Torsion submodules #
Main definitions #
torsionOf R M x
: the torsion ideal ofx
, containing alla
such thata • x = 0
.Submodule.torsionBy R M a
: thea
-torsion submodule, containing all elementsx
such thata • x = 0
.Submodule.torsionBySet R M s
: the submodule containing all elementsx
such thata • x = 0
for alla
.Submodule.torsion' R M S
: theS
-torsion submodule, containing all elementsx
such thata • x = 0
for somea
.Submodule.torsion R M
: the torsion submodule, containing all elementsx
such thata • x = 0
for some non-zero-divisora
.Module.IsTorsionBy R M a
: the property that defines ana
-torsion module. Similarly,IsTorsionBySet
: Creates anR ⧸ I
-module from anR
-module thatIsTorsionBySet R _ I
Main statements #
: isomorphism between the span of an element ofM
and the quotient by its torsion ideal.torsion' R M S
andtorsion R M
are submodules.torsionBySet_eq_torsionBySet_span
: torsion by a set is torsion by the ideal generated by it.Submodule.torsionBy_is_torsionBy
: thea
-torsion submodule is ana
-torsion module. Similar lemmas fortorsion'
: a∏ i, p i
-torsion module is the internal direct sum of itsp i
-torsion submodules when thep i
are pairwise coprime. A more general version with coprime ideals isSubmodule.torsionBySet_is_internal
: a module over a domain hasNoZeroSMulDivisors
(that is, there is no non-zeroa
such thata • x = 0
) iff its torsion submodule is trivial.Submodule.QuotientTorsion.torsion_eq_bot
: quotienting by the torsion submodule makes the torsion submodule of the new module trivial. IfR
is a domain, we can derive an instanceSubmodule.QuotientTorsion.noZeroSMulDivisors : NoZeroSMulDivisors R (M ⧸ torsion R M)
Notation #
- The notions are defined for a
CommSemiring R
and aModule R M
. Some additional hypotheses onR
are required by some lemmas. - The letters
, ... are used for scalars (inR
), whilex
, ... are used for vectors (inM
Tags #
Torsion, submodule, module, quotient
The torsion ideal of x
, containing all a
such that a • x = 0
- Ideal.torsionOf R M x = LinearMap.ker (LinearMap.toSpanSingleton R M x)
Instances For
See also CompleteLattice.Independent.linearIndependent
which provides the same conclusion
but requires the stronger hypothesis NoZeroSMulDivisors R M
The span of x
in M
is isomorphic to R
quotiented by the torsion ideal of x
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Instances For
The a
-torsion submodule for a
in R
, containing all elements x
of M
such that
a • x = 0
- Submodule.torsionBy R M a = LinearMap.ker (DistribMulAction.toLinearMap R M a)
Instances For
The submodule containing all elements x
of M
such that a • x = 0
for all a
in s
- Submodule.torsionBySet R M s = sInf (Submodule.torsionBy R M '' s)
Instances For
The additive submonoid of all elements x
of M
such that a • x = 0
for some a
in S
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Instances For
The S
-torsion submodule, containing all elements x
of M
such that a • x = 0
for some
in S
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Instances For
The torsion submodule, containing all elements x
of M
such that a • x = 0
for some
non-zero-divisor a
in R
- Submodule.torsion R M = Submodule.torsion' R M ↥(nonZeroDivisors R)
Instances For
An a
-torsion module is a module where every element is a
- Module.IsTorsionBy R M a = ∀ ⦃x : M⦄, a • x = 0
Instances For
A module where every element is a
-torsion for all a
in s
- Module.IsTorsionBySet R M s = ∀ ⦃x : M⦄ ⦃a : ↑s⦄, ↑a • x = 0
Instances For
An S
-torsion module is a module where every element is a
-torsion for some a
in S
- Module.IsTorsion' M S = ∀ ⦃x : M⦄, ∃ (a : S), a • x = 0
Instances For
A torsion module is a module where every element is a
-torsion for some non-zero-divisor a
- Module.IsTorsion R M = ∀ ⦃x : M⦄, ∃ (a : ↥(nonZeroDivisors R)), a • x = 0
Instances For
Torsion by a set is torsion by the ideal generated by it.
An a
-torsion module is a module whose a
-torsion submodule is the full space.
The a
-torsion submodule is an a
-torsion module.
If the p i
are pairwise coprime, a ⨅ i, p i
-torsion module is the internal direct sum of
its p i
-torsion submodules.
If the q i
are pairwise coprime, a ∏ i, q i
-torsion module is the internal direct sum of
its q i
-torsion submodules.
can't be an instance because hM can't be inferred
- Module.IsTorsionBySet.hasSMul hM = { smul := fun (b : R ⧸ I) (x : M) => Quotient.liftOn' b (fun (x_1 : R) => x_1 • x) (_ : ∀ (b₁ b₂ : R), Setoid.r b₁ b₂ → b₁ • x = b₂ • x) }
Instances For
An (R ⧸ I)
-module is an R
-module which IsTorsionBySet R M I
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Instances For
- (_ : IsScalarTower S (R ⧸ I) M) = (_ : IsScalarTower S (R ⧸ I) M)
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- (_ : IsScalarTower S (R ⧸ I) ↥(Submodule.torsionBySet R M ↑I)) = (_ : IsScalarTower S (R ⧸ I) ↥(Submodule.torsionBySet R M ↑I))
The a
-torsion submodule as an (R ⧸ R∙a)
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- (_ : IsScalarTower S (R ⧸ Submodule.span R {a}) ↥(Submodule.torsionBy R M a)) = (_ : IsScalarTower S (R ⧸ Submodule.span R {a}) ↥(Submodule.torsionBy R M a))
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- (_ : SMulCommClass S R ↥(Submodule.torsion' R M S)) = (_ : SMulCommClass S R ↥(Submodule.torsion' R M S))
An S
-torsion module is a module whose S
-torsion submodule is the full space.
The S
-torsion submodule is an S
-torsion module.
The torsion submodule of the torsion submodule (viewed as a module) is the full torsion module.
The torsion submodule is always a torsion module.
A module over a domain has NoZeroSMulDivisors
iff its torsion submodule is trivial.
Quotienting by the torsion submodule gives a torsion-free module.
- (_ : NoZeroSMulDivisors R (M ⧸ Submodule.torsion R M)) = (_ : NoZeroSMulDivisors R (M ⧸ Submodule.torsion R M))
In a p ^ ∞
-torsion module (that is, a module where all elements are cancelled by scalar
multiplication by some power of p
), the smallest n
such that p ^ n • x = 0