Subfields #
Let K
be a division ring, for example a field.
This file defines the "bundled" subfield type Subfield K
, a type
whose terms correspond to subfields of K
. Note we do not require the "subfields" to be
commutative, so they are really sub-division rings / skew fields. This is the preferred way to talk
about subfields in mathlib. Unbundled subfields (s : Set K
and IsSubfield s
are not in this file, and they will ultimately be deprecated.
We prove that subfields are a complete lattice, and that you can map
(pushforward) and
(pull back) them along ring homomorphisms.
We define the closure
construction from Set K
to Subfield K
, sending a subset of K
to the subfield it generates, and prove that it is a Galois insertion.
Main definitions #
Notation used here:
(K : Type u) [DivisionRing K] (L : Type u) [DivisionRing L] (f g : K →+* L)
(A : Subfield K) (B : Subfield L) (s : Set K)
Subfield K
: the type of subfields of a division ringK
. -
instance : CompleteLattice (Subfield K)
: the complete lattice structure on the subfields. -
: subfield closure of a set, i.e., the smallest subfield that includes the set. -
:closure : Set M → Subfield M
and coercion(↑) : Subfield M → Set M
form aGaloisInsertion
. -
comap f B : Subfield K
: the preimage of a subfieldB
along the ring homomorphismf
map f A : Subfield L
: the image of a subfieldA
along the ring homomorphismf
. -
f.fieldRange : Subfield L
: the range of the ring homomorphismf
. -
eqLocusField f g : Subfield K
: given ring homomorphismsf g : K →+* R
, the subfield ofK
wheref x = g x
Implementation notes #
A subfield is implemented as a subring which is closed under ⁻¹
Lattice inclusion (e.g. ≤
and ⊓
) is used rather than set notation (⊆
and ∩
), although
is defined as membership of a subfield's underlying set.
Tags #
subfield, subfields
SubfieldClass S K
states S
is a type of subsets s ⊆ K
closed under field operations.
A subfield contains 1
, products and inverses.
Be assured that we're not actually proving that subfields are subgroups:
is really an abbreviation of SubgroupWithOrWithoutZeroClass
- (_ : SubgroupClass S K) = (_ : SubgroupClass S K)
- SubfieldClass.instRatCastSubtypeMemInstMembership s = { ratCast := fun (x : ℚ) => { val := ↑x, property := (_ : ↑x ∈ s) } }
A subfield inherits a division ring structure
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A subfield of a field inherits a field structure
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A subfield of a LinearOrderedField
is a LinearOrderedField
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Subfield R
is the type of subfields of R
. A subfield of R
is a subset s
that is a
multiplicative submonoid and an additive subgroup. Note in particular that it shares the
same 0 and 1 as R.
- carrier : Set K
- one_mem' : 1 ∈ s.carrier
- zero_mem' : 0 ∈ s.carrier
A subfield is closed under multiplicative inverses.
Instances For
The underlying AddSubgroup
of a subfield.
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Instances For
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- (_ : SubfieldClass (Subfield K) K) = (_ : SubfieldClass (Subfield K) K)
Two subfields are equal if they have the same elements.
Copy of a subfield with a new carrier
equal to the old one. Useful to fix definitional
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Instances For
A Subring
containing inverses is a Subfield
- Subring.toSubfield s hinv = { toSubring := { toSubsemiring := s.toSubsemiring, neg_mem' := (_ : ∀ {x : K}, x ∈ s.carrier → -x ∈ s.carrier) }, inv_mem' := hinv }
Instances For
A subfield contains the field's 1.
A subfield contains the field's 0.
A subfield is closed under multiplication.
A subfield is closed under addition.
A subfield is closed under negation.
A subfield is closed under subtraction.
A subfield is closed under inverses.
A subfield is closed under division.
Product of a list of elements in a subfield is in the subfield.
Sum of a list of elements in a subfield is in the subfield.
Sum of a multiset of elements in a Subfield
is in the Subfield
Sum of elements in a Subfield
indexed by a Finset
is in the Subfield
- Subfield.instDivSubtypeMemSubfieldInstMembershipInstSetLikeSubfield s = { div := fun (x y : ↥s) => { val := ↑x / ↑y, property := (_ : ↑x / ↑y ∈ s) } }
- Subfield.instInvSubtypeMemSubfieldInstMembershipInstSetLikeSubfield s = { inv := fun (x : ↥s) => { val := (↑x)⁻¹, property := (_ : (↑x)⁻¹ ∈ s) } }
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A subfield of a LinearOrderedField
is a LinearOrderedField
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The embedding from a subfield of the field K
to K
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Instances For
Partial order #
top #
The subfield of K
containing all elements of K
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comap #
The preimage of a subfield along a ring homomorphism is a subfield.
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Instances For
map #
The image of a subfield along a ring homomorphism is a subfield.
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Instances For
range #
The range of a ring homomorphism, as a subfield of the target. See Note [range copy pattern].
- RingHom.fieldRange f = Subfield.copy ( f ⊤) (Set.range ⇑f) (_ : Set.range ⇑f = ⇑f '' Set.univ)
Instances For
The range of a morphism of fields is a fintype, if the domain is a fintype.
Note that this instance can cause a diamond with Subtype.Fintype
if L
is also a fintype.
inf #
The inf of two subfields is their intersection.
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Subfields of a ring form a complete lattice.
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subfield closure of a subset #
The subfield generated by a set includes the set.
A subfield t
includes closure s
if and only if it includes s
Subfield closure of a set is monotone in its argument: if s ⊆ t
then closure s ≤ closure t
An induction principle for closure membership. If p
holds for 1
, and all elements
of s
, and is preserved under addition, negation, and multiplication, then p
holds for all
elements of the closure of s
forms a Galois insertion with the coercion to set.
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Instances For
Closure of a subfield S
equals S
The underlying set of a non-empty directed sSup of subfields is just a union of the subfields. Note that this fails without the directedness assumption (the union of two subfields is typically not a subfield)
Restriction of a ring homomorphism to its range interpreted as a subfield.
Instances For
The subfield of elements x : R
such that f x = g x
, i.e.,
the equalizer of f and g as a subfield of R
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Instances For
If two ring homomorphisms are equal on a set, then they are equal on its subfield closure.
The image under a ring homomorphism of the subfield generated by a set equals the subfield generated by the image of the set.
The ring homomorphism associated to an inclusion of subfields.
- Subfield.inclusion h = RingHom.codRestrict (Subfield.subtype S) T (_ : ∀ (x : ↥S), (Subfield.subtype S) x ∈ T)
Instances For
Makes the identity isomorphism from a proof two subfields of a multiplicative monoid are equal.
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Instances For
Product of a multiset of elements in a subfield is in the subfield.