Quadrilateral #
In this file we define general quadrilaterals as four points on the plane and convex quadrilaterals.
Important Definitions #
Quadrilateral P
: general quadrilaterals on the planeP
, i.e. four points onP
QuadrilateralND P
: quadrilaterals on the planeP
s.t. the points that adjacent is not sameQuadrilateral_cvx P
: convex quadrilaterals on the planeP
Notation #
: notation for quadrilateralA B C D
Implementation Notes #
Currently, we just defines general quadrilaterals, non-degenerate quadrilateral (adjacent points are not the same, or cyclic-non-degenerate) and convex quadrilaterals. There are classes in between. For example, quadrilateral without self-intersection, quadrilateral of stronger non-degenerate (any two points are not same, we call it alternatively-non-degenerate temporarily). Of course many definitions work on these classes already, but without necessarity in application, we will not formalize these class for present.
Class of Quadrilateral: A quadrilateral consists of four points; it is the generalized quadrilateral formed by these four points
- point₁ : P
- point₂ : P
- point₃ : P
- point₄ : P
Instances For
For four points $A$ $B$ $C$ $D$ on a plane, instead of writing Quadrilateral.mk $A$ $B$ $C$ $D$ for the quadrilateral formed by $A$ $B$ $C$ $D$, we use QDR $A$ $B$ $C$ $D$ to denote such a quadrilateral.
- EuclidGeom.termQDR = Lean.ParserDescr.node `EuclidGeom.termQDR 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "QDR")
Instances For
Given a quadrilateral qdr, qdr.edge₁₂ is the edge from the first point to the second point of a quadrilateral.
- EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral.edge₁₂ = { source := qdr.point₁, target := qdr.point₂ }
Instances For
The edge from the second point to the third point of a quadrilateral
- EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral.edge₂₃ = { source := qdr.point₂, target := qdr.point₃ }
Instances For
The edge from the third point to the fourth point of a quadrilateral
- EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral.edge₃₄ = { source := qdr.point₃, target := qdr.point₄ }
Instances For
The edge from the 1st point to the 4th point of a quadrilateral
- EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral.edge₁₄ = { source := qdr.point₁, target := qdr.point₄ }
Instances For
The diagonal from the first point to the third point of a quadrilateral
- EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral.diag₁₃ = { source := qdr.point₁, target := qdr.point₃ }
Instances For
The diagonal from the second point to the fourth point of a quadrilateral
- EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral.diag₂₄ = { source := qdr.point₂, target := qdr.point₄ }
Instances For
The perm quadrilateral, the first point of the perm is the second point of the origin, etc.
- EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral.perm = { point₁ := qdr.point₂, point₂ := qdr.point₃, point₃ := qdr.point₄, point₄ := qdr.point₁ }
Instances For
The flip quadrilateral, exchanged the second point and the fourth.
- EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral.flip = { point₁ := qdr.point₁, point₂ := qdr.point₄, point₃ := qdr.point₃, point₄ := qdr.point₂ }
Instances For
A quadrilateral is called non-degenerate if the points that adjacent is not same
- nd₁₂ : qdr.point₂ ≠ qdr.point₁
- nd₂₃ : qdr.point₃ ≠ qdr.point₂
- nd₃₄ : qdr.point₄ ≠ qdr.point₃
- nd₁₄ : qdr.point₄ ≠ qdr.point₁
Instances For
Class of nd Quadrilateral: A nd quadrilateral is quadrilateral with the property of nd.
- point₁ : P
- point₂ : P
- point₃ : P
- point₄ : P
- nd : s.IsND
Instances For
- EuclidGeom.QuadrilateralND.mk_pt_pt_pt_pt_nd A B C D h = { toQuadrilateral := { point₁ := A, point₂ := B, point₃ := C, point₄ := D }, nd := h }
Instances For
- EuclidGeom.termQDR_nd = Lean.ParserDescr.node `EuclidGeom.termQDR_nd 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "QDR_nd")
Instances For
Given a property that a quadrilateral qdr is nd, this function returns qdr itself as an object in the class of nd quadrilateral
- EuclidGeom.QuadrilateralND.mk_nd h = { toQuadrilateral := qdr, nd := h }
Instances For
- EuclidGeom.termQDR_nd' = Lean.ParserDescr.node `EuclidGeom.termQDR_nd' 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "QDR_nd'")
Instances For
A quadrilateral satisfies InGPos if every 3 vertices are not collinear.
