Separation properties of topological spaces. #
This file defines the predicate SeparatedNhds
, and common separation axioms
(under the Kolmogorov classification).
Main definitions #
: TwoSet
s are separated by neighbourhoods if they are contained in disjoint open sets.T0Space
: A T₀/Kolmogorov space is a space where, for every two pointsx ≠ y
, there is an open set that contains one, but not the other.T1Space
: A T₁/Fréchet space is a space where every singleton set is closed. This is equivalent to, for every pairx ≠ y
, there existing an open set containingx
but noty
shows that these conditions are equivalent.)T2Space
: A T₂/Hausdorff space is a space where, for every two pointsx ≠ y
, there is two disjoint open sets, one containingx
, and the othery
: A T₂.₅/Urysohn space is a space where, for every two pointsx ≠ y
, there is two open sets, one containingx
, and the othery
, whose closures are disjoint.RegularSpace
: A regular space is one where, given any closedC
andx ∉ C
, there are disjoint open sets containingx
respectively. Such a space is not necessarily Hausdorff.T3Space
: A T₃ space is a T0 regular space. Inmathlib
, T₃ implies T₂.₅.NormalSpace
: A normal space, is one where given two disjoint closed sets, we can find two open sets that separate them.T4Space
: A T₄ space is a normal T₁ space. T₄ implies T₃.T5Space
: A T₅ space, also known as a completely normal Hausdorff space, is a space in which, given two setss
such that the closure ofs
is disjoint fromt
, and conversely, thens
have disjoint neighborhoods.
Main results #
T₀ spaces #
: Given a closed setS
in a compact T₀ space, there is somex ∈ S
such that{x}
is closed.exists_open_singleton_of_open_finite
: Given an open finite setS
in a T₀ space, there is somex ∈ S
such that{x}
is open.
T₁ spaces #
: The constant map is a closed map.discrete_of_t1_of_finite
: A finite T₁ space must have the discrete topology.
T₂ spaces #
: A space is T₂ iff the neighbourhoods of distinct points generate the bottom filter.t2_iff_isClosed_diagonal
: A space is T₂ iff thediagonal
(that is, the set of all points of the form(a, a) : X × X
) is closed under the product topology.finset_disjoint_finset_opens_of_t2
: Any two disjoint finsets areSeparatedNhds
.- Most topological constructions preserve Hausdorffness;
these results are part of the typeclass inference system (e.g.
) Set.EqOn.closure
: If two functions are equal on some sets
, they are equal on its closure.IsCompact.isClosed
: All compact sets are closed.WeaklyLocallyCompactSpace.locallyCompactSpace
: If a topological space is both weakly locally compact (i.e., each point has a compact neighbourhood) and is T₂, then it is locally compact.totallySeparatedSpace_of_t1_of_basis_clopen
: IfX
has a clopen basis, then it is aTotallySeparatedSpace
: A locally compact T₂ space is totally disconnected iff it is totally separated.
If the space is also compact:
: A compact T₂ space is aNormalSpace
: The connected component of a point is the intersection of all its clopen neighbourhoods.compact_t2_tot_disc_iff_tot_sep
: Being aTotallyDisconnectedSpace
is equivalent to being aTotallySeparatedSpace
:ConnectedComponents X
is T₂ forX
T₂ and compact.
T₃ spaces #
: Given two pointsx ≠ y
, we can find neighbourhoodsx ∈ V₁ ⊆ U₁
andy ∈ V₂ ⊆ U₂
, with theVₖ
closed and theUₖ
open, such that theUₖ
are disjoint.
References #
is a predicate on pairs of subSet
s of a topological space. It holds if the two
s are contained in disjoint open sets.
Instances For
Alias of the forward direction of separatedNhds_iff_disjoint
A T₀ space, also known as a Kolmogorov space, is a topological space such that for every pair
x ≠ y
, there is an open set containing one but not the other. We formulate the definition in terms
of the Inseparable
- t0 : ∀ ⦃x y : X⦄, Inseparable x y → x = y
Two inseparable points in a T₀ space are equal.
A topology Inducing
map from a T₀ space is injective.
