Sets #
This file sets up the theory of sets whose elements have a given type.
Main definitions #
Given a type X
and a predicate p : X → Prop
Set X
: the type of sets whose elements have typeX
{a : X | p a} : Set X
: the set of all elements ofX
{a | p a} : Set X
: a more concise notation for{a : X | p a}
{f x y | (x : X) (y : Y)} : Set Z
: a more concise notation for{z : Z | ∃ x y, f x y = z}
{a ∈ S | p a} : Set X
: givenS : Set X
, the subset ofS
consisting of its elements satisfyingp
Implementation issues #
As in Lean 3, Set X := X → Prop
I didn't call this file Data.Set.Basic because it contains core Lean 3
stuff which happens before mathlib3's data.set.basic .
This file is a port of the core Lean 3 file lib/lean/library/init/data/set.lean
- Set.instMembershipSet = { mem := Set.Mem }
- Set.Subset s₁ s₂ = ∀ ⦃a : α⦄, a ∈ s₁ → a ∈ s₂
Instances For
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Instances For
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Instances For
{ f x y | (x : X) (y : Y) }
is notation for the set of elements f x y
constructed from the
binders x
and y
, equivalent to {z : Z | ∃ x y, f x y = z}
If f x y
is a single identifier, it must be parenthesized to avoid ambiguity with {x | p x}
for instance, {(x) | (x : Nat) (y : Nat) (_hxy : x = y^2)}
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Instances For
{ pat : X | p }
is notation for pattern matching in set-builder notation, wherepat
is a pattern that is matched by all objects of typeX
is a proposition that can refer to variables in the pattern. It is the set of all objects of typeX
which, when matched with the patternpat
, makep
come out true.{ pat | p }
is the same, but in the case when the typeX
can be inferred.
For example, { (m, n) : ℕ × ℕ | m * n = 12 }
denotes the set of all ordered pairs of
natural numbers whose product is 12.
Note that if the type ascription is left out and p
can be interpreted as an extended binder,
then the extended binder interpretation will be used. For example, { n + 1 | n < 3 }
be interpreted as { x : Nat | ∃ n < 3, n + 1 = x }
rather than using pattern matching.
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Instances For
{ pat : X | p }
is notation for pattern matching in set-builder notation, wherepat
is a pattern that is matched by all objects of typeX
is a proposition that can refer to variables in the pattern. It is the set of all objects of typeX
which, when matched with the patternpat
, makep
come out true.{ pat | p }
is the same, but in the case when the typeX
can be inferred.
For example, { (m, n) : ℕ × ℕ | m * n = 12 }
denotes the set of all ordered pairs of
natural numbers whose product is 12.
Note that if the type ascription is left out and p
can be interpreted as an extended binder,
then the extended binder interpretation will be used. For example, { n + 1 | n < 3 }
be interpreted as { x : Nat | ∃ n < 3, n + 1 = x }
rather than using pattern matching.
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Instances For
Pretty printing for set-builder notation with pattern matching.
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Instances For
- Set.insert a s = {b : α | b = a ∨ b ∈ s}
Instances For
- Set.singleton a = {b : α | b = a}
Instances For
- Set.term𝒫_ = Lean.ParserDescr.node `Set.term𝒫_ 100 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "𝒫") ( `term 100))
Instances For
- Set.instFunctorSet = { map := @Set.image, mapConst := fun {α β : Type u_1} => Set.image ∘ Function.const β }
The property s.Nonempty
expresses the fact that the set s
is not empty. It should be used
in theorem assumptions instead of ∃ x, x ∈ s
or s ≠ ∅
as it gives access to a nice API thanks
to the dot notation.
- Set.Nonempty s = ∃ (x : α), x ∈ s