

Segments and rays #

In this file, we define the class of segments, rays, and their coercions, as well as basic properties. A more precise plan in terms of sections is as follows:

Important definitions #

List of notations #

List of main theorems #

Implementation notes #

Further works #

(1) Definition #

theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.ext_iff {P : Type u_1} :
∀ {inst : EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P} (x y : EuclidGeom.Ray P), x = y x.source = y.source x.toDir = y.toDir
theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.ext {P : Type u_1} :
∀ {inst : EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P} (x y : EuclidGeom.Ray P), x.source = y.sourcex.toDir = y.toDirx = y
structure EuclidGeom.Ray (P : Type u_1) [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] :
Type u_1

A \emph{ray} consists of a pair of a point $P$ and a direction; it is the ray that starts at the point and extends in the given direction.

  • source : P

    returns the source of the ray.

  • returns the direction of the ray.

Instances For
    theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.ext_iff {P : Type u_1} :
    ∀ {inst : EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P} (x y : EuclidGeom.Seg P), x = y x.source = y.source =
    theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.ext {P : Type u_1} :
    ∀ {inst : EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P} (x y : EuclidGeom.Seg P), x.source = = y.targetx = y
    structure EuclidGeom.Seg (P : Type u_1) [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] :
    Type u_1

    A \emph{Segment} consists of a pair of points: the source and the target; it is the segment from the source to the target. (We allow the source and the target to be the same.)

    • source : P

      returns the source of the segment.

    • target : P

      returns the target of the segment.

    Instances For

      Given a segment $AB$, this function returns whether the segment $AB$ is nondegenerate, i.e. whether $A \neq B$.

      Instances For

        A \emph{nondegenerate segment} is a segment $AB$ that is nondegenerate, i.e. $A \neq B$.

        Instances For

          (2) Make #

          Given two points $A$ and $B$, this returns the segment with source $A$ and target $B$. It is an abbreviation of $\verb||$.

          Instances For
            def {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (A : P) (B : P) (h : B A) :

            Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, this function returns a nondegenerate segment with source $A$ and target $B$. We use $\verb|SEG_nd|$ to abbreviate $\verb||$.

            • SEG_nd A B h = { val := { source := A, target := B }, property := h }
            Instances For

              Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, this function returns a nondegenerate segment with source $A$ and target $B$. We use $\verb|SEG_nd|$ to abbreviate $\verb||$.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For

                Delaborator for

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  def EuclidGeom.Ray.mk_pt_pt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (A : P) (B : P) (h : B A) :

                  Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, this function returns the ray starting from $A$ in the direction of $B$. By definition, the direction of the ray is given by the normalization of the vector from $A$ to $B$, using $\verb|toDir|$ function. We use $\verb|RAY|$ to abbreviate $\verb|Ray.mk_pt_pt|$.

                  Instances For

                    Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, this function returns the ray starting from $A$ in the direction of $B$. By definition, the direction of the ray is given by the normalization of the vector from $A$ to $B$, using $\verb|toDir|$ function. We use $\verb|RAY|$ to abbreviate $\verb|Ray.mk_pt_pt|$.

                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                    Instances For

                      Delaborator for Ray.mk_pt_pt

                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                      Instances For

                        (3) Coersion #

                        Given a ray, this function returns its projective direction; it is the projective direction of the direction of the ray.

                        • ray.toProj = ray.toDir.toProj
                        Instances For

                          Given a point $X$ and a ray $ray$, this function returns whether $X$ lies on $ray$; here saying that $X$ lies on $ray$ means that the vector from the start point of the ray to $X$ is some nonnegative multiple of the direction vector of the ray.

                          Instances For
                            structure EuclidGeom.Ray.IsInt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (X : P) (ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P) :

                            Given a point $X$ and a ray, this function returns whether the point lies in the interior of the ray; here saying that a point lies in the interior of a ray means that it lies on the ray and is not equal to the source of the ray.

                            Instances For

                              Given a ray, its carrier is the set of points that lie on the ray.

                              Instances For

                                Given a ray, its interior is the set of points that lie in the interior of the ray.

                                Instances For

                                  This is to register that a ray is an instance of a class of objects that we may speak of both carrier and interior (and that the interior is a subset of the carrier).


                                  Given a segment, this function returns the vector associated to the segment, that is, the vector from the source of the segment to the target of the segment.

                                  Instances For

                                    Given a point $X$ and a segment $seg$, this function returns whether $X$ lies on $seg$; here saying that $X$ lies on $seg$ means that the vector from the source of $seg$ to $X$ is a real multiple $t$ of the vector of $seg$ with $0 \leq t \leq 1$.

                                    Instances For
                                      structure EuclidGeom.Seg.IsInt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (X : P) (seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P) :

                                      Given a point $X$ and a segment $seg$, this function returns whether $X$ lies in the interior of $seg$; here saying that $X$ lies in the interior of $seg$ means $X$ lies on $seg$ and is different from the source and the target of $seg$.

                                      Instances For

                                        Given a segment, this function returns the set of points that lie on the segment.

                                        Instances For

                                          Given a segment, this function returns the set of points that lie in the interior of the segment.

                                          Instances For

                                            Instance $\verb|IntFig Seg|$ : This is to register that a segment is an instance of a class of objects that we may speak of both carrier and interior (and that the interior is a subset of the carrier).


                                            One may naturally coerce a nondegenerate segment into a segment.

                                            @[inline, reducible]

                                            Given a nondegenerate segment, this function returns the source of the segment.

                                            • seg_nd.source = (seg_nd).source
                                            Instances For
                                              @[inline, reducible]

                                              Given a nondegenerate segment, this function returns the target of the segment.