- not_collinear₁₂₃ : ¬EuclidGeom.Collinear qdr.point₁ qdr.point₂ qdr.point₃
- not_collinear₂₃₄ : ¬EuclidGeom.Collinear qdr.point₂ qdr.point₃ qdr.point₄
- not_collinear₃₄₁ : ¬EuclidGeom.Collinear qdr.point₃ qdr.point₄ qdr.point₁
- not_collinear₄₁₂ : ¬EuclidGeom.Collinear qdr.point₄ qdr.point₁ qdr.point₂
Instances For
The edge from the first point to the second point of a QuadrilateralND is non-degenerate.
- (_ : EuclidGeom.PtNe qdr_nd.point₂ qdr_nd.point₁) = (_ : Fact (qdr_nd.point₂ ≠ qdr_nd.point₁))
The edge from the first point to the second point of a QuadrilateralND is non-degenerate.
- (_ : EuclidGeom.PtNe qdr_nd.point₃ qdr_nd.point₂) = (_ : Fact (qdr_nd.point₃ ≠ qdr_nd.point₂))
The edge from the first point to the second point of a QuadrilateralND is non-degenerate.
- (_ : EuclidGeom.PtNe qdr_nd.point₄ qdr_nd.point₃) = (_ : Fact (qdr_nd.point₄ ≠ qdr_nd.point₃))
The edge from the first point to the second point of a QuadrilateralND is non-degenerate.
- (_ : EuclidGeom.PtNe qdr_nd.point₄ qdr_nd.point₁) = (_ : Fact (qdr_nd.point₄ ≠ qdr_nd.point₁))
The edge from the first point to the second point of a quadrilateral
Instances For
The edge from the second point to the third point of a quadrilateral
Instances For
The edge from the third point to the fourth point of a quadrilateral
Instances For
The edge from the fourth point to the first point of a quadrilateral
Instances For
angle at point₁ of qdr_nd
Instances For
angle at point₂ of qdr_nd
Instances For
angle at point₃ of qdr_nd
Instances For
angle at point₄ of qdr_nd
Instances For
triangle point₄ point₁ point₂, which includes angle₁
- qdr_nd.triangle₁ = { point₁ := qdr_nd.point₄, point₂ := qdr_nd.point₁, point₃ := qdr_nd.point₂ }
Instances For
triangle point₁ point₂ point₃, which includes angle₂
- qdr_nd.triangle₂ = { point₁ := qdr_nd.point₁, point₂ := qdr_nd.point₂, point₃ := qdr_nd.point₃ }
Instances For
triangle point₂ point₃ point₄, which includes angle₃
- qdr_nd.triangle₃ = { point₁ := qdr_nd.point₂, point₂ := qdr_nd.point₃, point₃ := qdr_nd.point₄ }
Instances For
triangle point₃ point₄ point₁, which includes angle₄
- qdr_nd.triangle₄ = { point₁ := qdr_nd.point₃, point₂ := qdr_nd.point₄, point₃ := qdr_nd.point₁ }
Instances For
The perm of QuadrilateralND is also QuadrilateralND.
The perm QuadrilateralND, the first point of the perm is the second point of the origin, etc.
- qdr_nd.perm = EuclidGeom.QuadrilateralND.mk_nd (_ : EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral.perm.IsND)
Instances For
The flip of QuadrilateralND is also QuadrilateralND.
The flip QuadrilateralND, exchanged the second point and the fourth.
- qdr_nd.flip = EuclidGeom.QuadrilateralND.mk_nd (_ : EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral.flip.IsND)
Instances For
A Quadrilateral which satisfies InGPos satisfies IsND.
- EuclidGeom.QuadrilateralND.instCoeInGPosIsND = { coe := (_ : qdr.InGPos → qdr.IsND) }
A Quadrilateral is called convex if it's ND and four angles have the same sign.