A topology Inducing
map from a T₀ space is a topological embedding.
Specialization forms a partial order on a t0 topological space.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- (_ : T0Space (SeparationQuotient X)) = (_ : T0Space (SeparationQuotient X))
Given a closed set S
in a compact T₀ space, there is some x ∈ S
such that {x}
Given an open finite set S
in a T₀ space, there is some x ∈ S
such that {x}
is open.
- (_ : T0Space (ULift.{u_3, u_1} X)) = (_ : T0Space (ULift.{u_3, u_1} X))
A T₁ space, also known as a Fréchet space, is a topological space
where every singleton set is closed. Equivalently, for every pair
x ≠ y
, there is an open set containing x
and not y
- t1 : ∀ (x : X), IsClosed {x}
A singleton in a T₁ space is a closed set.
In a T1Space
, relatively compact sets form a bornology. Its cobounded filter is
. See also Bornology.inCompact
the bornology of sets contained
in a compact set.
- Bornology.relativelyCompact X = { cobounded' := Filter.coclosedCompact X, le_cofinite' := (_ : Filter.coclosedCompact X ≤ Filter.cofinite) }
Instances For
- (_ : T1Space (CofiniteTopology X)) = (_ : T1Space (CofiniteTopology X))
- (_ : T1Space (ULift.{u_3, u_1} X)) = (_ : T1Space (ULift.{u_3, u_1} X))
If t
is a subset of s
, except for one point,
then insert x s
is a neighborhood of x
within t
Removing a non-isolated point from a dense set, one still obtains a dense set.
Removing a finset from a dense set in a space without isolated points, one still obtains a dense set.
Removing a finite set from a dense set in a space without isolated points, one still obtains a dense set.
If a function to a T1Space
tends to some limit y
at some point x
, then necessarily
y = f x
To prove a function to a T1Space
is continuous at some point x
, it suffices to prove that
admits some limit at x
A point with a finite neighborhood has to be isolated.
If the punctured neighborhoods of a point form a nontrivial filter, then any neighborhood is infinite.
A non-trivial connected T1 space has no isolated points.
- (_ : Filter.NeBot (nhdsWithin x {x}ᶜ)) = (_ : Filter.NeBot (nhdsWithin x {x}ᶜ))
The neighbourhoods filter of x
within s
, under the discrete topology, is equal to
the pure x
filter (which is the principal filter at the singleton {x}
A point x
in a discrete subset s
of a topological space admits a neighbourhood
that only meets s
at x
Let x
be a point in a discrete subset s
of a topological space, then there exists an open
set that only meets s
at x
For point x
in a discrete subset s
of a topological space, there is a set U
such that
is a punctured neighborhood ofx
(ie.U ∪ {x}
is a neighbourhood ofx
is disjoint froms
Let X
be a topological space and let s, t ⊆ X
be two subsets. If there is an inclusion
t ⊆ s
, then the topological space structure on t
induced by X
is the same as the one
obtained by the induced topological space structure on s
. Use embedding_inclusion
A T₂ space, also known as a Hausdorff space, is one in which for every
x ≠ y
there exists disjoint open sets around x
and y
. This is
the most widely used of the separation axioms.
- t2 : Pairwise fun (x y : X) => ∃ (u : Set X) (v : Set X), IsOpen u ∧ IsOpen v ∧ x ∈ u ∧ y ∈ v ∧ Disjoint u v
Every two points in a Hausdorff space admit disjoint open neighbourhoods.
Points of a finite set can be separated by open sets from each other.
A space is T₂ iff the neighbourhoods of distinct points generate the bottom filter.
If a function f
- injective on a compact set
; - continuous at every point of this set;
- injective on a neighborhood of each point of this set,
then it is injective on a neighborhood of this set.
If a function f
- injective on a compact set
; - continuous at every point of this set;
- injective on a neighborhood of each point of this set,
then it is injective on an open neighborhood of this set.
A T₂.₅ space, also known as a Urysohn space, is a topological space
where for every pair x ≠ y
, there are two open sets, with the intersection of closures
empty, one containing x
and the other y
- t2_5 : ∀ ⦃x y : X⦄, x ≠ y → Disjoint (Filter.lift' (nhds x) closure) (Filter.lift' (nhds y) closure)
Given two distinct points in a T₂.₅ space, their filters of closed neighborhoods are disjoint.
