Pointwise operations of finsets #
This file defines pointwise algebraic operations on finsets.
Main declarations #
For finsets s
and t
): The singleton{0}
): The singleton{1}
): Negation, finset of all-x
wherex ∈ s
): Inversion, finset of allx⁻¹
wherex ∈ s
.s + t
): Addition, finset of allx + y
wherex ∈ s
andy ∈ t
.s * t
): Multiplication, finset of allx * y
wherex ∈ s
andy ∈ t
.s - t
): Subtraction, finset of allx - y
wherex ∈ s
andy ∈ t
.s / t
): Division, finset of allx / y
wherex ∈ s
andy ∈ t
.s +ᵥ t
): Scalar addition, finset of allx +ᵥ y
wherex ∈ s
andy ∈ t
.s • t
): Scalar multiplication, finset of allx • y
wherex ∈ s
andy ∈ t
.s -ᵥ t
): Scalar subtraction, finset of allx -ᵥ y
wherex ∈ s
andy ∈ t
.a • s
): Scaling, finset of alla • x
wherex ∈ s
.a +ᵥ s
): Translation, finset of alla +ᵥ x
wherex ∈ s
For α
a semigroup/monoid, Finset α
is a semigroup/monoid.
As an unfortunate side effect, this means that n • s
, where n : ℕ
, is ambiguous between
pointwise scaling and repeated pointwise addition; the former has (2 : ℕ) • {1, 2} = {2, 4}
, while
the latter has (2 : ℕ) • {1, 2} = {2, 3, 4}
. See note [pointwise nat action].
Implementation notes #
We put all instances in the locale Pointwise
, so that these instances are not available by
default. Note that we do not mark them as reducible (as argued by note [reducible non-instances])
since we expect the locale to be open whenever the instances are actually used (and making the
instances reducible changes the behavior of simp
Tags #
finset multiplication, finset addition, pointwise addition, pointwise multiplication, pointwise subtraction
as finsets #
Lift a ZeroHom
to Finset
via image
- Finset.imageZeroHom f = { toFun := Finset.image ⇑f, map_zero' := (_ : Finset.image (⇑f) 0 = 0) }
Instances For
Lift a OneHom
to Finset
via image
- Finset.imageOneHom f = { toFun := Finset.image ⇑f, map_one' := (_ : Finset.image (⇑f) 1 = 1) }
Instances For
Finset negation/inversion #
The pointwise negation of finset -s
is defined as {-x | x ∈ s}
in locale Pointwise
- Finset.neg = { neg := Finset.image Neg.neg }
Instances For
The pointwise inversion of finset s⁻¹
is defined as {x⁻¹ | x ∈ s}
in locale Pointwise
- Finset.inv = { inv := Finset.image Inv.inv }
Instances For
Alias of the forward direction of Finset.inv_nonempty_iff
Alias of the reverse direction of Finset.inv_nonempty_iff
Finset addition/multiplication #
The pointwise addition of finsets s + t
is defined as {x + y | x ∈ s, y ∈ t}
locale Pointwise
- Finset.add = { add := Finset.image₂ fun (x x_1 : α) => x + x_1 }
Instances For
The pointwise multiplication of finsets s * t
and t
is defined as {x * y | x ∈ s, y ∈ t}
in locale Pointwise
- Finset.mul = { mul := Finset.image₂ fun (x x_1 : α) => x * x_1 }
Instances For
If a finset u
is contained in the sum of two sets s + t
, we can find two finsets
, t'
such that s' ⊆ s
, t' ⊆ t
and u ⊆ s' + t'
If a finset u
is contained in the product of two sets s * t
, we can find two finsets s'
such that s' ⊆ s
, t' ⊆ t
and u ⊆ s' * t'
Lift an AddHom
to Finset
via image
- Finset.imageAddHom f = { toFun := Finset.image ⇑f, map_add' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : Finset α), Finset.image (⇑f) (x + x_1) = Finset.image (⇑f) x + Finset.image (⇑f) x_1) }
Instances For
Lift a MulHom
to Finset
via image
- Finset.imageMulHom f = { toFun := Finset.image ⇑f, map_mul' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : Finset α), Finset.image (⇑f) (x * x_1) = Finset.image (⇑f) x * Finset.image (⇑f) x_1) }
Instances For
Finset subtraction/division #
The pointwise subtraction of finsets s - t
is defined as {x - y | x ∈ s, y ∈ t}
in locale Pointwise
- Finset.sub = { sub := Finset.image₂ fun (x x_1 : α) => x - x_1 }
Instances For
The pointwise division of finsets s / t
is defined as {x / y | x ∈ s, y ∈ t}
in locale
- Finset.div = { div := Finset.image₂ fun (x x_1 : α) => x / x_1 }
Instances For
If a finset u
is contained in the sum of two sets s - t
, we can find two finsets
, t'
such that s' ⊆ s
, t' ⊆ t
and u ⊆ s' - t'
If a finset u
is contained in the product of two sets s / t
, we can find two finsets s'
such that s' ⊆ s
, t' ⊆ t
and u ⊆ s' / t'
Instances #
Repeated pointwise multiplication (not the same as pointwise repeated multiplication!) of a
. See note [pointwise nat action].
