We say that rays $r$ and $r'$ \emph{induce the same directed line} if, (1) they have the same direction, and (2) the source of $r'$ lies on $r$ or the reverse range of $r$.
- EuclidGeom.same_dir_line r r' = (r.toDir = r'.toDir ∧ (EuclidGeom.lies_on r'.source r ∨ EuclidGeom.lies_on r'.source r.reverse))
Instances For
Rays $r$ and $r$ induce the same directed line.
If $r$ and $r'$ induce the same directed line, then $r'$ and $r$ induce the same directed line.
If $r$, $r'$, and $r''$ are rays such that $r$ and $r'$ induce the same directed line, and $r'$ and $r''$ induce the same directed line, then $r$ and $r''$ induce the same directed line.
Define an equivalence relation of rays with the same directed line, consisting of reflexive, symmetric, and transitivity conditions.
- EuclidGeom.same_dir_line.setoid = { r := EuclidGeom.same_dir_line, iseqv := (_ : Equivalence EuclidGeom.same_dir_line) }
Instances For
We say two rays $r$ and $r'$ \emph{have the same extension line} if, (1) they have the same projective direction, and (2) if the sourse of $r'$ lies either on $r$ or the reverse ray of $r$.
- EuclidGeom.same_extn_line r r' = (r.toProj = r'.toProj ∧ (EuclidGeom.lies_on r'.source r ∨ EuclidGeom.lies_on r'.source r.reverse))
Instances For
If two rays $r$ and $r'$ have the same extension line, then either they have the same direction or opposite direction.
If two rays $r$ and $r'$ have the same extension line, then the unit vector determined by $r'$ is some real multiple of the unit vecgtor determined by $r$.
The reverse of a ray have the same extension line as the ray.
For two distinct points $A$ and $B$, if $A$ lies on a ray $r$ or its reverse ray and $B$ also lies on $r$ or its reverse ray, then the ray $r$ and the ray $\overline{AB}$ have the same extension line.
A ray $r$ has the same extension line as itself.
The symmetric property of same_extn_line. It states that if two rays $r$ and $r'$ have the same extension line, then $r'$ and $r$ also have the same extension line.
The transitivity of the same extension line relation. If $r$, $r'$, and $r''$ are rays such that $r$ and $r'$ have the same extension line, and $r'$ and $r''$ have the same extension line, then $r$ and $r''$ have the same extension line.
- EuclidGeom.same_extn_line.setoid = { r := EuclidGeom.same_extn_line, iseqv := (_ : Equivalence EuclidGeom.same_extn_line) }
Instances For
Given two directions, either the same or opposite, the rays starting from a same point with the two directions have the same extension line.
If two rays $r$ and $r'$ have the same extension lines, then the union of the set of $r'$ and its reverse is contained in the union of the set of $r$ and its reverse.
If two rays $r$ and $r'$ have the same extension lines, then the union of the set of $r'$ and its reverse is the same as the union of the set of $r$ and its reverse.
This theorem gives the relation between two equivalence relations: having the same directed line implies having the same extension line.
A \emph{directed line} is the equivalence class of rays with the same directed lines.
- EuclidGeom.DirLine P = Quotient EuclidGeom.same_dir_line.setoid
Instances For
A \emph{line} is the equivalence class of rays with the same exetnsion lines.
- EuclidGeom.Line P = Quotient EuclidGeom.same_extn_line.setoid
Instances For
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, this function returns the directed line starting from $A$ in the direction of $B$. We use $\verb|DLIN| A B$ or $\verb|DLIN| A B h$ to abbreviate $\verb|DLine.mk_pt_pt| A B h$, where $h$ is a statement that $A \neq B$. When such statement $h$ is missing, we search it in all the known facts.
- DLIN A B h = ⟦RAY A B h⟧
Instances For
Given a point $A$ and a direction, this function returns the directed line starting from $A$ in the given direction.
- EuclidGeom.DirLine.mk_pt_dir A dir = ⟦{ source := A, toDir := dir }⟧
Instances For
Given a point $A$ and a nondegenerate vector, this function returns the directed line starting from $A$ in the same direction of the nondegenerate vector.
