injective.unique (_ : Function.Injective FunLike.coe)
Evaluation of a σ₁₂
-linear map at a fixed a
, as an AddMonoidHom
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Instances For
promoted to an AddMonoidHom
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Instances For
- (_ : Nontrivial (Module.End R M)) = (_ : Nontrivial (Module.End R M))
Alternative version of domRestrict
as a linear map.
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Instances For
If two submodules p
and p'
satisfy p ⊆ p'
, then inclusion p p'
is the linear map version
of this inclusion.
- Submodule.inclusion h = LinearMap.codRestrict p' (Submodule.subtype p) (_ : ∀ (x : ↥p), (Submodule.subtype p) x ∈ p')