Closure operators between preorders #
We define (bundled) closure operators on a preorder as monotone (increasing), extensive (inflationary) and idempotent functions. We define closed elements for the operator as elements which are fixed by it.
Lower adjoints to a function between preorders u : β → α
allow to generalise closure operators to
situations where the closure operator we are dealing with naturally decomposes as u ∘ l
where l
is a worthy function to have on its own. Typical examples include
l : Set G → Subgroup G := Subgroup.closure
, u : Subgroup G → Set G := (↑)
, where G
is a group.
This shows there is a close connection between closure operators, lower adjoints and Galois
connections/insertions: every Galois connection induces a lower adjoint which itself induces a
closure operator by composition (see GaloisConnection.lowerAdjoint
), and every closure operator on a partial order induces a Galois
insertion from the set of closed elements to the underlying type (see
Main definitions #
: A closure operator is a monotone functionf : α → α
such that∀ x, x ≤ f x
and∀ x, f (f x) = f x
: A lower adjoint tou : β → α
is a functionl : α → β
such thatl
form a Galois connection.
Implementation details #
Although LowerAdjoint
is technically a generalisation of ClosureOperator
(by defining
toFun := id
), it is desirable to have both as otherwise id
s would be carried all over the
place when using concrete closure operators such as ConvexHull
really is a semibundled structure
version of GaloisConnection
References #
Closure operator #
A closure operator on the preorder α
is a monotone function which is extensive (every x
is less than its closure) and idempotent.
- toFun : α → α
- monotone' : Monotone s.toFun
- le_closure' : ∀ (x : α), x ≤ OrderHom.toFun s.toOrderHom x
An element is less than or equal its closure
- idempotent' : ∀ (x : α), OrderHom.toFun s.toOrderHom (OrderHom.toFun s.toOrderHom x) = OrderHom.toFun s.toOrderHom x
Closures are idempotent
- IsClosed : α → Prop
Predicate for an element to be closed.
By default, this is defined as
c.IsClosed x := (c x = x)
). We allow an override to fix definitional equalities. - isClosed_iff : ∀ {x : α}, ClosureOperator.IsClosed s x ↔ OrderHom.toFun s.toOrderHom x = x
Instances For
- ClosureOperator.instOrderHomClassClosureOperatorToLE α = (_ : ∀ (f : ClosureOperator α) (x x_1 : α), x ≤ x_1 → f.toOrderHom x ≤ f.toOrderHom x_1)
The identity function as a closure operator.
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Instances For
- ClosureOperator.instInhabitedClosureOperatorToPreorder α = { default := α }
Constructor for a closure operator using the weaker idempotency axiom: f (f x) ≤ f x
-' f hf₁ hf₂ hf₃ = { toFun := f, monotone' := hf₁ } hf₂ (_ : ∀ (x : α), f (f x) = f x) fun (x : α) => f x = x
Instances For
Convenience constructor for a closure operator using the weaker minimality axiom:
x ≤ f y → f x ≤ f y
, which is sometimes easier to prove in practice.
- ClosureOperator.mk₂ f hf hmin = { toFun := f, monotone' := (_ : ∀ (x y : α), x ≤ y → f x ≤ f y) } hf (_ : ∀ (x : α), f (f x) = f x) fun (x : α) => f x = x
Instances For
Construct a closure operator from an inflationary function f
and a "closedness" predicate p
witnessing minimality of f x
among closed elements greater than x
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Instances For
Every element is less than its closure. This property is sometimes referred to as extensivity or inflationarity.
The type of elements closed under a closure operator.
- ClosureOperator.Closeds c = { x : α // ClosureOperator.IsClosed c x }
Instances For
Send an element to a closed element (by taking the closure).
- ClosureOperator.toCloseds c x = { val := c x, property := (_ : ClosureOperator.IsClosed c (c x)) }
Instances For
The set of closed elements for c
is exactly its range.
A closure operator is equal to the closure operator obtained by feeding c.closed
into the
Define a closure operator from a predicate that's preserved under infima.
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Instances For
Lower adjoint #
A lower adjoint of u
on the preorder α
is a function l
such that l
and u
form a Galois
connection. It allows us to define closure operators whose output does not match the input. In
practice, u
is often (↑) : β → α
- toFun : α → β
The underlying function
- gc' : GaloisConnection s.toFun u
The underlying function is a lower adjoint.
Instances For
The identity function as a lower adjoint to itself.
- α = { toFun := fun (x : α) => x, gc' := (_ : GaloisConnection id id) }
Instances For
- LowerAdjoint.instInhabitedLowerAdjointId = { default := α }
- LowerAdjoint.instCoeFunLowerAdjointForAll = { coe := LowerAdjoint.toFun }
Every element is less than its closure. This property is sometimes referred to as extensivity or inflationarity.
Every lower adjoint induces a closure operator given by the composition. This is the partial order version of the statement that every adjunction induces a monad.
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Instances For
An element x
is closed for l : LowerAdjoint u
if it is a fixed point: u (l x) = x
- LowerAdjoint.closed l = {x : α | u (LowerAdjoint.toFun l x) = x}
Instances For
The set of closed elements for l
is the range of u ∘ l
Send an x
to an element of the set of closed elements (by taking the closure).
- LowerAdjoint.toClosed l x = { val := u (LowerAdjoint.toFun l x), property := (_ : u (LowerAdjoint.toFun l x) ∈ LowerAdjoint.closed l) }
Instances For
Translations between GaloisConnection
, LowerAdjoint
, ClosureOperator
Every Galois connection induces a lower adjoint.
- GaloisConnection.lowerAdjoint gc = { toFun := l, gc' := gc }
Instances For
Every Galois connection induces a closure operator given by the composition. This is the partial order version of the statement that every adjunction induces a monad.
Instances For
The set of closed elements has a Galois insertion to the underlying type.
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Instances For
The Galois insertion associated to a closure operator can be used to reconstruct the closure operator. Note that the inverse in the opposite direction does not hold in general.