Multilinear maps #
We define multilinear maps as maps from ∀ (i : ι), M₁ i
to M₂
which are linear in each
coordinate. Here, M₁ i
and M₂
are modules over a ring R
, and ι
is an arbitrary type
(although some statements will require it to be a fintype). This space, denoted by
MultilinearMap R M₁ M₂
, inherits a module structure by pointwise addition and multiplication.
Main definitions #
MultilinearMap R M₁ M₂
is the space of multilinear maps from∀ (i : ι), M₁ i
. -
is the multiplicativity of the multilinear mapf
along each coordinate. -
is the additivity of the multilinear mapf
along each coordinate. -
expresses the multiplicativity off
over all coordinates at the same time, writingf (fun i => c i • m i)
as(∏ i, c i) • f m
. -
expresses the additivity off
over all coordinates at the same time, writingf (m + m')
as the sum over all subsetss
off (s.piecewise m m')
. -
expressesf (Σ_{j₁} g₁ j₁, ..., Σ_{jₙ} gₙ jₙ)
as the sum off (g₁ (r 1), ..., gₙ (r n))
ranges over all possible functions.
We also register isomorphisms corresponding to currying or uncurrying variables, transforming a
multilinear function f
on n+1
variables into a linear function taking values in multilinear
functions in n
variables, and into a multilinear function in n
variables taking values in linear
functions. These operations are called f.curryLeft
and f.curryRight
(with inverses f.uncurryLeft
and f.uncurryRight
). These operations induce linear equivalences
between spaces of multilinear functions in n+1
variables and spaces of linear functions into
multilinear functions in n
variables (resp. multilinear functions in n
variables taking values
in linear functions), called respectively multilinearCurryLeftEquiv
Implementation notes #
Expressing that a map is linear along the i
-th coordinate when all other coordinates are fixed
can be done in two (equivalent) different ways:
- fixing a vector
m : ∀ (j : ι - i), M₁ j.val
, and then choosing separately thei
-th coordinate - fixing a vector
m : ∀j, M₁ j
, and then modifying itsi
-th coordinate
The second way is more artificial as the value of m
at i
is not relevant, but it has the
advantage of avoiding subtype inclusion issues. This is the definition we use, based on
that allows to change the value of m
at i
Note that the use of Function.update
requires a DecidableEq ι
term to appear somewhere in the
statement of MultilinearMap.map_add'
and MultilinearMap.map_smul'
. Three possible choices
- Requiring
DecidableEq ι
as an argument toMultilinearMap
(as we did originally). - Using
Classical.decEq ι
in the statement ofmap_add'
. - Quantifying over all possible
DecidableEq ι
instances in the statement ofmap_add'
Option 1 works fine, but puts unnecessary constraints on the user (the zero map certainly does not
need decidability). Option 2 looks great at first, but in the common case when ι = Fin n
introduces non-defeq decidability instance diamonds within the context of proving map_add'
, of the form Fin.decidableEq n = Classical.decEq (Fin n)
. Option 3 of course does
something similar, but of the form Fin.decidableEq n = _inst
, which is much easier to clean up
since _inst
is a free variable and so the equality can just be substituted.
Multilinear maps over the ring R
, from ∀ i, M₁ i
to M₂
where M₁ i
and M₂
are modules
over R
- toFun : ((i : ι) → M₁ i) → M₂
The underlying multivariate function of a multilinear map.
- map_add' : ∀ [inst : DecidableEq ι] (m : (i : ι) → M₁ i) (i : ι) (x y : M₁ i), MultilinearMap.toFun s (Function.update m i (x + y)) = MultilinearMap.toFun s (Function.update m i x) + MultilinearMap.toFun s (Function.update m i y)
A multilinear map is additive in every argument.
- map_smul' : ∀ [inst : DecidableEq ι] (m : (i : ι) → M₁ i) (i : ι) (c : R) (x : M₁ i), MultilinearMap.toFun s (Function.update m i (c • x)) = c • MultilinearMap.toFun s (Function.update m i x)
A multilinear map is compatible with scalar multiplication in every argument.