- EuclidGeom.DirLine.mk_pt_vec_nd A vec_nd = EuclidGeom.DirLine.mk_pt_dir A vec_nd.toDir
Instances For
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, this function returns the line passing through $A$ and $B$. We use $\verb|LIN| A B$ or $\verb|LIN| A B h$ to abbreviate $\verb|Line.mk_pt_pt| A B h$, where $h$ is a statement that $A \neq B$. When such statement $h$ is missing, we search it in all the known facts.
- LIN A B h = ⟦RAY A B h⟧
Instances For
Given a point $A$ and a projective direction, this function returns the line through $A$ along the given projective direction.
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Instances For
Given a point $A$ and a direction, this function returns the line through $A$ along the given direction.
- EuclidGeom.Line.mk_pt_dir A dir = EuclidGeom.Line.mk_pt_proj A dir.toProj
Instances For
Given a point $A$ and a nondegenerate vector, this function returns the line through $A$ along the nondegenerate vector.
- EuclidGeom.Line.mk_pt_vec_nd A vec_nd = EuclidGeom.Line.mk_pt_proj A vec_nd.toProj
Instances For
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, this function returns the line passing through $A$ and $B$. We use $\verb|LIN| A B$ or $\verb|LIN| A B h$ to abbreviate $\verb|Line.mk_pt_pt| A B h$, where $h$ is a statement that $A \neq B$. When such statement $h$ is missing, we search it in all the known facts.
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Instances For
Delaborator for Line.mk_pt_pt
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, this function returns the directed line starting from $A$ in the direction of $B$. We use $\verb|DLIN| A B$ or $\verb|DLIN| A B h$ to abbreviate $\verb|DLine.mk_pt_pt| A B h$, where $h$ is a statement that $A \neq B$. When such statement $h$ is missing, we search it in all the known facts.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Delaborator for DirLine.mk_pt_pt
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Given a directed line, this function returns its direction.
- l.toDir = Quotient.lift (fun (ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P) => ray.toDir) (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : EuclidGeom.Ray P), x ≈ x_1 → x.toDir = x_1.toDir) l
Instances For
Given a directed line, this function returns its projected direction.
- l.toProj = l.toDir.toProj
Instances For
Given a directed line, this function returns the associated line.
- l.toLine = Quotient.lift (fun (x : EuclidGeom.Ray P) => ⟦x⟧) (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : EuclidGeom.Ray P), x ≈ x_1 → ⟦x⟧ = ⟦x_1⟧) l
Instances For
Given a ray, this function returns the associated directed line.
- ray.toDirLine = ⟦ray⟧
Instances For
Given a nondegenerate segment, this function returns the directed line in the direction of the segment.
- seg_nd.toDirLine = seg_nd.toDirLine
Instances For
Given a line, this function returns its projective direction.
- l.toProj = Quotient.lift (fun (ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P) => ray.toProj) (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : EuclidGeom.Ray P), x ≈ x_1 → x.toProj = x_1.toProj) l
Instances For
Given a ray, this function returns the line associated with the ray.
- ray.toLine = ⟦ray⟧
Instances For
Given a nondegenerate segment, this function returns the line associated with the ray.
- seg_nd.toLine = ⟦seg_nd.toRay⟧
Instances For
An induction principle to deduce results for directed lines from those for rays,
used with induction l using DirLine.ind
or induction' l using DirLine.ind with r
An induction principle to deduce results for lines from those for rays,
used with induction l using Line.ind
or induction' l using Line.ind with r
Given a point $A$ and a direction $dir$, the line associated to the ray starting at $A$ in the direction of $dir$ is the same as the line through $A$ in the direction of $dir$.
Given a directed line $l$, its projective direction is the same as the projective direction of the line associated to $l$.
The line associated to a ray is the same as the line associated to the directed line of the ray.
For coercion purpose, a ray can induce a directed line.
- EuclidGeom.instCoeRayDirLine = { coe := EuclidGeom.Ray.toDirLine }
For coercion purpose, a directed line can induce a line.
- EuclidGeom.instCoeDirLineLine = { coe := EuclidGeom.DirLine.toLine }
For coercion purpose, a ray can induce a line.
