Affine equivalences #
In this file we define AffineEquiv k P₁ P₂
(notation: P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₂
) to be the type of affine
equivalences between P₁
and P₂
, i.e., equivalences such that both forward and inverse maps are
affine maps.
We define the following equivalences:
AffineEquiv.refl k P
: the identity map as anAffineEquiv
; -
: the inverse map of anAffineEquiv
as anAffineEquiv
; -
e.trans e'
: composition of twoAffineEquiv
s; note that the order followsmathlib
convention (applye
, thene'
), not the convention used in function composition and compositions of bundled morphisms.
We equip AffineEquiv k P P
with a Group
structure with multiplication corresponding to
composition in
Tags #
affine space, affine equivalence
An affine equivalence is an equivalence between affine spaces such that both forward and inverse maps are affine.
We define it using an Equiv
for the map and a LinearEquiv
for the linear part in order
to allow affine equivalences with good definitional equalities.
- toFun : P₁ → P₂
- invFun : P₂ → P₁
- left_inv : Function.LeftInverse s.invFun s.toFun
- right_inv : Function.RightInverse s.invFun s.toFun
Instances For
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Instances For
Reinterpret an AffineEquiv
as an AffineMap
Instances For
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- AffineEquiv.instCoeFunAffineEquivForAll = FunLike.hasCoeToFun
- AffineEquiv.instCoeOutAffineEquivEquiv = { coe := AffineEquiv.toEquiv }
- AffineEquiv.instCoeAffineEquivAffineMap = { coe := AffineEquiv.toAffineMap }
Construct an affine equivalence by verifying the relation between the map and its linear part at
one base point. Namely, this function takes a map e : P₁ → P₂
, a linear equivalence
e' : V₁ ≃ₗ[k] V₂
, and a point p
such that for any other point p'
we have
e p' = e' (p' -ᵥ p) +ᵥ e p
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Instances For
Inverse of an affine equivalence as an affine equivalence.
- AffineEquiv.symm e = { toEquiv := e.symm, linear := LinearEquiv.symm e.linear, map_vadd' := (_ : ∀ (p : P₂) (v : V₂), e.symm (v +ᵥ p) = (LinearEquiv.symm e.linear) v +ᵥ e.symm p) }
Instances For
See Note [custom simps projection]
- AffineEquiv.Simps.apply e = ⇑e
Instances For
See Note [custom simps projection]
Instances For
Bijective affine maps are affine isomorphisms.
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Instances For
Identity map as an AffineEquiv
- AffineEquiv.refl k P₁ = { toEquiv := Equiv.refl P₁, linear := LinearEquiv.refl k V₁, map_vadd' := (_ : ∀ (x : P₁) (x_1 : V₁), (Equiv.refl P₁) (x_1 +ᵥ x) = (Equiv.refl P₁) (x_1 +ᵥ x)) }
Instances For
Composition of two AffineEquiv
alences, applied left to right.
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Instances For
- = (_ : ∀ (e : P₁ ≃ᵃ[k] P₁), AffineEquiv.trans e (AffineEquiv.symm e) = AffineEquiv.refl k P₁)
on automorphisms is a MonoidHom
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Instances For
The group of AffineEquiv
s are equivalent to the group of units of AffineMap
This is the affine version of LinearMap.GeneralLinearGroup.generalLinearEquiv
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Instances For
The map v ↦ v +ᵥ b
as an affine equivalence between a module V
and an affine space P
tangent space V
- AffineEquiv.vaddConst k b = { toEquiv := Equiv.vaddConst b, linear := LinearEquiv.refl k V₁, map_vadd' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : V₁), x_1 + x +ᵥ b = x_1 +ᵥ (x +ᵥ b)) }
Instances For
p' ↦ p -ᵥ p'
as an equivalence.
- AffineEquiv.constVSub k p = { toEquiv := Equiv.constVSub p, linear := LinearEquiv.neg k, map_vadd' := (_ : ∀ (p' : P₁) (v : V₁), p -ᵥ (v +ᵥ p') = -v + (p -ᵥ p')) }
Instances For
The map p ↦ v +ᵥ p
as an affine automorphism of an affine space.
Note that there is no need for an AffineMap.constVAdd
as it is always an equivalence.
This is roughly to DistribMulAction.toLinearEquiv
as +ᵥ
is to •
- AffineEquiv.constVAdd k P₁ v = { toEquiv := Equiv.constVAdd P₁ v, linear := LinearEquiv.refl k V₁, map_vadd' := (_ : ∀ (x : P₁) (x_1 : V₁), v +ᵥ (x_1 +ᵥ x) = x_1 +ᵥ (v +ᵥ x)) }
Instances For
A more bundled version of AffineEquiv.constVAdd
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Instances For
Fixing a point in affine space, homothety about this point gives a group homomorphism from (the centre of) the units of the scalars into the group of affine equivalences.
- AffineEquiv.homothetyUnitsMulHom p = MonoidHom.comp (MulEquiv.toMonoidHom (MulEquiv.symm AffineEquiv.equivUnitsAffineMap)) ( (AffineMap.homothetyHom p))
Instances For
Point reflection in x
as a permutation.
Instances For
is the only fixed point of pointReflection x
. This lemma requires
x + x = y + y ↔ x = y
. There is no typeclass to use here, so we add it as an explicit argument.
Interpret a linear equivalence between modules as an affine equivalence.
- LinearEquiv.toAffineEquiv e = { toEquiv := LinearEquiv.toEquiv e, linear := e, map_vadd' := (_ : ∀ (p v : V₁), e (v + p) = e v + e p) }