Properties of lim
and limUnder
In this section we use explicit Nonempty X
instances for lim
and limUnder
. This way the lemmas
are useful without a Nonempty X
constructions #
We use two lemmas to prove that various standard constructions generate Hausdorff spaces from Hausdorff spaces:
says that two pointsx y : X
can be separated by open neighborhoods provided that there exists a continuous mapf : X → Y
with a Hausdorff codomain such thatf x ≠ f y
. We use this lemma to prove that topological spaces defined usinginduced
are Hausdorff spaces. -
says that for an open embeddingf : X → Y
of a Hausdorff spaceX
, the images of two distinct pointsx y : X
,x ≠ y
can be separated by open neighborhoods. We use this lemma to prove that topological spaces defined usingcoinduced
are Hausdorff spaces.
If the codomain of an injective continuous function is a Hausdorff space, then so is its domain.
If the codomain of a topological embedding is a Hausdorff space, then so is its domain.
See also T2Space.of_continuous_injective
- (_ : T2Space (ULift.{u_3, u_1} X)) = (_ : T2Space (ULift.{u_3, u_1} X))
If two continuous maps are equal on s
, then they are equal on the closure of s
. See also
for a more general version.
If two continuous functions are equal on a dense set, then they are equal.
If f x = g x
for all x ∈ s
and f
, g
are continuous on t
, s ⊆ t ⊆ closure s
, then
f x = g x
for all x ∈ t
. See also Set.EqOn.closure
In a T2Space
, every compact set is closed.
If V : ι → Set X
is a decreasing family of compact sets then any neighborhood of
⋂ i, V i
contains some V i
. This is a version of exists_subset_nhds_of_isCompact'
where we
don't need to assume each V i
closed because it follows from compactness since X
assumed to be Hausdorff.
A continuous map from a compact space to a Hausdorff space is a closed map.
A continuous injective map from a compact space to a Hausdorff space is a closed embedding.
A continuous surjective map from a compact space to a Hausdorff space is a quotient map.
For every finite open cover Uᵢ
of a compact set, there exists a compact cover Kᵢ ⊆ Uᵢ
- (_ : LocallyCompactPair X Y) = (_ : LocallyCompactPair X Y)
A weakly locally compact Hausdorff space is locally compact.
- (_ : LocallyCompactSpace X) = (_ : LocallyCompactSpace X)
In a weakly locally compact T₂ space, every compact set has an open neighborhood with compact closure.
In a weakly locally compact T₂ space, every point has an open neighborhood with compact closure.
In a locally compact T₂ space, given a compact set K
inside an open set U
, we can find an
open set V
between these sets with compact closure: K ⊆ V
and the closure of V
is inside U
There does not exist a nontrivial preirreducible T₂ space.
A topological space is called a regular space if for any closed set s
and a ∉ s
, there
exist disjoint open sets U ⊇ s
and V ∋ a
. We formulate this condition in terms of Disjoint
of filters 𝓝ˢ s
and 𝓝 a
is a point that does not belong to a closed sets
, thena
admit disjoint neighborhoods.
A locally compact T2 space is regular.
- (_ : RegularSpace X) = (_ : RegularSpace X)
Alias of the forward direction of specializes_comm
- (_ : RegularSpace (Subtype p)) = (_ : RegularSpace (Subtype p))
- (_ : RegularSpace (X × Y)) = (_ : RegularSpace (X × Y))
- (_ : RegularSpace ((i : ι) → X i)) = (_ : RegularSpace ((i : ι) → X i))
A class of topological spaces in which, given a compact set included inside an open set, then the closure of the compact set is also included in the open set. Satisfied notably for T2 spaces and regular spaces, and useful when discussing classes of regular measures. Equivalent to regularity among locally compact spaces.