- EuclidGeom.instCoeRayLine = { coe := EuclidGeom.Ray.toLine }
Given a line $l$, this function returns the set of points that lies on the line $l$.
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Instances For
This function returns whether a point $A$ lies on a line $l$ or not. Note that no definition of LiesInt is given.
- EuclidGeom.Line.IsOn A l = (A ∈ EuclidGeom.Line.carrier l)
Instances For
A line is a figure in the Euclidean geometry, meaning that one can talk about its underlying subset of points.
- EuclidGeom.Line.instFigLine = { carrier := EuclidGeom.Line.carrier }
For a directed line, this function returns its underlying subset.
- EuclidGeom.DirLine.carrier l = EuclidGeom.Line.carrier l.toLine
Instances For
A directed line is a figure in the Euclidean geometry, meaning that one can talk about its underlying subset of points.
- EuclidGeom.DirLine.instFigDirLine = { carrier := EuclidGeom.DirLine.carrier }
The underlying set of the line associated to a ray is teh union of the underlying set of the ray and the underlying set of the reverse of the ray.
A point lies on a line associated to a ray if and only if it lies on the ray or the reverse of the ray.
This theorem states that a point A lies on the directed line associated to a ray r if and only if A lies on the ray r or A lies on the reverse of the ray r.
A point lies on the line associated to a directed line if and only if it lies on the line.
If a point lies on a ray, then it lies on the line associated to the ray.
Given a point A lying on a nondegenerate segment s, the point A also lies on the line associated to s.
The source of a ray lies on the line associated to the ray.
The source of a nondegenerate segment lies on the line associated to the segment.
The target point of a nondegenerate segment lies on the line associated to the segment.
If a point lies on a ray, then it lies on the directed line associated to the ray.
This theorem states that if a point A lies on a nondegenerate segment s, then A also lies on the directed line associated to s.
The source of a ray lies on the directed line associated to the ray.
The source of a nondegenerate segment lies on the directed line associated to the segment.
The target point of a nondegenerate segment lies on the directed line associated to the segment.
Given a point $A$ lying on a directed line $l$, this function returns the ray starting from $A$ in the direction of $l$.
- EuclidGeom.Ray.mk_pt_dirline A l _h = { source := A, toDir := l.toDir }
Instances For
Given a point $A$ lying on a directed line $l$, the directed line associated to the ray from $A$ in the direction of $l$ is precisely $l$ itself.
Given a point A lying on a directed line l, the direction of the ray starting from A in the direction of l is the same as the direction of l.
Given a directed line, the function returns the reverse of the directed line.
- l.reverse = Quotient.lift (fun (x : EuclidGeom.Ray P) => ⟦x.reverse⟧) (_ : ∀ (a b : EuclidGeom.Ray P), a ≈ b → ⟦a.reverse⟧ = ⟦b.reverse⟧) l
Instances For
Given a directed line $l$, the direction of its reverse is the opposite of its direction.
The reverse of the reverse of a directed line is the line itself.
A point lies on the reverse of a directed line if and only if it lies on the directed line.
Given a directed line $l$, the line associted to the reverse of $l$ is the same as the line associated to $l$.
Given two directed lines $l_1$ and $l_2$ with the same associated line, if they have the same direcdtion, they are equal.
Given two directed lines $l_1$ and $l_2$ with the same associated line, if they have the opposite direction, they are reverse of each other.
Given two directed lines $l_1$ and $l_2$ with the same associated line, if they have different directions, then $l_1$ is the reverse of $l_2$.
Given two directed lines $l_1$ and $l_2$, if their associated lines are equal, then either the directed lines are equal or one is the reverse of the other.
Let $A$ and $B$ be two distinct points, the line through $A$ and $B$ is the same as the line through $B$ and $A$.
For two distinct points $A$ and $B$, $A$ lies on the line through $A$ and $B$.
The point $B$ lies on the line through $A$ and $B$.
The first point and the second point in Line.mk_pt_pt
LiesOn the line it makes.
Two point determines a line, i.e. given two distinct points $A$ and $B$ on a line $l$, the line through $A$ and $B$ is the same as $l$.
