

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        theorem EuclidGeom.DirLCInxpts.ext_iff {P : Type u_2} :
        ∀ {inst : EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P} (x y : EuclidGeom.DirLCInxpts P), x = y x.front = y.front x.back = y.back
        theorem EuclidGeom.DirLCInxpts.ext {P : Type u_2} :
        ∀ {inst : EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P} (x y : EuclidGeom.DirLCInxpts P), x.front = y.frontx.back = y.backx = y
        • front : P
        • back : P
        Instances For
          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            theorem EuclidGeom.Circle.pt_pt_tangent_perp {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} {ω : EuclidGeom.Circle P} (h₁ : EuclidGeom.Circle.IsOutside A ω) (h₂ : EuclidGeom.lies_on B ω) (ht : EuclidGeom.Circle.DirLine.IsTangent (DLIN A B (_ : B A)) ω) :
            EuclidGeom.Perpendicular (DLIN ω.center B) (DLIN A B (_ : B A))
            theorem EuclidGeom.Circle.pt_pt_perp_tangent {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} {ω : EuclidGeom.Circle P} (h₁ : EuclidGeom.Circle.IsOutside A ω) (h₂ : EuclidGeom.lies_on B ω) (hp : EuclidGeom.Perpendicular (DLIN A B (_ : B A)) (DLIN ω.center B)) :
            theorem EuclidGeom.Circle.pt_pt_perp_eq_tangent_pt {P : Type u_1} [EuclidGeom.EuclideanPlane P] {A : P} {B : P} {ω : EuclidGeom.Circle P} (h₁ : EuclidGeom.Circle.IsOutside A ω) (h₂ : EuclidGeom.lies_on B ω) (hp : EuclidGeom.Perpendicular (DLIN A B (_ : B A)) (DLIN ω.center B)) :