Star monoids, rings, and modules #
We introduce the basic algebraic notions of star monoids, star rings, and star modules. A star algebra is simply a star ring that is also a star module.
These are implemented as "mixin" typeclasses, so to summon a star ring (for example)
one needs to write (R : Type*) [Ring R] [StarRing R]
This avoids difficulties with diamond inheritance.
For now we simply do not introduce notations,
as different users are expected to feel strongly about the relative merits of
, r†
, rᘁ
, and so on.
Our star rings are actually star non-unital, non-associative, semirings, but of course we can prove
star_neg : star (-r) = - star r
when the underlying semiring is a ring.
- StarMemClass.instStar s = { star := fun (r : ↥s) => { val := star ↑r, property := (_ : star ↑r ∈ s) } }
Typeclass for a star operation with is involutive.
- star : R → R
- star_involutive : Function.Involutive star
Involutive condition.
as an equivalence when it is involutive.
- = Function.Involutive.toPerm star (_ : Function.Involutive star)
Instances For
Alias of the reverse direction of semiconjBy_star_star_star
Alias of the reverse direction of commute_star_star
Any commutative monoid admits the trivial *
See note [reducible non-instances].
- starMulOfComm = (_ : ∀ (a b : R), a * b = b * a)
Instances For
Note that since starMulOfComm
is reducible, simp
can already prove this.
A *
-additive monoid R
is an additive monoid with an involutive star
operation which
preserves addition.
- star : R → R
- star_involutive : Function.Involutive star
commutes with addition
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A *
-ring R
is a non-unital, non-associative (semi)ring with an involutive star
which is additive which makes R
with its multiplicative structure into a *
(i.e. star (r * s) = star s * star r
- star : R → R
- star_involutive : Function.Involutive star
commutes with addition
as a ring automorphism, for commutative R
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
as a ring endomorphism, for commutative R
. This is used to denote complex
conjugation, and is available under the notation conj
in the locale ComplexConjugate
Note that this is the preferred form (over starRingAut
, available under the same hypotheses)
because the notation E →ₗ⋆[R] F
for an R
-conjugate-linear map (short for
E →ₛₗ[starRingEnd R] F
) does not pretty-print if there is a coercion involved, as would be the
case for (↑starRingAut : R →* R)
- starRingEnd R = ↑starRingAut
Instances For
as a ring endomorphism, for commutative R
. This is used to denote complex
conjugation, and is available under the notation conj
in the locale ComplexConjugate
Note that this is the preferred form (over starRingAut
, available under the same hypotheses)
because the notation E →ₗ⋆[R] F
for an R
-conjugate-linear map (short for
E →ₛₗ[starRingEnd R] F
) does not pretty-print if there is a coercion involved, as would be the
case for (↑starRingAut : R →* R)
- ComplexConjugate.termConj = Lean.ParserDescr.node `ComplexConjugate.termConj 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "conj")
Instances For
This is not a simp lemma, since we usually want simp to keep starRingEnd
For example, for complex conjugation, we don't want simp to turn conj x
into the bare function star x
automatically since most lemmas are about conj x
Alias of starRingEnd_self_apply
Alias of starRingEnd_self_apply
Any commutative semiring admits the trivial *
See note [reducible non-instances].
Instances For
A star module A
over a star ring R
is a module which is a star add monoid,
and the two star structures are compatible in the sense
star (r • a) = star r • star a
Note that it is up to the user of this typeclass to enforce
[Semiring R] [StarRing R] [AddCommMonoid A] [StarAddMonoid A] [Module R A]
, and that
the statement only requires [Star R] [Star A] [SMul R A]
If used as [CommRing R] [StarRing R] [Semiring A] [StarRing A] [Algebra R A]
, this represents a
star algebra.
commutes with scalar multiplication
A commutative star monoid is a star module over itself via Monoid.toMulAction
- (_ : StarModule R R) = (_ : StarModule R R)
- (_ : StarModule ℕ α) = (_ : StarModule ℕ α)
Instance needed to define star-linear maps over a commutative star ring (ex: conjugate-linear maps when R = ℂ).
- (_ : RingHomInvPair (starRingEnd R) (starRingEnd R)) = (_ : RingHomInvPair (starRingEnd R) (starRingEnd R))
StarHomClass F R S
states that F
is a type of star
-preserving maps from R
to S
- coe : F → R → S
- coe_injective' : Function.Injective FunLike.coe
the maps preserve star
Instances #
- (_ : StarModule Rˣ A) = (_ : StarModule Rˣ A)
The opposite type carries the same star operation.
- MulOpposite.instStarMulOpposite = { star := fun (r : Rᵐᵒᵖ) => MulOpposite.op (star (MulOpposite.unop r)) }
A commutative star monoid is a star module over its opposite via
- (_ : StarModule Rᵐᵒᵖ R) = (_ : StarModule Rᵐᵒᵖ R)