This defines two projective objects to be perpendicular, i.e. their associated projective directions are perpendicular.
- EuclidGeom.Perpendicular l₁ l₂ = (EuclidGeom.toProj l₁ = (EuclidGeom.toProj l₂).perp)
Instances For
Abbreviate Perpendicular $l_1$ $l_2$
to $l_1$ IsPerpendicularTo $l_2$
or $l_1$ $\perp$ $l_2$
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- EuclidGeom.«term_⟂_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `EuclidGeom.term_⟂_ 50 51 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " ⟂ ") ( `term 51))
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A projective object $l$ is not perpendicular to itself.
If $l_1$ is perpendicular to $l_2$ and $l_2$ is perpendicular to $l_3$, then $l_1$ is perpendicular to $l_3$.
Alias of EuclidGeom.perp_of_parallel_perp
If $l_1$ is perpendicular to $l_2$, then they have different projective direction.
Given a point $A$ and a line $l$, this function returns the line through $A$ perpendicular to $l$.
- EuclidGeom.perp_line A l = EuclidGeom.Line.mk_pt_proj A l.toProj.perp
Instances For
For a point $A$ and a line $l$, the line through $A$ perpendicular to $l$ constructed using perp_line
is perpendicular to $l$.
For a point $A$ and a line $l$, the projective direction of $l$ is different from the projective direction of the line through $A$ perpendicular to $l$.
For a point $A$ and a line $l$, this function returns the perpendicular foot from $A$ to $l$.
- EuclidGeom.perp_foot A l = EuclidGeom.Line.inx l (EuclidGeom.perp_line A l) (_ : l.toProj ≠ (EuclidGeom.perp_line A l).toProj)
Instances For
Given a point $A$ and a line $l$, the perpendicular foot from $A$ to $l$ is the same as $A$ if and only if $A$ lies on $l$.
If a point $A$ does not lie on a line $l$, then the line through $A$ and the perpendicular root from $A$ to $l$ is the line through $A$ perpendicular to $l$.
If a point $A$ does on lie on a line $l$, the line through $A$ and the perpendicular roort from $A$ to $l$ is perpendicular to $l$.
This function returns the distance from a point $A$ to a line $l$, as the distance between $A$ and the perpendicular root from $A$ to $l$.
- EuclidGeom.dist_pt_line A l = { source := A, target := EuclidGeom.perp_foot A l }.length
Instances For
Let $B$ be a point on a line $l$, then the distance from a point $A$ to $B$ is greater or equal to the distance from $A$ to $l$.