Instances For
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- MultilinearMap.instInhabitedMultilinearMap = { default := 0 }
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Coercion of a multilinear map to a function as an additive monoid homomorphism.
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Instances For
If f
is a multilinear map, then f.toLinearMap m i
is the linear map obtained by fixing all
coordinates but i
equal to those of m
, and varying the i
-th coordinate.
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Instances For
The cartesian product of two multilinear maps, as a multilinear map.
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Instances For
Combine a family of multilinear maps with the same domain and codomains M' i
into a
multilinear map taking values in the space of functions ∀ i, M' i
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Instances For
Equivalence between linear maps M₂ →ₗ[R] M₃
and one-multilinear maps.
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Instances For
The constant map is multilinear when ι
is empty.
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Instances For
Given a multilinear map f
on n
variables (parameterized by Fin n
) and a subset s
of k
of these variables, one gets a new multilinear map on Fin k
by varying these variables, and fixing
the other ones equal to a given value z
. It is denoted by f.restr s hk z
, where hk
is a
proof that the cardinality of s
is k
. The implicit identification between Fin k
and s
we use is the canonical (increasing) bijection.
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Instances For
In the specific case of multilinear maps on spaces indexed by Fin (n+1)
, where one can build
an element of ∀ (i : Fin (n+1)), M i
using cons
, one can express directly the additivity of a
multilinear map along the first variable.
In the specific case of multilinear maps on spaces indexed by Fin (n+1)
, where one can build
an element of ∀ (i : Fin (n+1)), M i
using cons
, one can express directly the multiplicativity
of a multilinear map along the first variable.
In the specific case of multilinear maps on spaces indexed by Fin (n+1)
, where one can build
an element of ∀ (i : Fin (n+1)), M i
using snoc
, one can express directly the additivity of a
multilinear map along the first variable.
In the specific case of multilinear maps on spaces indexed by Fin (n+1)
, where one can build
an element of ∀ (i : Fin (n+1)), M i
using cons
, one can express directly the multiplicativity
of a multilinear map along the first variable.
If g
is a multilinear map and f
is a collection of linear maps,
then g (f₁ m₁, ..., fₙ mₙ)
is again a multilinear map, that we call
g.compLinearMap f
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Instances For
Composing a multilinear map twice with a linear map in each argument is the same as composing with their composition.
Composing the zero multilinear map with a linear map in each argument.
Composing a multilinear map with the identity linear map in each argument.
Composing with a family of surjective linear maps is injective.
Composing a multilinear map with a linear equiv on each argument gives the zero map if and only if the multilinear map is the zero map.
If one adds to a vector m'
another vector m
, but only for coordinates in a finset t
, then
the image under a multilinear map f
is the sum of f (s.piecewise m m')
along all subsets s
. This is mainly an auxiliary statement to prove the result when t = univ
, given in
, although it can be useful in its own right as it does not require the index set ι
to be finite.
Additivity of a multilinear map along all coordinates at the same time,
writing f (m + m')
as the sum of f (s.piecewise m m')
over all sets s
If f
is multilinear, then f (Σ_{j₁ ∈ A₁} g₁ j₁, ..., Σ_{jₙ ∈ Aₙ} gₙ jₙ)
is the sum of
f (g₁ (r 1), ..., gₙ (r n))
where r
ranges over all functions with r 1 ∈ A₁
, ...,
r n ∈ Aₙ
. This follows from multilinearity by expanding successively with respect to each
coordinate. Here, we give an auxiliary statement tailored for an inductive proof. Use instead
If f
is multilinear, then f (Σ_{j₁ ∈ A₁} g₁ j₁, ..., Σ_{jₙ ∈ Aₙ} gₙ jₙ)
is the sum of
f (g₁ (r 1), ..., gₙ (r n))
where r
ranges over all functions with r 1 ∈ A₁
, ...,
r n ∈ Aₙ
. This follows from multilinearity by expanding successively with respect to each
If f
is multilinear, then f (Σ_{j₁} g₁ j₁, ..., Σ_{jₙ} gₙ jₙ)
is the sum of
f (g₁ (r 1), ..., gₙ (r n))
where r
ranges over all functions r
. This follows from
multilinearity by expanding successively with respect to each coordinate.
