Pointwise instances on Submodule
s #
This file provides:
and the actions
which matches the action of Set.mulActionSet
This file also provides:
: forR
, as : Set R
can act onN : Submodule R M
by definings • N
to be the smallest submodule containing alla • n
wherea ∈ s
andn ∈ N
These actions are available in the Pointwise
Implementation notes #
For an R
-module M
, The action of a subset of R
acting on a submodule of M
introduced in
section set_acting_on_submodules
does not have a counterpart in
Other than section set_acting_on_submodules
, most of the lemmas in this file are direct copies of
lemmas from GroupTheory/Submonoid/Pointwise.lean
The submodule with every element negated. Note if R
is a ring and not just a semiring, this
is a no-op, as shown by Submodule.neg_eq_self
Recall that When R
is the semiring corresponding to the nonnegative elements of R'
Submodule R' M
is the type of cones of M
. This instance reflects such cones about 0
This is available as an instance in the Pointwise
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
is involutive.
This is available as an instance in the Pointwise
Instances For
as an order isomorphism.
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
The action on a submodule corresponding to applying the action to every element.
This is available as an instance in the Pointwise
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
See also Submodule.smul_bot
See also Submodule.smul_sup
- (_ : IsCentralScalar α (Submodule R M)) = (_ : IsCentralScalar α (Submodule R M))
The action on a submodule corresponding to applying the action to every element.
This is available as an instance in the Pointwise
This is a stronger version of Submodule.pointwiseDistribMulAction
. Note that add_smul
not hold so this cannot be stated as a Module
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Sets acting on Submodules #
Let R
be a (semi)ring and M
an R
-module. Let S
be a monoid which acts on M
then subsets of S
can act on submodules of M
For subset s ⊆ S
and submodule N ≤ M
, we define s • N
to be the smallest submodule containing
all r • n
where r ∈ s
and n ∈ N
Results #
For arbitrary monoids S
acting distributively on M
, there is an induction principle for s • N
To prove P
holds for all s • N
, it is enough
to prove:
- for all
r ∈ s
andn ∈ N
,P (r • n)
; - for all
andm ∈ s • N
,P (r • n)
; - for all
m₁, m₂
,P m₁
andP m₂
impliesP (m₁ + m₂)
; P 0
To invoke this induction principal, use induction x, hx using Submodule.set_smul_inductionOn
x : M
and hx : x ∈ s • N
When we consider subset of R
acting on M
: the action described above is distributive.Submodule.mem_set_smul
:x ∈ s • N
can be written asr₀ n₀ + ... + rₖ nₖ
whererᵢ ∈ s
andnᵢ ∈ N
:s • N
is the same as⟨s⟩ • N
is the ideal spanned bys
Notes #
- If we assume the addition on subsets of
is the⊔
and subtraction⊓
i.e. useSetSemiring
, then this action actually gives a module structure on submodules ofM
over subsets ofR
. - If we generalize so that
r • N
makes sense for allr : S
, thenSubmodule.singleton_set_smul
can be generalized as well.
Let s ⊆ R
be a set and N ≤ M
be a submodule, then s • N
is the smallest submodule containing
all r • n
where r ∈ s
and n ∈ N
Instances For
Induction principal for set acting on submodules. To prove P
holds for all s • N
, it is enough
to prove:
- for all
r ∈ s
andn ∈ N
,P (r • n)
; - for all
andm ∈ s • N
,P (r • n)
; - for all
m₁, m₂
,P m₁
andP m₂
impliesP (m₁ + m₂)
; P 0
To invoke this induction principal, use induction x, hx using Submodule.set_smul_inductionOn
x : M
and hx : x ∈ s • N
A subset of a ring R
has a multiplicative action on submodules of a module over R
Instances For
In a ring, sets acts on submodules.