If two lines have two distinct intersection points, then these two lines are identical.
The theorem states that two distinct points A and B lie on a line $l$ if and only if the line through $A$ and $B$ is equal to $l$.
The theorem states that two distinct points $A$ and $B$ lie on a line $l$ if and only if the line associated to the ray from $A$ to $B$ is equal to $l$.
The theorem states that two distinct points $A$ and $B$ lies on a line $l$ if and only if the line associated with the nondegenerate segment $AB$ is the same as line $l$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$ lying on a line $l$, the projective direction of the nondegenerate segment $AB$ is the same as the projective direction of the line $l$.
Given a point $A$ and a projective direction, $A$ lies on the line through $A$ in the direction of the projective direction.
Given a point $A$ and a direction, $A$ lies on the line through $A$ along the given direction.
Given a point $A$ and a nondegenerate vector, then $A$ lies on the line through $A$ in the direction of the given vector.
Given a point $A$ and a projective direction $proj$, the projective direction of the line through $A$ and in the projective direction $proj$ is exactly $proj$.
Given a point $A$ lying on a line $l$, the line through $A$ along the projective direction of $l$ is precisely $l$.
Given a projective direction $x$ and a point $A$ on a line $l$, if $x$ is the same as the projective direction of $l$, then the line through $A$ in the direction of $x$ is equal to $l$.
Given two lines $l_1$ and $l_2$ with the same projective direction, if there is a point $A$ that lies on both lines, then $l_1 = l_2$.
Given a point $A$, there exists a line through $A$.
Given two distinct points, the directed line from $B$ to $A$ is the reverse of the directed line from $A$ to $B$.
For two distinct points $A$ and $B$, $A$ lies on the directed line from $A$ to $B$.
For two distinct points $A$ and $B$, the second point $B$ lies on the directed line from $A$ to $B$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, both $A$ and $B$ lie on the directed line from $A$ to $B$.
Given a point $A$ and a direction, the point $A$ lies on the line through $A$ in the given direction.
Given a point and a nondegenerate vector, $A$ lies on the directed line from $A$ in the direction of the given vector.
The direction of the directed line from a point $A$ in the direction of $dir$ is $dir$ itself.
Given a point $A$ lying on a directed line $l$, this theorem states that the directed line from $A$ in the direction of $l$ is the same as $l$ itself.
Given a point $A$ and a directed line $l$, if $A$ lies on $l$, then the directed line from $A$ in the direction of $l$ is the same as $l$.
If two directed lines have a intersection point and the same direction, then these two directed lines are identical.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, if $A$ lies on $l$ and the direction of the nondegenerate segment $AB$ is the same as the direction of a directed line $l$, then the directed line from $A$ to $B$ is the same as $l$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$ on a directed line $l$, if the direction of the nondegenerate segment $AB$ is not the same as the direction of $l$, then the directed line from $B$ to $A$ is $l$.
If $A$ and $B$ are two distinct points that both lie on the same directed line $l$, then $l$ is either the directed line from $A$ to $B$ or the directed line from $B$ to $A$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$ and two directed line $l_1$ and $l_2$, assume that both $A$ and $B$ lie on $l_1$ and both $A$ and $B$ lie on $l_2$, then either $l_1$ is equal to $l_2$ or $l_1$ is equal to the reverse of $l_2$.
If $A$ and $B$ are two distinct points that both lie on a directed line $l$, then the projective direction of the nondegenerate segment $AB$ is the same as the projective direction of $l$.
Given a point $A$, there exists a directed line $l$ such that $A$ lies on $l$.
The line associated with a ray is the same as the line associated with its reverse.
The line associated to a nondegenerate segment is the same as the line associated to its extension ray.
The line associated to a nondegenerate segment is the same as the line associated to its reverse.
For a nondegenerate segment $s$, the line associated to $s$ is the same as the line associated to the ray of $s$.
For two distinct points $A$ and $B$, the line associated to the ray from $A$ to $B$ is the same as the line through $A$ and $B$.
The line associated to the nondegenerate segment $AB$ is the same as the line through $A$ and $B$.