                                              • = (seg_nd).target
                                              Instances For

                                                Given a nondegenerate segment $AB$, this function returns the nondegenerate vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$.

                                                Instances For
                                                  @[inline, reducible]

                                                  Given a nondegenerate segment $AB$, this function returns the direction associated to the segment, defined by normalizing the nondegenerate vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$.

                                                  • seg_nd.toDir = seg_nd.toVecND.toDir
                                                  Instances For

                                                    Given a nondegenerate segment $AB$, this function returns the ray $AB$, whose source is $A$ in the direction of $B$.

                                                    • seg_nd.toRay = { source := (seg_nd).source, toDir := seg_nd.toDir }
                                                    Instances For
                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.toRay_source {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (s : EuclidGeom.SegND P) :
                                                      s.toRay.source = s.source
                                                      @[inline, reducible]

                                                      Given a nondegenerate segment $AB$, this function returns the projective direction of $AB$, defined as the projective direction of the nondegenerate vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$.

                                                      • seg_nd.toProj = seg_nd.toVecND.toProj
                                                      Instances For
                                                        @[inline, reducible]
                                                        abbrev EuclidGeom.SegND.IsOn {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (X : P) (seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P) :

                                                        Given a point $A$ and a nondegenerate segment $seg_nd$, this function returns whether $A$ lies on $seg_nd$, namely, whether it lies on the corresponding segment.

                                                        Instances For
                                                          @[inline, reducible]

                                                          Given a point $A$ and a nondegenerate segment $seg_nd$, this function returns whether $A$ lies in the interior of $seg_nd$, namely, whether it lies in the interior of the corresponding segment.

                                                          Instances For
                                                            @[inline, reducible]

                                                            Given a nondegenerate segment, this function returns the set of points that lie on the segment.

                                                            Instances For
                                                              @[inline, reducible]

                                                              Given a nondegenerate segment, this function returns the set of points that lie in the interior of the segment.

                                                              Instances For

                                                                This is to register that a nondegenerate segment is an instance of a class of objects that we may speak of both carrier and interior (and that the interior is a subset of the carrier).

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.mkPtPt_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (A : P) (B : P) [_h : EuclidGeom.PtNe B A] :
                                                                (RAY A B).toDir = (VEC_nd A B).toDir
                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.mkPtPt_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (A : P) (B : P) [_h : EuclidGeom.PtNe B A] :
                                                                (SEG_nd A B).toDir = (VEC_nd A B).toDir

                                                                (4) Coersion compatiblity #

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.toRay_toDir_eq_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} :
                                                                seg_nd.toRay.toDir = seg_nd.toDir

                                                                Given a nondegenerate segment, the direction of to the ray associated to the segment is the same as the direction of the segment.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.toRay_toProj_eq_toProj {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} :
                                                                seg_nd.toProj = seg_nd.toProj

                                                                Given a nondegenerate segment, the projective direction of the ray associated to the segment is the same as the projective direction of the segment.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.seg_toVec_eq_vec {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} :
                                                                { source := A, target := B }.toVec = EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt A B

                                                                Given two points $A$ and $B$, the vector associated to the segment $AB$ is same as vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.toVec_eq_zero_of_deg {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {l : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                       = l.source l.toVec = 0

                                                                Given a segment $AB$, $A$ is same as $B$ if and only if vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$ is zero.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.toDir_eq_neg_toDir_of_mk_pt_pt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} [h : EuclidGeom.PtNe B A] :
                                                                (RAY A B).toDir = -(RAY B A).toDir

                                                                Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, the direction of ray $AB$ is same as the negative direction of ray $BA$

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.toProj_eq_toProj_of_mk_pt_pt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} [_h : EuclidGeom.PtNe B A] :
                                                                (RAY A B).toProj = (RAY B A).toProj

                                                                Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, the projective direction of ray $AB$ is same as that of ray $BA$.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.pt_pt_seg_toRay_eq_pt_pt_ray {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} [_h : EuclidGeom.PtNe B A] :
                                                                (SEG_nd A B).toRay = RAY A B

                                                                Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, the ray associated to the segment $AB$ is same as ray $AB$.

                                                                Given a segment $AB$, $AB$ is nondegenerate if and only if vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$ is nonzero.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.dir_parallel_of_same_proj {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray₁ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {ray₂ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} (h : ray₁.toProj = ray₂.toProj) :
                                                                ∃ (t : ), ray₂.toDir.unitVec = t ray₁.toDir.unitVec

                                                                If $ray_1$ and $ray_2$ are two rays with the same projective direction, then the direction vector of $ray_2$ is a real multiple of the direction vector of $ray_1$.

                                                                (5) Lieson compatibility #


                                                                Given a nondegenerate segment, a point lies on the nondegenerate segment if and only if it lies on the corresponding segment (without knowing the nondegenate condition).


                                                                Given a nondegenerate segment, a point lies in the interior of the nondegenerate segment if and only if it lies in the interior of the corresponding segment (without knowing the nondegenate condition).

