

Angle Conversions #

Recall in Euclidean Geometry, the measure of angle is subtle. The measure of an angle can be treated as a number in ℝ⧸2π, (- π, π], [0, 2π), ℝ⧸π, or even [0, π] (after taking abs). Each of them has their own suitable applications.

In this file, we define suitable coversion function between ℝ⧸2π,ℝ⧸π and (- π, π]. Starting from Dir.toAngValue, we convert Dir to AngValue. We shall primarily use ℝ/2π, and gives coercion and compatibility theorems with respect to ℝ⧸π and (- π, π].

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Instances For
    theorem EuclidGeom.AngDValue.coe_def (x : ) :
    ∠[x] = x

    An induction principle to deduce results for AngDValue from those for , used with induction θ using AngDValue.induction_on.

    theorem EuclidGeom.AngDValue.coe_add_coe (x : ) (y : ) :
    (∠[x] + ∠[y]) = ∠[x] + ∠[y]
    theorem EuclidGeom.AngDValue.coe_neg_coe (x : ) :
    (-∠[x]) = -∠[x]
    theorem EuclidGeom.AngDValue.coe_sub_coe (x : ) (y : ) :
    (∠[x] - ∠[y]) = ∠[x] - ∠[y]
    theorem EuclidGeom.AngDValue.coe_nsmul_coe (n : ) (x : ) :
    (n ∠[x]) = n ∠[x]
    theorem EuclidGeom.AngDValue.coe_zsmul_coe (z : ) (x : ) :
    (z ∠[x]) = z ∠[x]
    theorem EuclidGeom.AngDValue.coe_nsmul (n : ) (x : EuclidGeom.AngValue) :
    (n x) = n x
    theorem EuclidGeom.AngDValue.coe_zsmul (z : ) (x : EuclidGeom.AngValue) :
    (z x) = z x
    theorem EuclidGeom.AngDValue.eq_iff_pi_dvd_sub {ψ : } {θ : } :
    ∠[θ] = ∠[ψ] ∃ (k : ), θ - ψ = Real.pi * k
    theorem EuclidGeom.AngDValue.two_nsmul_coe_div_two (θ : ) :
    2 ∠[θ / 2] = ∠[θ]
    theorem EuclidGeom.AngDValue.two_zsmul_coe_div_two (θ : ) :
    2 ∠[θ / 2] = ∠[θ]
    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.coe_eq_coe_iff {θ₁ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {θ₂ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} :
    θ₁ = θ₂ θ₁ = θ₂ θ₁ = θ₂ + ∠[Real.pi]
    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.coe_eq_coe_iff_two_nsmul_eq {θ₁ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {θ₂ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} :
    θ₁ = θ₂ 2 θ₁ = 2 θ₂
    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.coe_add_pi {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} :
    (θ + ∠[Real.pi]) = θ
    @[inline, reducible]
    abbrev EuclidGeom.AngDValue.lift {α : Sort u_1} (f : EuclidGeom.AngValueα) (hf : ∀ (θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue), f (θ + ∠[Real.pi]) = f θ) :
    Instances For
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      Instances For

        The canonical map from to the quotient AngValue.

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        Instances For

          Delaborator for AngValue.coe

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          Instances For
            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.eq_coe_of_toReal_eq {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {x : } (h : θ.toReal = x) :
              θ = ∠[x]
              theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.toReal_coe_eq_self {r : } (h₁ : -Real.pi < r) (h₂ : r Real.pi) :
              ∠[r].toReal = r
              theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.coe_eq_iff {r : } {s : } :
              ∠[r] = ∠[s] ∃ (k : ), r - s = k * (2 * Real.pi)
              theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.toReal_coe_eq_self_add_two_mul_int_mul_pi (r : ) :
              ∃ (k : ), ∠[r].toReal = r + k * (2 * Real.pi)
              theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.coe_eq_of_add_two_mul_int_mul_pi {r₁ : } {r₂ : } (k : ) (h : r₁ = r₂ + k * (2 * Real.pi)) :
              ∠[r₁] = ∠[r₂]
              theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.add_two_pi (x : ) :
              ∠[x + 2 * Real.pi] = ∠[x]
              theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.sub_two_pi (x : ) :
              ∠[x - 2 * Real.pi] = ∠[x]
              theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.neg_toReal {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (h : θ ∠[Real.pi]) :
              (-θ).toReal = -θ.toReal

              An angle is positive if it is strictly between 0 and π.

              Instances For

                An angle is negative if it is strictly between - π and 0.

                Instances For

                  An angle is non-degenerate if it is not 0 or π.