The reverse of the directed line associated to a ray is the directed line associated to the reverse of the ray.
The directed line associated with a nondegenerate segment is the same as the directed line associated with the ray of the segment.
The reverse of the directed line associated to a nondegenerate segment is the directed line associated to the reverse of the segment.
The directed line associated with a nondegenerate segment is the same as the directed line associated with its extension.
Let $A$ and $B$ be two distinct points, then the directed line from $A$ to $B$ is the same as the directed line associated to the ray $\overrightarrow{AB}$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, the directed line from $A$ to $B$ is the same as the directed line associated to the nondegenerate segment $AB$.
The underlying set of a ray is a subset of the underlying set of the line associated to the ray.
The underlying set of a ray is a subset of the underlying set of the line associated to the ray.
Given a point $A$ lying on a nondegenerate segment $s$, the point $A$ also lies on the line associated to $s$.
The underlying set of a nondegenerate segment $s$ is a subset of the underlying set of the line associated to $s$.
The underlying set of a nondegenerate segment is a subset of the underlying set of the line associated to the segment.
The theorem states that for any line $l$, there exist two distinct points $A$ and $B$ such that $A$ and $B$ both lie on the line $l$.
Given a point and a ray $r$, $A$ lies on the line associated to $r$ if and only if $A$ lies either in the interior of $r$ or the interior of the reverse of $r$ or $A$ is the source of $r$.
If a point $A$ does not lie in the interior of a nondegenerate segment, then $A$ lies on the line of the segment if and only if it lies on the extension ray of the segment or it lies on the extension ray of the reverse of the segment.
Given a point $X$ and a nondegenerate segment $seg_nd$, if $X$ lies on the extension ray of $seg_nd$, then $X$ lies on the line associated with $seg_nd$.
Two lines are equal iff they have the same underlying sets.
If $A$ and $B$ are two distinct points and $A$ lies on a line $l$, the point $B$ lies on the line $l$ if and only if the projective direction of the nondegenerate segment $AB$ is the same as the projective direction of $l$.
Let $A$ be a point and $B$ a point that lies on the line through $A$ in a given direction $dir$. Then there exists a real number $t$ such that the vector $\xrightarrow{AB}$ is $t$ times the unit vector of the direction $dir$.
If $A$ is a point and $v$ a nondegenerate vector and if a point $B$ lies on the line through $A$ in the direction of $v$, then there exists a real number $t$ such that the vector $AB$ is $t$ times the vector $v$, i.e. $\overrightarrow{AB} = t \cdot v$.
Given a point $C$ lying on the line through distinct points $A$ and $B$, there exists a real number $t$ such that the vector $\overrightarrow{AC}$ is $t$ times the vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$.
For two points $A$ and $B$ and a direction vector $dir$, there exists a real number $t$ such that the vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$ is t times $dir$, then $B$ lies on the directed line from $A$ in the direction of $dir$.
For two points $A$ and $B$ and a nondegenerate vector $v$, there exists a real number $t$ such that the vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$ is t times $v$, then $B$ lies on the directed line from $A$ in the direction of $v$.
Given points $A$, $B$, and $C$ with $A \neq B$, if there exists a real number t such that the vector $\overrightarrow {AC}$ is $t$ times the vector $\overrightarrow {AB}$, then $C$ lies on the line through $A$ and $B$.
The theorem states that the set of points on a ray is a subset of the set of points on the directed line associated with the ray.
If a line $l$ is the directed line associated to a ray $r$, then the underlying set of $r$ is the subset of the underlying set of $l$.
A point $A$ lying on a nondegenerate segment $s$ also lies on the directed line associated to $s$.
The underlying set of a nondegenerate segment $s$ is a subset of the underlying set of the line associated to $s$.
If a directed line $l$ is the directed line associated to a nondegenerate segment $s$, then the underlying set of $s$ is a subset of the underlying set of $l$.
On any directed line $l$, there exist two distinct points $A$ and $B$ on $l$.
A point lies on a directed line associated to a ray $r$ if and only if it lies in the interior of $r$ or the interior of the reverse ray or $r$, or it is the source of $r$.