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.lies_on_iff {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {X : P} {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} :
                                                                EuclidGeom.lies_on X ray ∃ (t : ), 0 t EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt ray.source X = t ray.toDir.unitVec

                                                                Given a ray, a point $X$ lies on the ray if and only if the vector from the source of the ray to $X$ is a nonnegative multiple of the direction of ray.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.lies_int_iff {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {X : P} {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} :
                                                                EuclidGeom.lies_int X ray ∃ (t : ), 0 < t EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt ray.source X = t ray.toDir.unitVec

                                                                Given a ray, a point $X$ lies in the interior of the ray if and only if the vector from the source of the ray to $X$ is a positive multiple of the direction of ray.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.lies_on_iff {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {X : P} {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} :
                                                                EuclidGeom.lies_on X seg_nd ∃ (t : ), 0 t t 1 EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg_nd.source X = t seg_nd.toVecND

                                                                For a nondegenerate segment $AB$, a point $X$ lies on $AB$ if and only if there exist a real number $t$ satisfying that $0 \leq t \leq 1$ and that the vector $\overrightarrow{AX}$ is same as $t \cdot \overrightarrow{AB}$.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.lies_int_iff {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {X : P} {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} :
                                                                EuclidGeom.lies_int X seg_nd ∃ (t : ), 0 < t t < 1 EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg_nd.source X = t seg_nd.toVecND

                                                                For a nondegenerate segment $AB$, a point $X$ lies in the interior of $AB$ if and only if there exist a real number $t$ satisfying that $0 < t < 1$ and that the vector $\overrightarrow{AX}$ is same as $t \cdot \overrightarrow{AB}$.

                                                                For a nondegenerate segment $AB$, if a point $X$ lies on the interior of $AB$ then $X$ not equal to $A$.

                                                                For a nondegenerate segment $AB$, if a point $X$ lies on the interior of $AB$ then $X$ not equal to $B$.

                                                                For a segment $AB$, if there exists an interior point $X$, then it is nondegenerate.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.lies_int_iff {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {X : P} {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                EuclidGeom.lies_int X seg EuclidGeom.Seg.IsND seg ∃ (t : ), 0 < t t < 1 EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg.source X = t seg.toVec

                                                                For a segment $AB$, a point $X$ lies in the interior of $AB$ if and only if $AB$ is nondegenerate, and there exist a real number $t$ satisfying that $0 < t < 1$ and that the vector $\overrightarrow{AX}$ is same as $t \cdot \overrightarrow{AB}$.


                                                                Given a segment $AB$, the source $A$ of the segment lies on the segment.


                                                                Given a segment $AB$, the target $B$ lies on the segment $AB$.


                                                                Given a segment $AB$, the source $A$ does not belong to the interior of $AB$.


                                                                Given a segment $AB$, the target $B$ does not belong to the interior of $AB$.


                                                                For a segment $AB$, every point of the interior of $AB$ lies on the segment $AB$.


                                                                Given a nondegenerate segment $AB$, the source $A$ of the segment lies on the segment.


                                                                Given a nondegenerate segment $AB$, the target $B$ lies on the segment $AB$.


                                                                Given a nondegenerate segment $AB$, the source $A$ does not belong to the interior of $AB$.


                                                                Given a nondegenerate segment $AB$, the target $B$ does not belong to the interior of $AB$.


                                                                For a nondegenerate segment $AB$, every point of the interior of $AB$ lies on the segment $AB$.


                                                                Given a ray, the source of the ray lies on the ray.


                                                                Given a ray, the source of the ray does not lie in the interior of the ray.


                                                                For a ray, every point of the interior of the ray lies on the ray.

                                                                Given a ray, a point lies in the interior of the ray if and only if it lies on the ray and is different from the source of ray.

                                                                For a nondegenerate segment $AB$, every point of the segment $AB$ lies on the ray associated to $AB$.

                                                                For a nondegenerate segment $seg_nd$, every point of the interior of the $seg_nd$ lies in the interior of the ray associated to the $seg_nd$.

                                                                Given a nondegenerate segment $seg_nd$, the target of $seg_nd$ lies on the interior of the ray associated to $seg_nd$

                                                                Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, $B$ lies on the ray $AB$.

                                                                Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$, $B$ lies in the interior of the ray $AB$.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.pt_pt_toDir_eq_ray_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {A : P} (h : EuclidGeom.lies_int A ray) :
                                                                (RAY ray.source A (_ : A ray.source)).toDir = ray.toDir

                                                                Given a point $A$ on a ray, the direction of the ray is the same as the direction from the source of the ray to $A$.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.pt_pt_eq_ray {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {A : P} (h : EuclidGeom.lies_int A ray) :
                                                                RAY ray.source A (_ : A ray.source) = ray

                                                                Given a point $A$ on the interior of a ray, the ray starting at the source of the ray in the direction of $A$ is the same as the original ray.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.source_int_toRay_eq_ray {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {A : P} (h : EuclidGeom.lies_int A ray) :
                                                                (SEG_nd ray.source A (_ : A ray.source)).toRay = ray

                                                                Given a point $A$ on the interior of a ray, the ray associated to the segment from the source of the ray to $A$ is the same as the original ray.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.vec_eq_dist_smul_toDir_of_lies_on {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {r : EuclidGeom.Ray P} (h : EuclidGeom.lies_on A r) :
                                                                EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt r.source A = dist r.source A r.toDir.unitVec

                                                                Given a point $A$ on the interior of a ray, the vector from the source of the ray to $A$ is equal to the distance of the source and $A$ times the direction vector of the original ray.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.every_pt_lies_on_seg_of_source_and_target_lies_on_seg {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg₁ : EuclidGeom.Seg P} {seg₂ : EuclidGeom.Seg P} (h₁ : EuclidGeom.lies_on seg₁.source seg₂) (h₂ : EuclidGeom.lies_on seg₁.target seg₂) {A : P} (ha : EuclidGeom.lies_on A seg₁) :