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Instances For
- EuclidGeom.term_IsConvex = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `EuclidGeom.term_IsConvex 50 50 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "IsConvex")
Instances For
- EuclidGeom.instCoeIsConvexIsND = { coe := (_ : qdr.IsConvex → qdr.IsND) }
- EuclidGeom.instCoeIsConvexToQuadrilateral = { coe := (_ : qdr_nd.IsConvex → qdr_nd.IsConvex) }
- EuclidGeom.instCoeIsConvexToQuadrilateral_1 = { coe := (_ : qdr_nd.IsConvex → qdr_nd.IsConvex) }
Class of Convex Quadrilateral: A convex quadrilateral is quadrilateral with the property of convex.
- point₁ : P
- point₂ : P
- point₃ : P
- point₄ : P
- nd : s.IsND
- convex : s.IsConvex
Instances For
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Instances For
- EuclidGeom.termQDR_cvx = Lean.ParserDescr.node `EuclidGeom.termQDR_cvx 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "QDR_cvx")
Instances For
- EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral_cvx.mk_cvx h = { toQuadrilateralND := EuclidGeom.QuadrilateralND.mk_nd (_ : qdr.IsND), convex := h }
Instances For
- EuclidGeom.termQDR_cvx' = Lean.ParserDescr.node `EuclidGeom.termQDR_cvx' 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "QDR_cvx'")
Instances For
- qdr_nd : EuclidGeom.QuadrilateralND P
- same_side₁ : EuclidGeom.odist_sign s.qdr_nd.point₁ s.qdr_nd.edgeND₃₄ = EuclidGeom.odist_sign s.qdr_nd.point₂ s.qdr_nd.edgeND₃₄
- same_side₂ : EuclidGeom.odist_sign s.qdr_nd.point₂ s.qdr_nd.edgeND₄₁ = EuclidGeom.odist_sign s.qdr_nd.point₃ s.qdr_nd.edgeND₄₁
- same_side₃ : EuclidGeom.odist_sign s.qdr_nd.point₃ s.qdr_nd.edgeND₁₂ = EuclidGeom.odist_sign s.qdr_nd.point₄ s.qdr_nd.edgeND₁₂
Instances For
- qdr : EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral P
- ne₁ : s.qdr.point₁ ≠ s.qdr.point₃
- ne₂ : s.qdr.point₂ ≠ s.qdr.point₄
- diag₁₃ : EuclidGeom.SegND P
- diag₂₄ : EuclidGeom.SegND P
- not_para : ¬EuclidGeom.Parallel s.diag₁₃ s.diag₂₄
- inx_lies_int₁ : EuclidGeom.lies_int (EuclidGeom.Line.inx s.diag₁₃.toLine s.diag₂₄.toLine (_ : ¬EuclidGeom.Parallel s.diag₁₃ s.diag₂₄)) s.diag₁₃
- inx_lies_int₂ : EuclidGeom.lies_int (EuclidGeom.Line.inx s.diag₁₃.toLine s.diag₂₄.toLine (_ : ¬EuclidGeom.Parallel s.diag₁₃ s.diag₂₄)) s.diag₂₄
Instances For
The perm of quadrilateral_cvx is also quadrilateral_cvx.
The perm quadrilateral_cvx, the first point of the perm is the second point of the origin, etc.
- EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral_cvx.perm qdr_cvx = EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral_cvx.mk_cvx (_ : qdr_cvx.perm.IsConvex)
Instances For
Given a convex quadrilateral qdr_cvx ABCD, quadrilateral QDR BCDA is also convex.
The flip of quadrilateral_cvx is also quadrilateral_cvx.
- EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral_cvx.flip qdr_cvx = EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral_cvx.mk_cvx (_ : qdr_cvx.flip.IsConvex)
Instances For
Given a convex quadrilateral qdr_cvx, diagonal from the first point to the second point is not degenerate, i.e. the second point is not equal to the first point.
