Subrings #
Let R
be a ring. This file defines the "bundled" subring type Subring R
, a type
whose terms correspond to subrings of R
. This is the preferred way to talk
about subrings in mathlib. Unbundled subrings (s : Set R
and IsSubring s
are not in this file, and they will ultimately be deprecated.
We prove that subrings are a complete lattice, and that you can map
(pushforward) and
(pull back) them along ring homomorphisms.
We define the closure
construction from Set R
to Subring R
, sending a subset of R
to the subring it generates, and prove that it is a Galois insertion.
Main definitions #
Notation used here:
(R : Type u) [Ring R] (S : Type u) [Ring S] (f g : R →+* S)
(A : Subring R) (B : Subring S) (s : Set R)
Subring R
: the type of subrings of a ringR
. -
instance : CompleteLattice (Subring R)
: the complete lattice structure on the subrings. -
: the center of a ringR
. -
: subring closure of a set, i.e., the smallest subring that includes the set. -
:closure : Set M → Subring M
and coercion(↑) : Subring M → et M
form aGaloisInsertion
. -
comap f B : Subring A
: the preimage of a subringB
along the ring homomorphismf
map f A : Subring B
: the image of a subringA
along the ring homomorphismf
. -
eqLocus f g : Subring R
: given ring homomorphismsf g : R →+* S
, the subring ofR
wheref x = g x
Implementation notes #
A subring is implemented as a subsemiring which is also an additive subgroup. The initial PR was as a submonoid which is also an additive subgroup.
Lattice inclusion (e.g. ≤
and ⊓
) is used rather than set notation (⊆
and ∩
), although
is defined as membership of a subring's underlying set.
Tags #
subring, subrings
SubringClass S R
states that S
is a type of subsets s ⊆ R
are both a multiplicative submonoid and an additive subgroup.
- (_ : AddSubgroupClass S R) = (_ : AddSubgroupClass S R)
- SubringClass.toHasIntCast s = { intCast := fun (n : ℤ) => { val := ↑n, property := (_ : ↑n ∈ s) } }
A subring of a ring inherits a ring structure
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A subring of a CommRing
is a CommRing
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A subring of an OrderedRing
is an OrderedRing
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A subring of an OrderedCommRing
is an OrderedCommRing
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A subring of a LinearOrderedRing
is a LinearOrderedRing
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A subring of a LinearOrderedCommRing
is a LinearOrderedCommRing
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The natural ring hom from a subring of ring R
to R
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Instances For
Subring R
is the type of subrings of R
. A subring of R
is a subset s
that is a
multiplicative submonoid and an additive subgroup. Note in particular that it shares the
same 0 and 1 as R.
Instances For
Reinterpret a Subring
as an AddSubgroup
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Instances For
- (_ : SubringClass (Subring R) R) = (_ : SubringClass (Subring R) R)
Construct a Subring R
from a set s
, a submonoid sm
, and an additive
subgroup sa
such that x ∈ s ↔ x ∈ sm ↔ x ∈ sa
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Instances For
A Subsemiring
containing -1 is a Subring
- Subsemiring.toSubring s hneg = { toSubsemiring := s, neg_mem' := (_ : ∀ {x : R}, x ∈ s.carrier → -x ∈ s.carrier) }
Instances For
Product of a multiset of elements in a subring of a CommRing
is in the subring.
A subring of a ring inherits a ring structure
A subring of a non-trivial ring is non-trivial.
- (_ : Nontrivial ↥s) = (_ : Nontrivial ↥s.toSubsemiring)
A subring of a ring with no zero divisors has no zero divisors.
- (_ : NoZeroDivisors ↥s) = (_ : NoZeroDivisors ↥s.toSubsemiring)
A subring of an OrderedRing
is an OrderedRing
A subring of an OrderedCommRing
is an OrderedCommRing
A subring of a LinearOrderedRing
is a LinearOrderedRing
A subring of a LinearOrderedCommRing
is a LinearOrderedCommRing
Partial order #
top #
comap #
map #
A subring is isomorphic to its image under an injective function
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Instances For
range #
The range of a ring homomorphism, as a subring of the target. See Note [range copy pattern].