                                                                Given two segments $seg_1$ and $seg_2$, if the source and the target of the $seg_1$ both lie on $seg_2$, then every point of $seg_1$ lies on $seg_2$.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.every_pt_lies_int_seg_of_source_and_target_lies_int_seg {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg₁ : EuclidGeom.Seg P} {seg₂ : EuclidGeom.Seg P} (h₁ : EuclidGeom.lies_int seg₁.source seg₂) (h₂ : EuclidGeom.lies_int seg₁.target seg₂) {A : P} (ha : EuclidGeom.lies_on A seg₁) :

                                                                Given two segments $seg_1$ and $seg_2$, if the source and the target of $seg_1$ both lie in the interior of $seg_2$, and if $A$ is a point on $seg_1$, then $A$ lies in the interior of $seg_2$.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.every_int_pt_lies_int_seg_of_source_and_target_lies_on_seg {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg₁ : EuclidGeom.Seg P} {seg₂ : EuclidGeom.Seg P} (h₁ : EuclidGeom.lies_on seg₁.source seg₂) (h₂ : EuclidGeom.lies_on seg₁.target seg₂) {A : P} (ha : EuclidGeom.lies_int A seg₁) :

                                                                Given two segments $seg_1$ and $seg_2$, if the source and the target of $seg_1$ both lie on $seg_2$, and if $A$ is a point in the interior of $seg_1$, then $A$ lies in the interior of $seg_2$.

                                                                Given a segment and a ray, if the source and the target of the segment both lie on the ray, and if $A$ is a point on the segment, then $A$ lies on the ray.

                                                                Given a segment and a ray, if the source and the target of the segment both lie in the interior of the ray, and if $A$ is a point on the segment, then $A$ lies in the interior of the ray.

                                                                Given a segment and a ray, if the source and the target of the segment both lie on the ray, and if $A$ is a point in the interior of the segment, then $A$ lies in the interior of the ray.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.every_pt_lies_on_ray_of_source_lies_on_ray_and_same_dir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray₁ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {ray₂ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} (e : ray₁.toDir = ray₂.toDir) (h : EuclidGeom.lies_on ray₁.source ray₂) {A : P} (ha : EuclidGeom.lies_on A ray₁) :

                                                                Given two rays $ray_1$ and $ray_2$ with same direction, if the source of $ray_1$ lies on $ray_2$, and if $A$ is a point on $ray_1$, then $A$ lies on $ray_2$.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.every_pt_lies_int_ray_of_source_lies_int_ray_and_same_dir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray₁ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {ray₂ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} (e : ray₁.toDir = ray₂.toDir) (h : EuclidGeom.lies_int ray₁.source ray₂) {A : P} (ha : EuclidGeom.lies_on A ray₁) :

                                                                Given two rays $ray_1$ and $ray_2$ with same direction, if the source of $ray_1$ lies in the interior of $ray_2$, and if $A$ is a point on $ray_1$, then $A$ lies in the interior of $ray_2$.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.source_pt_toDir_eq_toDir_of_lies_int {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} {A : P} (h : EuclidGeom.lies_int A seg_nd) :
                                                                (SEG_nd seg_nd.source A (_ : A (seg_nd).source)).toDir = seg_nd.toDir

                                                                Given a nondegenerate segment $Segnd$ and a point $A$ lies in the interior of it. Then the direction of the nondegenerate segment from the source of $Segnd$ to $A$ equals the direction of $Segnd$.

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.lies_int_iff_pos_of_vec_eq_smul_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {A : P} {t : } (h : EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt ray.source A = t ray.toDir.unitVec) :
                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.eq_source_iff_eq_zero_of_vec_eq_smul_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {A : P} {t : } (h : EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt ray.source A = t ray.toDir.unitVec) :
                                                                A = ray.source t = 0

                                                                (6) Reverse #

                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.reverse_source {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P) :
                                                                ray.reverse.source = ray.source
                                                                theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.reverse_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P) :
                                                                ray.reverse.toDir = -ray.toDir

                                                                Given a ray, this function returns the ray with the same source but with reversed direction.

                                                                • ray.reverse = { source := ray.source, toDir := -ray.toDir }
                                                                Instances For
                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.reverse_target {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P) :
                                                         = seg.source
                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.reverse_source {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P) :
                                                                  seg.reverse.source =

                                                                  Given a segment $AB$, this function returns its reverse, i.e. the segment $BA$.

                                                                  • seg.reverse = { source :=, target := seg.source }
                                                                  Instances For
                                                                    theorem EuclidGeom.seg_rev {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} :
                                                                    { source := A, target := B }.reverse = { source := B, target := A }

                                                                    The reverse of segment $AB$ is the segment $BA$.

                                                                    If a segment is nondegenerate, so is its reverse segment.

                                                                    Given a nondegenerate segment $AB$, this function returns the reversed nondegenerate segment $BA$.

                                                                    Instances For
                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.seg_nd_rev {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} [_h : EuclidGeom.PtNe B A] :
                                                                      EuclidGeom.SegND.reverse (SEG_nd A B) = SEG_nd B A

                                                                      The reverse of a nondegenerate segment $AB$ is the nondegenerate segment $BA$.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.rev_toseg_eq_toseg_rev {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} :
                                                                      (EuclidGeom.SegND.reverse seg_nd) = (seg_nd).reverse

                                                                      Given a nondegenerate segment, first viewing it as a segment and then reversing it is the same as first reversing it and then viewing it as a segment.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.source_of_rev_eq_source {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} :
                                                                      ray.reverse.source = ray.source

                                                                      Given a ray, the source of the reversed ray is the source of the ray.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.rev_rev_eq_self {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} :
                                                                      ray.reverse.reverse = ray

                                                                      Reversing a ray twice gives back to the original ray.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.rev_rev_eq_self {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                      seg.reverse.reverse = seg

                                                                      Reversing a segment twice gives back to the original segment.