Instances For
Repeated pointwise multiplication/division (not the same as pointwise repeated
multiplication/division!) of a Finset
. See note [pointwise nat action].
Instances For
Finset α
is an AddSemigroup
under pointwise operations if α
- Finset.addSemigroup = Function.Injective.addSemigroup Finset.toSet (_ : Function.Injective Finset.toSet) (_ : ∀ (s t : Finset α), ↑(s + t) = ↑s + ↑t)
Instances For
Finset α
is a Semigroup
under pointwise operations if α
- Finset.semigroup = Function.Injective.semigroup Finset.toSet (_ : Function.Injective Finset.toSet) (_ : ∀ (s t : Finset α), ↑(s * t) = ↑s * ↑t)
Instances For
Finset α
is an AddCommSemigroup
under pointwise operations if α
- Finset.addCommSemigroup = Function.Injective.addCommSemigroup Finset.toSet (_ : Function.Injective Finset.toSet) (_ : ∀ (s t : Finset α), ↑(s + t) = ↑s + ↑t)
Instances For
Finset α
is a CommSemigroup
under pointwise operations if α
- Finset.commSemigroup = Function.Injective.commSemigroup Finset.toSet (_ : Function.Injective Finset.toSet) (_ : ∀ (s t : Finset α), ↑(s * t) = ↑s * ↑t)
Instances For
Finset α
is an AddZeroClass
under pointwise operations if α
- Finset.addZeroClass = Function.Injective.addZeroClass Finset.toSet (_ : Function.Injective Finset.toSet) (_ : ↑{0} = {0}) (_ : ∀ (s t : Finset α), ↑(s + t) = ↑s + ↑t)
Instances For
Finset α
is a MulOneClass
under pointwise operations if α
- Finset.mulOneClass = Function.Injective.mulOneClass Finset.toSet (_ : Function.Injective Finset.toSet) (_ : ↑{1} = {1}) (_ : ∀ (s t : Finset α), ↑(s * t) = ↑s * ↑t)
Instances For
The singleton operation as an AddMonoidHom
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Instances For
The singleton operation as a MonoidHom
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Instances For
The coercion from Finset
to set
as an AddMonoidHom
Instances For
The coercion from Finset
to Set
as a MonoidHom
Instances For
Lift an add_monoid_hom
to Finset
via image
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Instances For
Lift a MonoidHom
to Finset
via image
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Instances For
Finset α
is an AddCommMonoid
under pointwise operations if α
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Instances For
Finset α
is a CommMonoid
under pointwise operations if α
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Instances For
- (_ : motive x) = (_ : motive x)
Instances For
Finset α
is a subtraction monoid under pointwise operations if α
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Instances For
Finset α
is a division monoid under pointwise operations if α
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Instances For
Finset α
is a commutative subtraction monoid under pointwise operations if α
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Instances For
Finset α
is a commutative division monoid under pointwise operations if α
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Instances For
Finset α
has distributive negation if α
Instances For
Note that Finset α
is not a Distrib
because s * t + s * u
has cross terms that s * (t + u)