- (_ : ClosableCompactSubsetOpenSpace X) = (_ : ClosableCompactSubsetOpenSpace X)
In a (possibly non-Hausdorff) regular space, if a compact set s
is contained in an
open set u
, then its closure is also contained in u
- (_ : ClosableCompactSubsetOpenSpace X) = (_ : ClosableCompactSubsetOpenSpace X)
In a (possibly non-Hausdorff) locally compact space with the ClosableCompactSubsetOpenSpace
property (for instance regular spaces), for every containment K ⊆ U
of a compact set K
in an
open set U
, there is a compact closed neighborhood L
such that K ⊆ L ⊆ U
: equivalently,
there is a compact closed set L
such that K ⊆ interior L
and L ⊆ U
A locally compact space with the ClosableCompactSubsetOpenSpace
is Regular
- (_ : RegularSpace X) = (_ : RegularSpace X)
A T₃ space is a T₀ space which is a regular space. Any T₃ space is a T₁ space, a T₂ space, and a T₂.₅ space.
- (_ : T3Space (ULift.{u_3, u_1} X)) = (_ : T3Space (ULift.{u_3, u_1} X))
Given two points x ≠ y
, we can find neighbourhoods x ∈ V₁ ⊆ U₁
and y ∈ V₂ ⊆ U₂
with the Vₖ
closed and the Uₖ
open, such that the Uₖ
are disjoint.
The SeparationQuotient
of a regular space is a T₃ space.
- (_ : T3Space (SeparationQuotient X)) = (_ : T3Space (SeparationQuotient X))
A topological space is said to be a normal space if any two disjoint closed sets have disjoint open neighborhoods.
- normal : ∀ (s t : Set X), IsClosed s → IsClosed t → Disjoint s t → SeparatedNhds s t
Two disjoint sets in a normal space admit disjoint neighbourhoods.
If the codomain of a closed embedding is a normal space, then so is the domain.
A regular topological space with second countable topology is a normal space.
- (_ : NormalSpace X) = (_ : NormalSpace X)
A T₄ space is a normal T₁ space.
If the codomain of a closed embedding is a T₄ space, then so is the domain.
- (_ : T4Space (ULift.{u_3, u_1} X)) = (_ : T4Space (ULift.{u_3, u_1} X))
The SeparationQuotient
of a normal space is a normal space.
- (_ : NormalSpace (SeparationQuotient X)) = (_ : NormalSpace (SeparationQuotient X))
A topological space X
is a completely normal Hausdorff space if each subspace s : Set X
a normal Hausdorff space. Equivalently, X
is a T₁
space and for any two sets s
, t
such that
closure s
is disjoint with t
and s
is disjoint with closure t
, there exist disjoint
neighbourhoods of s
and t
- t1 : ∀ (x : X), IsClosed {x}
A subspace of a T₅
space is a T₅
- (_ : T5Space (ULift.{u_3, u_1} X)) = (_ : T5Space (ULift.{u_3, u_1} X))
A T₅
space is a T₄
The SeparationQuotient
of a completely normal R₀ space is a T₅ space.
We don't have typeclasses for completely normal spaces (without T₁ assumption) and R₀ spaces,
so we use T5Space
for assumption and for conclusion.
One can prove this using a homeomorphism between X
and SeparationQuotient X
We give an alternative proof of the completely_normal
that works without assuming that X
is a T₁ space.
- (_ : T5Space (SeparationQuotient X)) = (_ : T5Space (SeparationQuotient X))
In a compact T₂ space, the connected component of a point equals the intersection of all its clopen neighbourhoods.
A T1 space with a clopen basis is totally separated.
A compact Hausdorff space is totally disconnected if and only if it is totally separated, this is also true for locally compact spaces.
A totally disconnected compact Hausdorff space is totally separated.
- (_ : TotallySeparatedSpace X) = (_ : TotallySeparatedSpace X)
Every member of an open set in a compact Hausdorff totally disconnected space is contained in a clopen set contained in the open set.
A locally compact Hausdorff totally disconnected space has a basis with clopen elements.
A locally compact Hausdorff space is totally disconnected if and only if it is totally separated.
ConnectedComponents X
is Hausdorff when X
is Hausdorff and compact
- (_ : T2Space (ConnectedComponents X)) = (_ : T2Space (ConnectedComponents X))