                                                                      Reversing a nondegenerate segment twice gives back to the original nondegenerate segment.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.toDir_of_rev_eq_neg_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} :
                                                                      ray.reverse.toDir = -ray.toDir

                                                                      Given a ray, the direction of the reversed ray is the negative of the direction of the ray.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.unitVecND_of_rev_eq_neg_unitVecND {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} :
                                                                      ray.reverse.toDir.unitVecND = -ray.toDir.unitVecND

                                                                      Given a ray, the direction vector of the reversed ray is the negative of the direction vector of the ray.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.unitVec_of_rev_eq_neg_unitVec {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} :
                                                                      ray.reverse.toDir.unitVec = -ray.toDir.unitVec

                                                                      Given a ray, the direction vector of the reversed ray is the negative of the direction vector of the ray.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.toProj_of_rev_eq_toProj {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} :
                                                                      ray.reverse.toProj = ray.toProj

                                                                      Given a ray, the projective direction of the reversed ray is the same as that of the ray.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.toVec_of_rev_eq_neg_toVec {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                      seg.reverse.toVec = -seg.toVec

                                                                      Given a segment, the vector associated to the reversed segment is the negative of the vector associated to the segment.


                                                                      Given a nondegenerate segment, the nondegenerate vector associated to the reversed nondegenerate segment is the negative of the nondegenerate vector associated to the nondegenerate segment.


                                                                      Given a nondegenerate segment, the direction of the reversed nondegenerate segment is the negative direction of the nondegenerate segment.


                                                                      Given a nondegenerate segment, the projective direction of the reversed nondegenerate segment is the same projective direction of the nondegenerate segment.

                                                                      The source of a ray lies on the reverse of the ray.

                                                                      The source of a segment lies on the reverse of the segment.

                                                                      The target of a segment lies on the reverse of the segment.

                                                                      The source of a nondegenerate segment lies on the reverse of the segment.

                                                                      The target of a nondegenerate segment lies on the reverse of the segment.

                                                                      Given a ray, a point $X$ lies on the ray or its reverse if and only if $X$ lies on the reverse ray or the reverse of reverse ray.

                                                                      If a point lies on a segment, then it lies on the reversed segment.


                                                                      A point lies on the reverse of a segment if and only if it lies on the segment.


                                                                      A point lies in the interior of the reverse of a segment if and only if it lies in the interior of the segment.


                                                                      Given a nondegenerate segment, a point lies on the reverse of the segment if and only if it lies on the segment.


                                                                      Given a nondegenerate segment, a point lies in the interior of the reverse of the segment if and only if it lies in the interior of the segment.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.pt_lies_on_ray_rev_iff_vec_opposite_dir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} :
                                                                      EuclidGeom.lies_on A ray.reverse ∃ t ≤ 0, EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt ray.source A = t ray.toDir.unitVec

                                                                      Given a ray, a point $A$ lies on the reverse of the ray if and only if there exists a nonpositive real number $t$ such that the vector from the source of the ray to $A$ is $t$ times the direction vector of the ray.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.pt_lies_on_line_from_ray_iff_vec_parallel {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} :
                                                                      EuclidGeom.lies_on A ray EuclidGeom.lies_on A ray.reverse ∃ (t : ), EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt ray.source A = t ray.toDir.unitVec

                                                                      A point $A$ lies on the lines determined by a ray $ray$ (i.e. lies on the ray or its reverse) if and only if the vector from the source of ray to $A$ is a real multiple of the direction vector of $ray$.

                                                                      A point is equal to the source of a ray if and only if it lies on the ray and it lies on the reverse of the ray.

                                                                      If a point lies in the interior of the reverse of a ray, then it does not lie on the ray.

                                                                      If a point lies on of the reverse of a ray, then it does not lie in the interior of the ray.

                                                                      A point lies on a nondegenerate segment $AB$ if and only if it lies on the ray $AB$ and on the reverse ray $BA$.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.lies_on_pt_toDir_of_pt_lies_on_rev {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} (hA : EuclidGeom.lies_on A ray) (hB : EuclidGeom.lies_on B ray.reverse) :
                                                                      EuclidGeom.lies_on A { source := B, toDir := ray.toDir }

                                                                      Let $ray$ be a ray, and let $A$ be a point on $ray$, and $B$ a point on the reverse of $ray$. Then $A$ lies on the ray starting at $B$ in the same direction of $\ray$.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.lies_on_iff_lies_on_rev_of_same_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray₁ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {ray₂ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} (h : ray₁.toDir = ray₂.toDir) :
                                                                      EuclidGeom.lies_on ray₁.source ray₂ EuclidGeom.lies_on ray₂.source ray₁.reverse

                                                                      Given two rays $ray_1$ and $ray_2$ in same direction, the source of $ray_1$ lies on $ray_2$ if and only if the source of $ray_2$ lies on the reverse of $ray_1$.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.lies_int_iff_lies_int_rev_of_same_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray₁ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {ray₂ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} (h : ray₁.toDir = ray₂.toDir) :
                                                                      EuclidGeom.lies_int ray₁.source ray₂ EuclidGeom.lies_int ray₂.source ray₁.reverse

