N-ary images of sets #
This file defines Set.image2
, the binary image of sets.
This is mostly useful to define pointwise operations and Set.seq
Notes #
This file is very similar to Data.Finset.NAry
, to Order.Filter.NAry
, and to
. Please keep them in sync.
The image of a binary function f : α → β → γ
as a function Set α → Set β → Set γ
Mathematically this should be thought of as the image of the corresponding function α × β → γ
- Set.image2 f s t = {c : γ | ∃ a ∈ s, ∃ b ∈ t, f a b = c}
Instances For
image2 is monotone with respect to ⊆
A common special case of image2_congr
Symmetric statement to Set.image2_image_left_comm
Symmetric statement to Set.image_image2_right_comm
Symmetric statement to Set.image_image2_distrib_left
Symmetric statement to Set.image_image2_distrib_right
The other direction does not hold because of the s
cross terms on the RHS.
The other direction does not hold because of the u
cross terms on the RHS.
Symmetric statement to Set.image2_image_left_anticomm
Symmetric statement to Set.image_image2_right_anticomm
Symmetric statement to Set.image_image2_antidistrib_left
Symmetric statement to Set.image_image2_antidistrib_right
If a
is a left identity for f : α → β → β
, then {a}
is a left identity for
Set.image2 f
If b
is a right identity for f : α → β → α
, then {b}
is a right identity for
Set.image2 f