- (_ : EuclidGeom.PtNe qdr_cvx.point₃ qdr_cvx.point₁) = (_ : Fact (qdr_cvx.point₃ ≠ qdr_cvx.point₁))
Given a convex quadrilateral qdr_cvx, diagonal from the first point to the second point is not degenerate, i.e. the second point is not equal to the first point.
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The non-degenerate diagonal from the first point and third point of a convex quadrilateral
- EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral_cvx.diag_nd₁₃ qdr_cvx = SEG_nd qdr_cvx.point₁ qdr_cvx.point₃ (_ : qdr_cvx.point₃ ≠ qdr_cvx.point₁)
Instances For
The non-degenerate diagonal from the second point and fourth point of a convex quadrilateral
- EuclidGeom.Quadrilateral_cvx.diag_nd₂₄ qdr_cvx = SEG_nd qdr_cvx.point₂ qdr_cvx.point₄ (_ : qdr_cvx.point₄ ≠ qdr_cvx.point₂)
Instances For
Two diagonals are not parallel to each other
The intersection point of two diagonals
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Instances For
The interior of two diagonals intersect at one point, i.e. the intersection point of the underlying lines of the diagonals lies in the interior of both diagonals.
Given a convex quadrilateral qdr_cvx, its 1st, 2nd and 3rd points are not collinear, i.e. the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₁ point₂}$ is not the same as the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₁ point₃}$.
Given a convex quadrilateral qdr_cvx, its 2nd, 3rd and 4th points are not collinear, i.e. the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₂ point₃}$ is not the same as the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₂ point₄}$.
Given a convex quadrilateral qdr_cvx, its 3rd, 4th and 1st points are not collinear, i.e. the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₃ point₄}$ is not the same as the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₃ point₁}$.
Given a convex quadrilateral qdr_cvx, its 4th, 1st and 3rd points are not collinear, i.e. the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₃ point₄}$ is not the same as the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₃ point₁}$.
Given a convex quadrilateral qdr_cvx, its 4th, 3rd and 1st points are not collinear, i.e. the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₃ point₄}$ is not the same as the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₃ point₁}$.
Given a convex quadrilateral qdr_cvx, its 1st, 4th and 3rd points are not collinear, i.e. the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₃ point₄}$ is not the same as the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₃ point₁}$.
Given a convex quadrilateral qdr_cvx, its 4th, 1st and 2nd points are not collinear, i.e. the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₄ point₁}$ is not the same as the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₄ point₂}$.
Given a convex quadrilateral qdr_cvx, its 2nd, 1st and 4th points are not collinear, i.e. the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₄ point₁}$ is not the same as the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₄ point₂}$.
Given a convex quadrilateral qdr_cvx, its 1st, 4th and 2nd points are not collinear, i.e. the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₄ point₁}$ is not the same as the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₄ point₂}$.
Given a convex quadrilateral qdr_cvx, its 1st, 2nd and 4th points are not collinear, i.e. the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₄ point₁}$ is not the same as the projective direction of the vector $\overrightarrow{point₄ point₂}$.
triangle point₄ point₁ point₂, which includes angle₁
- qdr_cvx.triangle_nd₁ = { val := qdr_cvx.triangle₁, property := (_ : ¬EuclidGeom.Collinear qdr_cvx.point₄ qdr_cvx.point₁ qdr_cvx.point₂) }
Instances For
triangle point₁ point₂ point₃, which includes angle₂
- qdr_cvx.triangle_nd₂ = { val := qdr_cvx.triangle₂, property := (_ : ¬EuclidGeom.Collinear qdr_cvx.point₁ qdr_cvx.point₂ qdr_cvx.point₃) }
Instances For
triangle point₂ point₃ point₄, which includes angle₃
- qdr_cvx.triangle_nd₃ = { val := qdr_cvx.triangle₃, property := (_ : ¬EuclidGeom.Collinear qdr_cvx.point₂ qdr_cvx.point₃ qdr_cvx.point₄) }
Instances For
triangle point₃ point₄ point₁, which includes angle₄
- qdr_cvx.triangle_nd₄ = { val := qdr_cvx.triangle₄, property := (_ : ¬EuclidGeom.Collinear qdr_cvx.point₃ qdr_cvx.point₄ qdr_cvx.point₁) }