                                                                      Given two rays $ray_1$ and $ray_2$ in same direction, the source of $ray_1$ lies in the interior of $ray_2$ if and only if the source of $ray_2$ lies in the interior of the reverse of $ray_1$.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.lies_on_iff_lies_on_of_neg_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray₁ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {ray₂ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} (h : ray₁.toDir = -ray₂.toDir) :
                                                                      EuclidGeom.lies_on ray₁.source ray₂ EuclidGeom.lies_on ray₂.source ray₁

                                                                      Given two rays $ray_1$ and $ray_2$ in the opposite direction, the source of $ray_1$ lies on $ray_2$ if and only if the source of $ray_2$ lies on $ray_1$.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.lies_int_iff_lies_int_of_neg_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray₁ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {ray₂ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} (h : ray₁.toDir = -ray₂.toDir) :
                                                                      EuclidGeom.lies_int ray₁.source ray₂ EuclidGeom.lies_int ray₂.source ray₁

                                                                      Given two rays $ray_1$ and $ray_2$ in the opposite direction, the source of $ray_1$ lies in the interior of $ray_2$ if and only if the source of $ray_2$ lies in the interior of $ray_1$.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.lies_on_rev_iff_lies_on_rev_of_neg_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray₁ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {ray₂ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} (h : ray₁.toDir = -ray₂.toDir) :
                                                                      EuclidGeom.lies_on ray₁.source ray₂.reverse EuclidGeom.lies_on ray₂.source ray₁.reverse

                                                                      Given two rays $ray_1$ and $ray_2$ in the opposite direction, the source of $ray_1$ lies on the reverse of $ray_2$ if and only if the source of $ray_2$ lies on the reverse of $ray_1$.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.lies_int_rev_iff_lies_int_rev_of_neg_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray₁ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {ray₂ : EuclidGeom.Ray P} (h : ray₁.toDir = -ray₂.toDir) :
                                                                      EuclidGeom.lies_int ray₁.source ray₂.reverse EuclidGeom.lies_int ray₂.source ray₁.reverse

                                                                      Given two rays $ray_1$ and $ray_2$ in the opposite direction, the source of $ray_1$ lies in the interior of the reverse of $ray_2$ if and only if the source of $ray_2$ lies in the interior of the reverse of $ray_1$.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.lies_on_or_rev_iff_exist_real_vec_eq_smul {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} :
                                                                      EuclidGeom.lies_on A ray EuclidGeom.lies_on A ray.reverse ∃ (t : ), EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt ray.source A = t ray.toDir.unitVecND

                                                                      Given a ray, a point $A$ lies on the ray or its reverse ray if and only if there exists a real number $t$ such that the vector from the source of the ray to $A$ is $t$ times the direction of the ray.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.ray_toProj_eq_mk_pt_pt_toProj {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} [h : EuclidGeom.PtNe B A] (ha : EuclidGeom.lies_on A ray EuclidGeom.lies_on A ray.reverse) (hb : EuclidGeom.lies_on B ray EuclidGeom.lies_on B ray.reverse) :
                                                                      ray.toProj = (RAY A B).toProj

                                                                      Given two distinct points $A$ and $B$ and a ray, if both $A$ and $B$ lies on the ray or its reversed ray, then the projective direction of the ray is the same as the projective direction of the ray $AB$.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.pt_target_toDir_eq_toDir_of_lies_int {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} {A : P} (h : EuclidGeom.lies_int A seg_nd) :
                                                                      (SEG_nd A (_ : (seg_nd).target A)).toDir = seg_nd.toDir

                                                                      Given a nondegenerate segment $Segnd$ and a point $A$ lies in the interior of it. Then the direction of the nondegenerate segment from $A$ to the target of $Segnd$ equals the direction of $Segnd$.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.toDir_eq_neg_toDir_of_lies_int {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} (h : EuclidGeom.lies_int A seg_nd) :
                                                                      (VEC_nd A seg_nd.source (_ : (seg_nd).source A)).toDir = -(VEC_nd A (_ : (seg_nd).target A)).toDir

                                                                      Given a nondegenerate segment $Segnd$ and a point $A$ lies in the interior of it. Then the direction of the nondegenerate vector from $A$ to the source of $Segnd$ equals the opposite direction of the nondegenerate vector from $A$ to the target of $Segnd$.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.toDir_eq_neg_toDir_of_lies_int' {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} (h : EuclidGeom.lies_int A seg_nd) :
                                                                      (VEC_nd seg_nd.source A (_ : A (seg_nd).source)).toDir = -(VEC_nd A (_ : A (seg_nd).target)).toDir

                                                                      Given a nondegenerate segment $Segnd$ and a point $A$ lies in the interior of it. Then the direction of the nondegenerate vector from the source of $Segnd$ to $A$ equals the opposite direction of the nondegenerate vector from the target of $Segnd$ to $A$.

                                                                      theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.lies_int_rev_iff_neg_of_vec_eq_smul_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {ray : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {A : P} {t : } (h : EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt ray.source A = t ray.toDir.unitVec) :
                                                                      EuclidGeom.lies_int A ray.reverse t < 0

                                                                      (7) Extension #

                                                                      Define the extension ray of a nondegenerate segment to be the ray whose origin is the target of the segment whose direction is the same as that of the segment.

                                                                      Instances For

                                                                        The extension of a nondegenerate segment is the same as first reverse the segment, then take the ray associated to the segment, and finally reverse the ray.

                                                                        The extension of the reverse of a nondegenerate segment is the same as the reverse of the ray associated to the segment.

                                                                        theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.extn_toDir {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} :
                                                                        (EuclidGeom.SegND.extension seg_nd).toDir = seg_nd.toDir

                                                                        The direction of the extension ray of a nondegenerate segment is the same as the direction of the segment.