-- {10, 16, 18, 20, 8, 9}
#eval {1, 2} * ({3, 4} + {5, 6} : Finset ℕ)
-- {10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 8, 9}
#eval ({1, 2} : Finset ℕ) * {3, 4} + {1, 2} * {5, 6}
Note that Finset
is not a MulZeroClass
because 0 * ∅ ≠ 0
Scalar addition/multiplication of finsets #
The pointwise sum of two finsets s
and t
: s +ᵥ t = {x +ᵥ y | x ∈ s, y ∈ t}
- Finset.vadd = { vadd := Finset.image₂ fun (x : α) (x_1 : β) => x +ᵥ x_1 }
Instances For
The pointwise product of two finsets s
and t
: s • t = {x • y | x ∈ s, y ∈ t}
- Finset.smul = { smul := Finset.image₂ fun (x : α) (x_1 : β) => x • x_1 }
Instances For
If a finset u
is contained in the scalar sum of two sets s +ᵥ t
, we can find two
finsets s'
, t'
such that s' ⊆ s
, t' ⊆ t
and u ⊆ s' +ᵥ t'
If a finset u
is contained in the scalar product of two sets s • t
, we can find two finsets
, t'
such that s' ⊆ s
, t' ⊆ t
and u ⊆ s' • t'
Scalar subtraction of finsets #
The pointwise subtraction of two finsets s
and t
: s -ᵥ t = {x -ᵥ y | x ∈ s, y ∈ t}
- Finset.vsub = { vsub := Finset.image₂ fun (x x_1 : β) => x -ᵥ x_1 }
Instances For
If a finset u
is contained in the pointwise subtraction of two sets s -ᵥ t
, we can find two
finsets s'
, t'
such that s' ⊆ s
, t' ⊆ t
and u ⊆ s' -ᵥ t'
Translation/scaling of finsets #
The translation of a finset s
by a vector a
: a +ᵥ s = {a +ᵥ x | x ∈ s}
- Finset.vaddFinset = { vadd := fun (a : α) => Finset.image fun (x : β) => a +ᵥ x }
Instances For
The scaling of a finset s
by a scalar a
: a • s = {a • x | x ∈ s}
- Finset.smulFinset = { smul := fun (a : α) => Finset.image fun (x : β) => a • x }
Instances For
- (_ : VAddCommClass α β (Finset γ)) = (_ : VAddCommClass α β (Finset γ))
- (_ : SMulCommClass α β (Finset γ)) = (_ : SMulCommClass α β (Finset γ))
- (_ : VAddCommClass α (Finset β) (Finset γ)) = (_ : VAddCommClass α (Finset β) (Finset γ))
- (_ : SMulCommClass α (Finset β) (Finset γ)) = (_ : SMulCommClass α (Finset β) (Finset γ))
- (_ : VAddCommClass (Finset α) β (Finset γ)) = (_ : VAddCommClass (Finset α) β (Finset γ))
- (_ : SMulCommClass (Finset α) β (Finset γ)) = (_ : SMulCommClass (Finset α) β (Finset γ))
- (_ : VAddCommClass (Finset α) (Finset β) (Finset γ)) = (_ : VAddCommClass (Finset α) (Finset β) (Finset γ))
- (_ : SMulCommClass (Finset α) (Finset β) (Finset γ)) = (_ : SMulCommClass (Finset α) (Finset β) (Finset γ))
- (_ : VAddAssocClass α β (Finset γ)) = (_ : VAddAssocClass α β (Finset γ))
- (_ : IsScalarTower α β (Finset γ)) = (_ : IsScalarTower α β (Finset γ))
- (_ : VAddAssocClass α (Finset β) (Finset γ)) = (_ : VAddAssocClass α (Finset β) (Finset γ))
- (_ : IsScalarTower α (Finset β) (Finset γ)) = (_ : IsScalarTower α (Finset β) (Finset γ))
- (_ : VAddAssocClass (Finset α) (Finset β) (Finset γ)) = (_ : VAddAssocClass (Finset α) (Finset β) (Finset γ))
- (_ : IsScalarTower (Finset α) (Finset β) (Finset γ)) = (_ : IsScalarTower (Finset α) (Finset β) (Finset γ))
- (_ : IsCentralVAdd α (Finset β)) = (_ : IsCentralVAdd α (Finset β))
- (_ : IsCentralScalar α (Finset β)) = (_ : IsCentralScalar α (Finset β))
An additive action of an additive monoid α
on a type β