                  Instances For
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.isND_of_isPos {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (h : θ.IsPos) :
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.isND_of_isNeg {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (h : θ.IsNeg) :
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.toReal_pos_of_isPos {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (h : θ.IsPos) :
                    0 < θ.toReal
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.toReal_neg_of_isNeg {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (h : θ.IsNeg) :
                    θ.toReal < 0
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.isPos_of_toReal_pos_of_ne_pi {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (h : 0 < θ.toReal) (hn : θ ∠[Real.pi]) :
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.isNeg_of_toReal_pos {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (h : θ.toReal < 0) :
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.isPos_iff {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} :
                    θ.IsPos 0 < θ.toReal θ.toReal < Real.pi
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.not_isPos_iff {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} :
                    ¬θ.IsPos θ.toReal 0 θ.toReal = Real.pi
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.isNeg_iff {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} :
                    θ.IsNeg θ.toReal < 0
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.isND_iff' {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} :
                    θ.IsND θ.toReal 0 θ.toReal Real.pi
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.not_isND_iff' {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} :
                    ¬θ.IsND θ.toReal = 0 θ.toReal = Real.pi
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.ne_neg_of_isPos {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsPos) (hp : ψ.IsPos) :
                    θ -ψ
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.ne_neg_of_isNeg {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsNeg) (hp : ψ.IsNeg) :
                    θ -ψ
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.coe_isPos_of_zero_lt_self_lt_pi {x : } (h0 : 0 < x) (hp : x < Real.pi) :
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.coe_isNeg_of_neg_pi_lt_self_lt_zero {x : } (hp : -Real.pi < x) (h0 : x < 0) :
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.ne_add_pi_of_isPos {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsPos) (hp : ψ.IsPos) :
                    θ ψ + ∠[Real.pi]
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.eq_of_isPos_of_two_nsmul_eq {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsPos) (hp : ψ.IsPos) (h : 2 θ = 2 ψ) :
                    θ = ψ
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.eq_of_isPos_of_coe_eq {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsPos) (hp : ψ.IsPos) (h : θ = ψ) :
                    θ = ψ
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.ne_add_pi_of_isNeg {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsNeg) (hp : ψ.IsNeg) :
                    θ ψ + ∠[Real.pi]
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.eq_of_isNeg_of_two_nsmul_eq {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsNeg) (hp : ψ.IsNeg) (h : 2 θ = 2 ψ) :
                    θ = ψ
                    theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.eq_of_isNeg_of_coe_eq {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsNeg) (hp : ψ.IsNeg) (h : θ = ψ) :
                    θ = ψ

                    An angle is acute if it is strictly between - π / 2 and π / 2.

                    Instances For

                      An angle is obtuse if it is strictly between π / 2 and - π / 2.

                      Instances For

                        An angle is right if it is - π / 2 or π / 2.

                        Instances For
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.isRt_iff {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} :
                          θ.IsRt θ = ∠[Real.pi / 2] θ = ∠[-Real.pi / 2]
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.isAcu_or_isNeg_of_isRt {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (h : ¬θ.IsRt) :
                          θ.IsAcu θ.IsObt
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.isObt_iff {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} :
                          θ.IsObt θ.toReal < -Real.pi / 2 Real.pi / 2 < θ.toReal
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.isRt_iff' {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} :
                          θ.IsRt θ.toReal = -Real.pi / 2 θ.toReal = Real.pi / 2
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.isAcu_iff {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} :
                          θ.IsAcu -Real.pi / 2 < θ.toReal θ.toReal < Real.pi / 2
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.ne_add_pi_of_isAcu {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsAcu) (hp : ψ.IsAcu) :
                          θ ψ + ∠[Real.pi]
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.eq_of_isAcu_of_two_nsmul_eq {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsAcu) (hp : ψ.IsAcu) (h : 2 θ = 2 ψ) :
                          θ = ψ
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.eq_of_isAcu_of_coe_eq {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsAcu) (hp : ψ.IsAcu) (h : θ = ψ) :
                          θ = ψ
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.ne_add_pi_of_isObt {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsObt) (hp : ψ.IsObt) :
                          θ ψ + ∠[Real.pi]
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.eq_of_isObt_of_two_nsmul_eq {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsObt) (hp : ψ.IsObt) (h : 2 θ = 2 ψ) :
                          θ = ψ
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.eq_of_isObt_of_coe_eq {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsObt) (hp : ψ.IsObt) (h : θ = ψ) :
                          θ = ψ
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.add_ne_pi_of_isAcu {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsAcu) (hp : ψ.IsAcu) :
                          θ + ψ ∠[Real.pi]
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.add_ne_pi_of_isObt {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsObt) (hp : ψ.IsObt) :
                          θ + ψ ∠[Real.pi]
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.eq_pi_div_two_of_isRt_of_isPos {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hr : θ.IsRt) (h : ¬θ.IsNeg) :
                          θ = ∠[Real.pi / 2]
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.eq_zero_of_not_isND_of_isAcu {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hr : ¬θ.IsND) (h : θ.IsAcu) :
                          θ = 0
                          theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.eq_pi_of_not_isND_of_isObt {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hr : ¬θ.IsND) (h : θ.IsObt) :
                          θ = ∠[Real.pi]

                          The absolute value of an angle $θ$ is the absolute value of $θ.toReal$.

                          Instances For
                            theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.eq_or_eq_neg_of_isRt {θ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} {ψ : EuclidGeom.AngValue} (hs : θ.IsRt) (hp : ψ.IsRt) :
                            θ = ψ θ = -ψ

                            The absolute value of an angle is equal to its norm.

                            Half of an angle. Note that there are two possible values when dividing by two in AngValue (their difference is π). We choose the acute angle as the canonical value for half of an angle for angles not equal to π, and the half of π is defined as π / 2.

                            Instances For
                              theorem EuclidGeom.AngValue.coe_half {x : } (hn : -Real.pi < x) (h : x Real.pi) :
                              EuclidGeom.AngValue.half ∠[x] = ∠[x / 2]