- RingHom.range f = Subring.copy ( f ⊤) (Set.range ⇑f) (_ : Set.range ⇑f = ⇑f '' Set.univ)
Instances For
The range of a ring homomorphism is a fintype, if the domain is a fintype.
Note: this instance can form a diamond with Subtype.fintype
in the
presence of Fintype S
bot #
- Subring.instBotSubring = { bot := RingHom.range (Int.castRingHom R) }
inf #
Subrings of a ring form a complete lattice.
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Center of a ring #
The center of a ring R
is the set of elements that commute with everything in R
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Instances For
- Subring.decidableMemCenter x = decidable_of_iff' (∀ (g : R), g * x = x * g) (_ : x ∈ R ↔ ∀ (g : R), g * x = x * g)
The center is commutative.
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subring closure of a subset #
The subring generated by a set includes the set.
An induction principle for closure membership. If p
holds for 0
, 1
, and all elements
of s
, and is preserved under addition, negation, and multiplication, then p
holds for all
elements of the closure of s
An induction principle for closure membership, for predicates with two arguments.
If all elements of s : Set A
commute pairwise, then closure s
is a commutative ring.
- Subring.closureCommRingOfComm hcomm = let src := Subring.toRing (Subring.closure s); (_ : ∀ (x y : ↥(Subring.closure s)), x * y = y * x)
Instances For
forms a Galois insertion with the coercion to set.
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Instances For
Closure of a subring S
equals S
The underlying set of a non-empty directed sSup of subrings is just a union of the subrings. Note that this fails without the directedness assumption (the union of two subrings is typically not a subring)
Restriction of a ring homomorphism to its range interpreted as a subsemiring.
This is the bundled version of Set.rangeFactorization
- RingHom.rangeRestrict f = RingHom.codRestrict f (RingHom.range f) (_ : ∀ (x : R), ∃ (y : R), f y = f x)
Instances For
The range of a surjective ring homomorphism is the whole of the codomain.
The image under a ring homomorphism of the subring generated by a set equals the subring generated by the image of the set.
The ring homomorphism associated to an inclusion of subrings.
- Subring.inclusion h = RingHom.codRestrict (Subring.subtype S) T (_ : ∀ (x : ↥S), (Subring.subtype S) x ∈ T)
Instances For
Restrict a ring homomorphism with a left inverse to a ring isomorphism to its
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Instances For
Given an equivalence e : R ≃+* S
of rings and a subring s
of R
subringMap e s
is the induced equivalence between s
and e
- RingEquiv.subringMap e = RingEquiv.subsemiringMap e s.toSubsemiring
Instances For
Actions by Subring
s #
These are just copies of the definitions about Subsemiring
starting from
When R
is commutative, Algebra.ofSubring
provides a stronger result than those found in
this file, which uses the same scalar action.
The action by a subring is the action by the underlying ring.
- Subring.instSMulSubtypeMemSubringInstMembershipInstSetLikeSubring S = inferInstanceAs (SMul (↥S.toSubsemiring) α)
- (_ : SMulCommClass (↥S) α β) = (_ : SMulCommClass (↥S.toSubsemiring) α β)
- (_ : SMulCommClass α (↥S) β) = (_ : SMulCommClass α (↥S.toSubsemiring) β)
Note that this provides IsScalarTower S R R
which is needed by smul_mul_assoc
- (_ : IsScalarTower (↥S) α β) = (_ : IsScalarTower (↥S.toSubsemiring) α β)
- (_ : FaithfulSMul (↥S) α) = (_ : FaithfulSMul (↥S.toSubsemiring) α)
The action by a subring is the action by the underlying ring.
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The action by a subring is the action by the underlying ring.
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The action by a subring is the action by the underlying ring.
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The action by a subring is the action by the underlying ring.
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The action by a subring is the action by the underlying ring.
The action by a subring is the action by the underlying ring.
The action by a subsemiring is the action by the underlying ring.
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The center of a semiring acts commutatively on that semiring.
- (_ : SMulCommClass (↥( R)) R R) = (_ : SMulCommClass (↥( R)) R R)
The center of a semiring acts commutatively on that semiring.
- (_ : SMulCommClass R (↥( R)) R) = (_ : SMulCommClass R (↥( R)) R)
The subgroup of positive units of a linear ordered semiring.
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