gives an additive action
of Finset α
on Finset β
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Instances For
A multiplicative action of a monoid α
on a type β
gives a multiplicative action of
Finset α
on Finset β
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Instances For
An additive action of an additive monoid on a type β
gives an additive action
on Finset β
- Finset.addActionFinset = Function.Injective.addAction Finset.toSet (_ : Function.Injective Finset.toSet) (_ : ∀ (a : α) (s : Finset β), ↑(a +ᵥ s) = a +ᵥ ↑s)
Instances For
A multiplicative action of a monoid on a type β
gives a multiplicative action on Finset β
- Finset.mulActionFinset = Function.Injective.mulAction Finset.toSet (_ : Function.Injective Finset.toSet) (_ : ∀ (a : α) (s : Finset β), ↑(a • s) = a • ↑s)
Instances For
If scalar multiplication by elements of α
sends (0 : β)
to zero,
then the same is true for (0 : Finset β)
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Instances For
If the scalar multiplication (· • ·) : α → β → β
is distributive,
then so is (· • ·) : α → Finset β → Finset β
- Finset.distribSMulFinset = Function.Injective.distribSMul Finset.coeAddMonoidHom (_ : Function.Injective Finset.toSet) (_ : ∀ (a : α) (s : Finset β), ↑(a • s) = a • ↑s)
Instances For
A distributive multiplicative action of a monoid on an additive monoid β
gives a distributive
multiplicative action on Finset β
- Finset.distribMulActionFinset = Function.Injective.distribMulAction Finset.coeAddMonoidHom (_ : Function.Injective Finset.toSet) (_ : ∀ (a : α) (s : Finset β), ↑(a • s) = a • ↑s)
Instances For
A multiplicative action of a monoid on a monoid β
gives a multiplicative action on Set β
- Finset.mulDistribMulActionFinset = Function.Injective.mulDistribMulAction Finset.coeMonoidHom (_ : Function.Injective Finset.toSet) (_ : ∀ (a : α) (s : Finset β), ↑(a • s) = a • ↑s)
Instances For
- (_ : NoZeroDivisors (Finset α)) = (_ : NoZeroDivisors (Finset α))
- (_ : NoZeroSMulDivisors (Finset α) (Finset β)) = (_ : NoZeroSMulDivisors (Finset α) (Finset β))
- (_ : NoZeroSMulDivisors α (Finset β)) = (_ : NoZeroSMulDivisors α (Finset β))
If the left cosets of t
by elements of s
are disjoint (but not necessarily
distinct!), then the size of t
divides the size of s +ᵥ t
If the left cosets of t
by elements of s
are disjoint (but not necessarily distinct!), then
the size of t
divides the size of s • t
If the right cosets of s
by elements of t
are disjoint (but not necessarily
distinct!), then the size of s
divides the size of s + t
If the right cosets of s
by elements of t
are disjoint (but not necessarily distinct!), then
the size of s
divides the size of s * t
If the left cosets of t
by elements of s
are disjoint (but not necessarily
distinct!), then the size of t
divides the size of s + t
If the left cosets of t
by elements of s
are disjoint (but not necessarily distinct!), then
the size of t
divides the size of s * t
Note that we have neither SMulWithZero α (Finset β)
nor SMulWithZero (Finset α) (Finset β)
because 0 * ∅ ≠ 0
A nonempty set is scaled by zero to the singleton set containing zero.