                                                                        theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.extn_toProj {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} :
                                                                        (EuclidGeom.SegND.extension seg_nd).toProj = seg_nd.toProj

                                                                        The projective direction of the extension ray of a nondegenerate segment is the same as the projective direction of the segment.

                                                                        Given a nondegenerate segment, a point is equal to its target if and only if it lies on the segment and its extension ray.

                                                                        theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.target_lies_int_seg_source_pt_of_pt_lies_int_extn {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {X : P} {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} (liesint : EuclidGeom.lies_int X (EuclidGeom.SegND.extension seg_nd)) :
                                                                        EuclidGeom.lies_int { source := seg_nd.source, target := X }

                                                                        Given a nondegenerate segment $AB$, if a point $X$ belongs to the interior of the extension ray of $AB$, then $B$ lies in the interior of $AX$.

                                                                        If a point lies on the ray associated to a segment, then either it lies on the segment or it lies on the extension ray of the segment.

                                                                        If a point lies on the extension ray associated to a nondegenerate segment, then it lies on the interior of the ray associated to the segment

                                                                        Instances For
                                                                          theorem EuclidGeom.Ray.dist_eq_of_eq_extpoint {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {r : EuclidGeom.Ray P} {A : P} {t : } (ht : 0 t) (h : A = EuclidGeom.Ray.extpoint r t) :
                                                                          dist r.source A = t

                                                                          (8) Length #

                                                                          This function gives the length of a given segment, which is the distance between the source and target of the segment.

                                                                          • seg.length = dist seg.source
                                                                          Instances For
                                                                            theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.length_eq_dist {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} :
                                                                            { source := A, target := B }.length = dist A B

                                                                            The length of segment $AB$ is the same as the distance form $A$ to $B$.

                                                                            theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.length_eq_norm_toVec {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                            seg.length = seg.toVec

                                                                            The length of a given segment is the same as the norm of the vector associated to the segment.

                                                                            @[inline, reducible]

                                                                            This function defines the length of a nondegenerate segment, which is just the length of the segment.

                                                                            Instances For
                                                                              theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.length_nonneg {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                              0 seg.length

                                                                              Every segment has nonnegative length.

                                                                              A segment has positive length if and only if it is nondegenerate.

                                                                              The length of a given segment is nonzero if and only if the segment is nondegenerate.

                                                                              A nondegenerate segment has strictly positive length.

                                                                              theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.length_sq_eq_inner_toVec_toVec {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                              seg.length ^ 2 = inner seg.toVec seg.toVec

                                                                              Given a segment, the square of its length is equal to the the inner product of the associated vector with itself.

                                                                              theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.length_eq_zero_iff_deg {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                              seg.length = 0 = seg.source

                                                                              The length of a segment is zero if and only if it is degenerate, i.e. it has same source and target.

                                                                              theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.length_of_rev_eq_length {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                              seg.reverse.length = seg.length

                                                                              Reversing a segment does not change its length.


                                                                              Reversing a segment does not change its length.

                                                                              theorem EuclidGeom.length_of_rev_eq_length' {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} :
                                                                              { source := B, target := A }.length = { source := A, target := B }.length

                                                                              The length of segment $AB$ is the same as the length of segment $BA$.

                                                                              theorem EuclidGeom.length_eq_length_add_length {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} {A : P} (lieson : EuclidGeom.lies_on A seg) :
                                                                              seg.length = { source := seg.source, target := A }.length + { source := A, target := }.length

                                                                              Given a segment and a point that lies on the segment, the additional point will separate the segment into two segments, whose lengths add up to the length of the original segment.

                                                                              theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.length_eq_length_add_length_of_lies_on_extn {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} {A : P} (h : EuclidGeom.lies_on A (EuclidGeom.SegND.extension seg_nd)) :
                                                                              { source := seg_nd.source, target := A }.length = (seg_nd).length + { source :=, target := A }.length

                                                                              (9) Midpoint #

                                                                              Given a segment $AB$, this function returns the midpoint of $AB$, defined as moving from $A$ by the vector $\overrightarrow{AB}/2$.

                                                                              • seg.midpoint = (1 / 2) seg.toVec +ᵥ seg.source
                                                                              Instances For
                                                                                @[inline, reducible]
                                                                                Instances For
                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.vec_source_midpt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                                  EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg.source seg.midpoint = (1 / 2) EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg.source
                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.vec_source_midpt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} :
                                                                                  EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg_nd.source (EuclidGeom.SegND.midpoint seg_nd) = (1 / 2) EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg_nd.source

                                                                                  Given a segment $AB$, the vector from the midpoint of $AB$ to $B$ is half of the vector from $A$ to $B$

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.vec_midpt_target {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                                  EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg.midpoint = (1 / 2) EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg.source
                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.vec_midpt_eq {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                                  EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg.source seg.midpoint = EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg.midpoint

                                                                                  Given a segment $AB$, the vector from $A$ to the midpoint of $AB$ is same as the vector from the midpoint of $AB$ to $B$

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.vec_eq_of_eq_midpt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {X : P} {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} (h : X = seg.midpoint) :

                                                                                  Given a segment $AB$ and its midpoint P, the vector from $A$ to $P$ is same as the vector from $P$ to $B$

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.midpt_of_vector_from_source {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} (h : EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg.source A = (1 / 2) EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg.source :
                                                                                  A = seg.midpoint

                                                                                  Given a segment $AB$ and a point P, if vector $\overrightarrow{AP}$ is half of vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$, P is the midpoint of $AB$.