If a point $A$ does not lie in hte interior of a nondegenerate segement $seg_nd$, then it lies on the line associaeted to $seg_nd$ if and only if it lies on the extension ray of $seg_nd$ or it lies on the extension ray of the reverse of $seg_nd$.
This theorem states that if a point $X$ lies on the extension ray of a nondegenerate segment seg_nd, then X also lies on the directed line associated to seg_nd.
For two directed lines $l_1$ and $l_2$, they have the same associated line if and only if for any point $A$, it lies on $l_1$ if and only if it lies on $l_2$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$ and a directed line $l$, assume that $A$ lies on $l$, then $B$ lies on $l$ if and only if the projective direction of $l$ is the same as the projective direction of the segment $AB$.
Given a point $A$ and a direcction $dir$, if $B$ is a point that lies on the directed line through $A$ in the direction of $dir$, there exists a real number $t$ such that the vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$ is $t$ times the unit vector of the direction $dir$.
If a point $B$ lies on the directed line through $A$ in the direction of a nondegenerate vector $v$, then the vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$ is some real multiple of $v$.
Let $A$ and $B$ be two distinct points and $C$ a point that lies on the directed line from $A$ to $B$. Then there exists some real number $t$ such that $\xrightarrow{AC}$ is $t$ times $\xrightarrow{AB}$.
Given two points $A$ and $B$ on a directed line $l$, there exists a real number $t$ such that the vector $\xrightarrow{AB}$ is $t$ times the unit direction vector of $l$.
Given two points $A$ and $B$ and a direction $dir$, if there exists a real number $t$ such that the vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$ is $t$ times the unit vector of the direction dir, then $B$ lies on the directed line from $A$ in the direction of $dir$.
If the vector from a point $A$ to a point $B$ is a scalar multiple of a nondegenerate vector $v$, then $B$ lies on the directed line through $A$ in the direction of $v$.
Given points $A$, $B$, and $C$, if $B$ and $A$ are distinct, and the vector $\overrightarrow {AC}$ is a real multiple of the vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$, then $C$ lies on the directed line from $A$ to $B$.
Given a point $A$ on a directed line $l$, if for some point $B$ the vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$ is a real multiple of the unit direct vector of $l$, then $B$ lies on $l$.
Given three points $A$, $B$ and $C$, if $A$ and $B$ are distinct and $C$ lies on the line $AB$, then $A$, $B$, and $C$ are collinear.
The theorem states that if three points $A$, $B$, and $C$ lie on the same line $l$, then they are collinear.
If $A$ and $B$ are two distinct points and $C$ is a point such that $A$, $B$ and $C$ are collinear, then $C$ lies on the line $AB$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$ on a line $l$, if a point $C$ is so that $A$, $B$, and $C$ are collinear, then $C$ lines on $l$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, a point $X$ lies on the line through $A$ and $B$ if and only if $A$, $B$, and $X$ are collinear.
This theorem states that if $A$ and $B$ are two distinct points on a line $l$, then a point $C$ lies on $l$ if and only if $A$, $B$, and $C$ are collinear.
The given theorem is an equivalence statement between the collinearity of three points and the existence of a line on which all three points lie.
If $A$, $B$ and $C$ are three points on the same directed line $l$, then they are collinear.
If $A$, $B$ and $C$ are three collinear points in which $A \neq B$, then $C$ lies on the directed line associated to $AB$.
Given two points $A$ and $B$ on a directed line $l$, if a point $C$ is so that $A$, $B$, and $C$ are collinear, then $C$ lies on $l$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, a point $X$ lies on the directed line from $A$ to $B$ if and only if $A$, $B$, and $X$ are collinear.
Let $A$ and $B$ be two distinct points on a directed line $l$, then a point $C$ lies on $l$ if and only if $A$, $B$ and $C$ are collinear.
The theorem states that three points $A$, $B$, and $C$ are collinear if and only if there exists a directed line $l$ such that $A$, $B$, and $C$ all lie on $l$.
There are two distinct points on a line, i.e. given a point $A$ on a line $l$, there exists a point $B$ on $l$ such that $B \neq A$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, if $A$ lies on a line $l$ and the projective direction of segment $AB$ is the same as that of $l$, then $B$ lies on the $l$.