Restrict the codomain of a multilinear map to a submodule.
This is the multilinear version of LinearMap.codRestrict
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Instances For
Reinterpret an A
-multilinear map as an R
-multilinear map, if A
is an algebra over R
and their actions on all involved modules agree with the action of R
on A
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Instances For
Transfer the arguments to a map along an equivalence between argument indices.
The naming is derived from Finsupp.domCongr
, noting that here the permutation applies to the
domain of the domain.
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Instances For
as an equivalence.
This is declared separately because it does not work with dot notation.
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Instances For
The results of applying domDomCongr
to two maps are equal if
and only if those maps are.
Composing a multilinear map with a linear map gives again a multilinear map.
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Instances For
The multilinear version of LinearMap.subtype_comp_codRestrict
The multilinear version of LinearMap.comp_codRestrict
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The space of multilinear maps over an algebra over R
is a module over R
, for the pointwise
addition and scalar multiplication.
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- (_ : NoZeroSMulDivisors S (MultilinearMap R M₁ M₂)) = (_ : NoZeroSMulDivisors S (MultilinearMap R M₁ M₂))
Linear equivalence between linear maps M₂ →ₗ[R] M₃
and one-multilinear maps MultilinearMap R (fun _ : ι ↦ M₂) M₃
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Instances For
The dependent version of MultilinearMap.domDomCongrLinearEquiv
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Instances For
The space of constant maps is equivalent to the space of maps that are multilinear with respect to an empty family.
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Instances For
as a LinearEquiv
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Instances For
If f
is a collection of linear maps, then the construction MultilinearMap.compLinearMap
sending a multilinear map g
to g (f₁ ⬝ , ..., fₙ ⬝ )
is linear in g
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Instances For
If f
is a collection of linear maps, then the construction MultilinearMap.compLinearMap
sending a multilinear map g
to g (f₁ ⬝ , ..., fₙ ⬝ )
is linear in g
and multilinear in
f₁, ..., fₙ
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Instances For
If one multiplies by c i
the coordinates in a finset s
, then the image under a multilinear
map is multiplied by ∏ i in s, c i
. This is mainly an auxiliary statement to prove the result when
s = univ
, given in map_smul_univ
, although it can be useful in its own right as it does not
require the index set ι
to be finite.
Multiplicativity of a multilinear map along all coordinates at the same time,
writing f (fun i => c i • m i)
as (∏ i, c i) • f m
Given an R
-algebra A
, mkPiAlgebra
is the multilinear map on A^ι
to m
the product of all the m i
See also MultilinearMap.mkPiAlgebraFin
for a version that works with a non-commutative
algebra A
but requires ι = Fin n
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Instances For
Given an R
-algebra A
, mkPiAlgebraFin
is the multilinear map on A^n
to m
the product of all the m i
See also MultilinearMap.mkPiAlgebra
for a version that assumes [CommSemiring A]
but works
for A^ι
with any finite type ι
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Instances For
Given an R
-multilinear map f
taking values in R
, f.smulRight z
is the map
sending m
to f m • z
- MultilinearMap.smulRight f z = LinearMap.compMultilinearMap (LinearMap.smulRight z) f
Instances For
The canonical multilinear map on R^ι
when ι
is finite, associating to m
the product of
all the m i
(multiplied by a fixed reference element z
in the target module). See also
for a more general version.
- MultilinearMap.mkPiRing R ι z = MultilinearMap.smulRight (MultilinearMap.mkPiAlgebra R ι R) z
Instances For
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- MultilinearMap.instAddCommGroupMultilinearMapToAddCommMonoid = let src := MultilinearMap.addCommMonoid; (_ : ∀ (a b : MultilinearMap R M₁ M₂), a + b = b + a)
When ι
is finite, multilinear maps on R^ι
with values in M₂
are in bijection with M₂
as such a multilinear map is completely determined by its value on the constant vector made of ones.