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.midpt_of_vector_from_source {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} (h : EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg_nd.source A = (1 / 2) EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg_nd.source :
                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.midpt_of_vector_to_target {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} (h : EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt A = (1 / 2) EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg.source :
                                                                                  A = seg.midpoint

                                                                                  Given a segment $AB$ and a point P, if vector $\overrightarrow{PB}$ is half of vector $\overrightarrow{AB}$, P is the midpoint of $AB$.

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.midpt_of_vector_to_target {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} (h : EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt A = (1 / 2) EuclidGeom.Vec.mkPtPt seg_nd.source :

                                                                                  Given a segment $AB$ and a point P, if vector $\overrightarrow{AP}$ is same as vector $\overrightarrow{PB}$, P is the midpoint of $AB$.

                                                                                  The midpoint of a segment lies on the segment.

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.lies_on_of_eq_midpt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} (h : A = seg.midpoint) :

                                                                                  The midpoint of a segment lies on the segment.

                                                                                  The midpoint of a nondegenerate segment lies in the interior of the segment.

                                                                                  The midpoint of a nondegenerate segment is not equal to the source of the segment.

                                                                                  The midpoint of a nondegenerate segment is not equal to the target of the segment.

                                                                                  The midpoint of a nondegenerate segment lies in the interior of the segment.

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.midpt_iff_same_vector_to_source_and_target {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {X : P} {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                                  X = seg.midpoint { source := seg.source, target := X }.toVec = { source := X, target := }.toVec

                                                                                  A point $X$ on a given segment $AB$ is the midpoint if and only if the vector $\overrightarrow{AX}$ is the same as the vector $\overrightarrow{XB}$.

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.midpt_iff_same_vector_to_source_and_target {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {X : P} {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} :
                                                                                  X = EuclidGeom.SegND.midpoint seg_nd { source := seg_nd.source, target := X }.toVec = { source := X, target := }.toVec
                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.dist_target_eq_dist_source_of_midpt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                                  { source := seg.source, target := seg.midpoint }.length = { source := seg.midpoint, target := }.length

                                                                                  The midpoint of a segment has same distance to the source and to the target of the segment.

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.dist_target_eq_dist_source_of_midpt' {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                                  { source := seg.midpoint, target := seg.source }.length = { source := seg.midpoint, target := }.length

                                                                                  The midpoint of a segment has same distance to the source and to the target of the segment.

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.two_nsmul_dist_midpt_source_eq_length {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                                  2 dist seg.midpoint seg.source = seg.length
                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.two_nsmul_dist_midpt_target_eq_length {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                                  2 dist seg.midpoint = seg.length
                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.dist_target_eq_dist_source_of_eq_midpt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {X : P} {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} (h : X = seg.midpoint) :
                                                                                  { source := seg.source, target := X }.length = { source := X, target := }.length

                                                                                  The midpoint of a segment has same distance to the source and to the target of the segment.

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.eq_midpt_iff_in_seg_and_dist_target_eq_dist_source {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {X : P} {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                                  X = seg.midpoint EuclidGeom.lies_on X seg { source := seg.source, target := X }.length = { source := X, target := }.length

                                                                                  A point $X$ is the midpoint of a segment $AB$ if and only if $X$ lies on $AB$ and $X$ has equal distance to $A$ and $B$.

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.eq_midpt_iff_in_seg_and_dist_target_eq_dist_source {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {X : P} {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} :
                                                                                  X = EuclidGeom.SegND.midpoint seg_nd EuclidGeom.lies_on X seg_nd { source := seg_nd.source, target := X }.length = { source := X, target := }.length
                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.reverse_midpt_eq_midpt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                                  seg.reverse.midpoint = seg.midpoint

                                                                                  (10) Existence theorem #

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.Seg.target_eq_vec_vadd_target_midpt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg : EuclidGeom.Seg P} :
                                                                         = { source := seg.source, target := seg.toVec +ᵥ }.midpoint

                                                                                  Given a segment $AB$, the midpoint of $A$ and $B + \overrightarrow{AB}$ is B.

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.target_eq_vec_vadd_target_midpt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} :
                                                                         = { source := seg_nd.source, target := seg_nd.toVecND +ᵥ }.midpoint
                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.target_lies_int_seg_source_vec_vadd_target {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} :
                                                                                  EuclidGeom.lies_int { source := seg_nd.source, target := seg_nd.toVecND +ᵥ }

                                                                                  This theorem should be replaced! B is midpt of A and B + VEC A B, midpt liesint a seg_nd Given a nondegenerate segment $AB$, B lies in the interior of the segment of $A(B + \overrightarrow{AB})$.

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.exist_pt_beyond_pt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] (l : EuclidGeom.SegND P) :
                                                                                  ∃ (q : P), EuclidGeom.lies_int { source := l.source, target := q }

                                                                                  Archimedean property I : given a directed segment AB (with A ≠ B), then there exists a point P such that B lies on the directed segment AP and P ≠ B.

                                                                                  Archimedean property II: On an nontrivial directed segment, one can always find a point in its interior. This will be moved to later disccusion about midpoint of a segment, as the midpoint is a point in the interior of a nontrivial segment If a segment contains an interior point, then it is nondegenerate

                                                                                  A segment is nondegenerate if and only if it contains an interior point.

                                                                                  theorem EuclidGeom.SegND.exist_int_pt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {seg_nd : EuclidGeom.SegND P} :
                                                                                  ∃ (X : P), EuclidGeom.lies_int X seg_nd

                                                                                  If a segment is nondegenerate, it contains an interior point.

                                                                                  A segment contains an interior point if and only if its length is positive.

                                                                                  A ray contains two distinct points.