Let $A$ and $B$ be two distinct points on a line $l$, then moving $B$ by the vector $\xrightarrow{AB}$ still lies on $l$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$ on a line $l$, there exists a point $C$ on the line $l$ such that $B$ lies on the segment $AC$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$ on a line $l$, there exists some point $C$ on $l$ such that $A$ lies in the interior of the segment $CB$.
Given a point $A$ and a directed line $l$, there exists some point $B$ different from $A$ that lies on $l$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$ and a directed line l, if $A$ lies on $l$ and the segment $AB$ is in the same direction as $l$, then $B$ lies on $l$.
Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$ on a directed line $l$, there exists a point $C$ on $l$ such that $B$ lies in the interior of the segment AC.
Let $A$ and $B$ be two distinct points that lie on a directed line $l$, then there exists a point $C$ on $l$ such that $A$ lies in the interior of segment $CB$.
- EuclidGeom.DirLine.lelem A ha = { val := A, property := ha }
Instances For
A directed line can be viewed as a torsor over the addition group structure of $\mathbb{R}$, that is, points on a directed line can be translated by real multiples of the unit direction vector.
- EuclidGeom.DirLine.instRealNormedAddTorsor l = NormedAddTorsor.mk (_ : ∀ (h : ↑(EuclidGeom.DirLine.carrier l)) (y : ↑(EuclidGeom.DirLine.carrier l)), dist h y = ‖h -ᵥ y‖)
Given two points $A$ and $B$ on a directed line $l$, this function returns the distance from $A$ to $B$ on the directed line $l$, as a real number; or in short $\dist(A, B)$.
- EuclidGeom.DirLine.ddist ha hb = EuclidGeom.DirLine.lelem B hb -ᵥ EuclidGeom.DirLine.lelem A ha
Instances For
For a point $A$ on a directed line $l$, the distance from $A$ to itself is $0$, i.e. $\dist(A, A) = 0$.
The negation of the distance from point $A$ to point $B$ on a directed line $l$ is equal to the distance from point $B$ to point $A$ on the same directed line $l$.
The distance from point $A$ to point $B$ on a directed line $l$ is zero if and only if $B$ is equal to $A$.
The distance from point $A$ to point $B$ on directed line $l$ is non-zero if and only if $B$ is not equal to $A$.
Let $A$, $B$ and $C$ be three points on a directed line $l$. Then the sum of the distance from $A$ to $B$ and the distance from $B$ to $C$ is equal to the distance from $A$ to $C$, i.e. $\dist(A, B) + \dist(B, C) = \dist(A, C)$.
On a directed line $l$, the distance from a point $A$ to point $B$ minus the distance from point $A$ to point $C$ is equal to the distance from point $C$ to point $B$.
Given three points $A$, $B$, and $C$ on a directed line $l$, the difference between the distance from $A$ to $C$ and the distance from $B$ to $C$ is equal to the distance from $A$ to $B$.
Given three points $A$, $B$, and $C$ on a directed line, the distance from point $A$ to point $B$ is equal to the distance from point $A$ to point $C$ if and only if point $B$ is the same as point $C$.
On a directed line, the distance from point $A$ to point $C$ is equal to the distance from point $B$ to point $C$ if and only if $A$ is equal to $B$.
Let $A$, $B$, $C$ and $D$ be four points on a directed line $l$. Then the distance from $A$ to $B$ minus the distance from $C$ to $D$ is equal to the distance from $D$ to $B$ minus the distance from $C$ to $A$, i.e $\dist(A, B) - \dist(C, D) = \dist(D, B) - \dist(C, A)$
On a directed line, the sum of the distance from $A$ to $B$ and the distance from $C$ to $D$ is equal to the sum of the distance from $A$ to $D$ and the distance from $C$ to $B$.
The theorem states that for two points $A$ and $B$ on a directed line $l$, we write $A \leq B$ if the distance from $A$ to $B$ is nonnegative.
For two points $A$ and $B$ on a directed line $l$, $A$ is less than $B$ if and only if the distance from $A$ to $B$ is positive.