Theory of univariate polynomials #
We show that A[X]
is an R-algebra when A
is an R-algebra.
We promote eval₂
to an algebra hom in aeval
Note that this instance also provides Algebra R R[X]
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When we have [CommSemiring R]
, the function C
is the same as algebraMap R R[X]
(But note that C
is defined when R
is not necessarily commutative, in which case
is not available.)
as an AlgHom
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Instances For
Extensionality lemma for algebra maps out of A'[X]
over a smaller base ring than A'
Algebra isomorphism between R[X]
and R[ℕ]
. This is just an
implementation detail, but it can be useful to transfer results from Finsupp
to polynomials.
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Instances For
- (_ : Nontrivial (Subalgebra R (Polynomial A))) = (_ : Nontrivial (Subalgebra R (Polynomial A)))
as an AlgHom
for noncommutative algebras.
This is Polynomial.eval₂RingHom'
for AlgHom
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Instances For
Given a valuation x
of the variable in an R
-algebra A
, aeval R A x
the unique R
-algebra homomorphism from R[X]
to A
sending X
to x
This is a stronger variant of the linear map Polynomial.leval
- Polynomial.aeval x = Polynomial.eval₂AlgHom' (Algebra.ofId R A) x (_ : ∀ (x_1 : R), (algebraMap R A) x_1 * x = x * (algebraMap R A) x_1)
Instances For
Two polynomials p
and q
such that p(q(X))=X
and q(p(X))=X
induces an automorphism of the polynomial algebra.
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Instances For
The automorphism of the polynomial algebra given by p(X) ↦ p(X+t)
with inverse p(X) ↦ p(X-t)
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Instances For
Version of aeval
for defining algebra homs out of R[X]
over a smaller base ring
than R
- Polynomial.aevalTower f x = Polynomial.eval₂AlgHom' f x (_ : ∀ (x_1 : R), Commute (f x_1) x)
Instances For
The evaluation map is not generally multiplicative when the coefficient ring is noncommutative,
but nevertheless any polynomial of the form p * (X - monomial 0 r)
is sent to zero
when evaluated at r
This is the key step in our proof of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem.