

Basic Classes in Euclidean Geometry #

In this file, we define classes that will be used in Euclidean geometry. In this file, classes for carriers and classes for notations will be defined.

Main Definitions #

Notations #

Further Works #

  1. The property concurrent (maybe we should extend to an arbitary number of figures version), the class Convex_2D is defined, but not actually in use.
  2. Make HasACongr extends HasCongr, and requires transitivity relations between them in the class.
@[inline, reducible]
abbrev EuclidGeom.PtNe {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (A : P) (B : P) :
Instances For
    instance EuclidGeom.PtNe.symm {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} [h : EuclidGeom.PtNe A B] :
    theorem EuclidGeom.pt_ne {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} [h : EuclidGeom.PtNe A B] :
    A B
    class EuclidGeom.Fig (α : Type u_2) (P : outParam (Type u_3)) :
    Type (max u_2 u_3)

    The class of plane figures. We say α is a plane figure, if for every given Euclidean plane P, α P is a collection of specific figures on P, each equipped with a carrier set of type Set P.

    • carrier : αSet P
      class EuclidGeom.Interior (α : Type u_2) (P : outParam (Type u_3)) :
      Type (max u_2 u_3)

      The class of plane figures with interior. We say α is with interior, if for every given Euclidean plane P, each element in the collection α P is equipped with an interior set of type Set P

      • interior : αSet P
        class EuclidGeom.IntFig (α : Type u_2) (P : outParam (Type u_3)) extends EuclidGeom.Fig , EuclidGeom.Interior :
        Type (max u_2 u_3)

        The class of plane figures with both carrier and interior. We say a plane figure α is with interior, if for every given Euclidean plane P, each element in the collection α P is equipped with bith a carrier set and an interior set of type Set P, and the interior set is contained in the carrier set.

          def EuclidGeom.lies_on {P : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [EuclidGeom.Fig α P] (A : P) (F : α) :
          Instances For
            def EuclidGeom.lies_int {P : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [EuclidGeom.Interior α P] (A : P) (F : α) :
            Instances For
              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  def EuclidGeom.is_inx {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {P : Type u_2} [EuclidGeom.Fig α P] [EuclidGeom.Fig β P] (A : P) (F : α) (G : β) :
                  Instances For
                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                    Instances For
                      theorem EuclidGeom.is_inx.symm {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {P : Type u_2} [EuclidGeom.Fig α P] [EuclidGeom.Fig β P] {A : P} {F : α} {G : β} (h : EuclidGeom.is_inx A F G) :
                      def EuclidGeom.intersect {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {P : Type u_2} [EuclidGeom.Fig α P] [EuclidGeom.Fig β P] (F : α) (G : β) :
                      Instances For
                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                        Instances For
                          theorem EuclidGeom.intersect.symm {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {P : Type u_2} [EuclidGeom.Fig α P] [EuclidGeom.Fig β P] {F : α} {G : β} (h : EuclidGeom.intersect F G) :
                          theorem EuclidGeom.ne_of_lieson_and_not_lieson {α : Type u_3} {P : Type u_2} [EuclidGeom.Fig α P] {F : α} {X : P} {Y : P} (hx : EuclidGeom.lies_on X F) (hy : ¬EuclidGeom.lies_on Y F) :
                          X Y
                          theorem EuclidGeom.ne_of_liesint_and_not_liesint {α : Type u_3} {P : Type u_2} [EuclidGeom.Interior α P] {F : α} {X : P} {Y : P} (hx : EuclidGeom.lies_int X F) (hy : ¬EuclidGeom.lies_int Y F) :
                          X Y
                          def EuclidGeom.concurrent {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} {P : Type u_2} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] [EuclidGeom.Fig α P] [EuclidGeom.Fig β P] [EuclidGeom.Fig γ P] (A : P) (F : α) (G : β) (H : γ) :
                          Instances For
                            class EuclidGeom.Convex2D (α : Type u_2) (P : outParam (Type u_3)) [outParam (EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P)] extends EuclidGeom.IntFig :
                            Type (max u_2 u_3)
                              class EuclidGeom.HasCongr (α : Type u_2) :
                              Type u_2
                                instance EuclidGeom.instIsEquivCongr (α : Type u_2) [EuclidGeom.HasCongr α] :
                                IsEquiv α EuclidGeom.HasCongr.congr
                                • (_ : IsEquiv α EuclidGeom.HasCongr.congr) = (_ : IsEquiv α EuclidGeom.HasCongr.congr)
                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                Instances For
                                  class EuclidGeom.HasACongr (α : Type u_2) :
                                  Type u_2
                                    instance EuclidGeom.instIsSymmAcongr (α : Type u_2) [EuclidGeom.HasACongr α] :
                                    IsSymm α EuclidGeom.HasACongr.acongr
                                    • (_ : IsSymm α EuclidGeom.HasACongr.acongr) = (_ : IsSymm α EuclidGeom.HasACongr.acongr)
                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                    Instances For
                                      class EuclidGeom.HasSim (α : Type u_2) :
                                      Type u_2
                                        instance EuclidGeom.instIsEquivSim (α : Type u_2) [EuclidGeom.HasSim α] :
                                        IsEquiv α EuclidGeom.HasSim.sim
                                        • (_ : IsEquiv α EuclidGeom.HasSim.sim) = (_ : IsEquiv α EuclidGeom.HasSim.sim)

                                        The similarity relation is denoted by infix "IsSimTo".

                                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                        Instances For

                                          The similarity relation is denoted by infix $\sim$.

                                          Instances For
                                            class EuclidGeom.HasASim (α : Type u_2) :
                                            Type u_2
                                              instance EuclidGeom.instIsSymmAcongr_1 (α : Type u_2) [EuclidGeom.HasACongr α] :
                                              IsSymm α EuclidGeom.HasACongr.acongr
                                              • (_ : IsSymm α EuclidGeom.HasACongr.acongr) = (_ : IsSymm α EuclidGeom.HasACongr.acongr)

                                              The anti-similarity relation is denoted by infix "IsASimTo".

                                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                              Instances For

                                                The anti-similarity relation is denoted by infix $\sim_a$.

                                                Instances For