Uniform embeddings of uniform spaces. #
Extension of uniform continuous functions.
Uniform inducing maps #
A map f : α → β
between uniform spaces is called uniform inducing if the uniformity filter
on α
is the pullback of the uniformity filter on β
under Prod.map f f
. If α
is a separated
space, then this implies that f
is injective, hence it is a UniformEmbedding
- comap_uniformity : Filter.comap (fun (x : α × α) => (f x.1, f x.2)) (uniformity β) = uniformity α
The uniformity filter on the domain is the pullback of the uniformity filter on the codomain under
Prod.map f f
Instances For
Uniform embeddings #
A map f : α → β
between uniform spaces is a uniform embedding if it is uniform inducing and
injective. If α
is a separated space, then the latter assumption follows from the former.
- comap_uniformity : Filter.comap (fun (x : α × α) => (f x.1, f x.2)) (uniformity β) = uniformity α
- inj : Function.Injective f
A uniform embedding is injective.
Instances For
If the domain of a UniformInducing
map f
is a T₀ space, then f
is injective,
hence it is a UniformEmbedding
If a map f : α → β
sends any two distinct points to point that are not related by a fixed
s ∈ 𝓤 β
, then f
is uniform inducing with respect to the discrete uniformity on α
the preimage of 𝓤 β
under Prod.map f f
is the principal filter generated by the diagonal in
α × α
If a map f : α → β
sends any two distinct points to point that are not related by a fixed
s ∈ 𝓤 β
, then f
is a uniform embedding with respect to the discrete uniformity on α
A set is complete iff its image under a uniform inducing map is complete.
The lift of a complete space to another universe is still complete.
- (_ : CompleteSpace (ULift.{u_1, u} α)) = (_ : CompleteSpace (ULift.{u_1, u} α))
- (_ : CompleteSpace (α ⊕ β)) = (_ : CompleteSpace (α ⊕ β))
Pull back a uniform space structure by an embedding, adjusting the new uniform structure to make sure that its topology is defeq to the original one.
- Embedding.comapUniformSpace f h = UniformSpace.replaceTopology (UniformSpace.comap f u) (_ : inst = TopologicalSpace.induced f UniformSpace.toTopologicalSpace)