We register this bijection as a linear equivalence in MultilinearMap.piRingEquiv
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Instances For
Currying #
We associate to a multilinear map in n+1
variables (i.e., based on Fin n.succ
) two
curried functions, named f.curryLeft
(which is a linear map on E 0
taking values
in multilinear maps in n
variables) and f.curryRight
(which is a multilinear map in n
variables taking values in linear maps on E 0
). In both constructions, the variable that is
singled out is 0
, to take advantage of the operations cons
and tail
on Fin n
The inverse operations are called uncurryLeft
and uncurryRight
We also register linear equiv versions of these correspondences, in
and multilinearCurryRightEquiv
Left currying #
Given a linear map f
from M 0
to multilinear maps on n
construct the corresponding multilinear map on n+1
variables obtained by concatenating
the variables, given by m ↦ f (m 0) (tail m)
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Instances For
Given a multilinear map f
in n+1
variables, split the first variable to obtain
a linear map into multilinear maps in n
variables, given by x ↦ (m ↦ f (cons x m))
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Instances For
The space of multilinear maps on ∀ (i : Fin (n+1)), M i
is canonically isomorphic to
the space of linear maps from M 0
to the space of multilinear maps on
∀ (i : Fin n), M i.succ
, by separating the first variable. We register this isomorphism as a
linear isomorphism in multilinearCurryLeftEquiv R M M₂
The direct and inverse maps are given by f.uncurryLeft
and f.curryLeft
. Use these
unless you need the full framework of linear equivs.
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Instances For
Right currying #
Given a multilinear map f
in n
variables to the space of linear maps from M (last n)
, construct the corresponding multilinear map on n+1
variables obtained by concatenating
the variables, given by m ↦ f (init m) (m (last n))
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Instances For
Given a multilinear map f
in n+1
variables, split the last variable to obtain
a multilinear map in n
variables taking values in linear maps from M (last n)
to M₂
, given by
m ↦ (x ↦ f (snoc m x))
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Instances For
The space of multilinear maps on ∀ (i : Fin (n+1)), M i
is canonically isomorphic to
the space of linear maps from the space of multilinear maps on ∀ (i : Fin n), M (castSucc i)
the space of linear maps on M (last n)
, by separating the last variable. We register this
isomorphism as a linear isomorphism in multilinearCurryRightEquiv R M M₂
The direct and inverse maps are given by f.uncurryRight
and f.curryRight
. Use these
unless you need the full framework of linear equivs.
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Instances For
A multilinear map on ∀ i : ι ⊕ ι', M'
defines a multilinear map on ∀ i : ι, M'
taking values in the space of multilinear maps on ∀ i : ι', M'
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Instances For
A multilinear map on ∀ i : ι, M'
taking values in the space of multilinear maps
on ∀ i : ι', M'
defines a multilinear map on ∀ i : ι ⊕ ι', M'
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Instances For
Linear equivalence between the space of multilinear maps on ∀ i : ι ⊕ ι', M'
and the space
of multilinear maps on ∀ i : ι, M'
taking values in the space of multilinear maps
on ∀ i : ι', M'
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Instances For
If s : Finset (Fin n)
is a finite set of cardinality k
and its complement has cardinality
, then the space of multilinear maps on fun i : Fin n => M'
is isomorphic to the space of
multilinear maps on fun i : Fin k => M'
taking values in the space of multilinear maps
on fun i : Fin l => M'
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Instances For
The pushforward of an indexed collection of submodule p i ⊆ M₁ i
by f : M₁ → M₂
Note that this is not a submodule - it is not closed under addition.
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Instances For
The map is always nonempty. This lemma is needed to apply SubMulAction.zero_mem
The range of a multilinear map, closed under scalar multiplication.
- MultilinearMap.range f = f fun (x : ι) => ⊤